Saturday, October 1, 2011



Note: Just a few miles from where Agent Terry was shot. Evidently
the border is still more secure than ever.

Man reports being shot in face
Posted: Friday, September 30, 2011 8:27 am
By JB Miller For the Nogales International | 2 comments

A Mexican man told authorities this week that he was shot in the face
after being confronted by a group of armed men southeast of Patagonia
two months ago.
On Sept. 25 at approximately 12:05 p.m., Border Patrol notified the
Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office of an illegal border-crosser being
held at the Sonoita Station who reported being robbed two months

Joel Kosteritzky-Mendoza, 23, of Cananea, Sonora allegedly told
deputies he was transporting marijuana with 14 other people through
Cacahuate Canyon, located near Saddle Canyon south of Harshaw Creek,
when the group encountered six armed men wearing camouflage clothing
and masks.
"Upon seeing these armed individuals the group ran and the assailants
opened fire striking Mr. Kosteritzky-Mendoza in the face," said
Sheriff's Office Lt. Raul Rodriguez, referring to the deputies' report.
Kosteritzky-Mendoza told deputies he eventually made it back to
Mexico, where he was taken to a doctor and received medical attention.
"The victim indicated that he could not identify any of the suspects
and assured law enforcement that he was the only person shot because
he confirmed that all the others in his group returned to Mexico
safely," Rodriguez said. "Mr. Kosteritzky-Mendoza did not want to
pursue the matter, he only wanted authorities to know of the incident."
The sheriff's office called Kosteritzky-Mendoza a "known drug
trafficker" who claimed to have brought marijuana through the same
route several times. He was reportedly carrying 40 pounds of
marijuana at the time of his latest arrest.

Note: saw the video, his demeanor was very calm, fatalistic? Giving
names, etc. Check out uniforms, gear of the NCJ guys.

New Juárez Cartel shown questioning guard in video
By Daniel Borunda \ EL PASO TIMES
Posted: 09/30/2011 12:00:00 AM MDT

The New Juárez Cartel has emerged in a video showing paramilitary
gunmen interrogating a Juárez prison guard claiming he and other
guards worked for the rival Sinaloa drug cartel. (Courtesy YouTube)

The New Juárez Cartel has emerged in a video showing paramilitary
gunmen interrogating a Juárez prison guard claiming he and other
guards worked for the rival Sinaloa drug cartel.
This video is the latest public exhibition of the so-called New
Juárez Cartel, which is reportedly an offshoot of the Juárez cartel's
La Linea organization and allied with reputed kingpin Vicente
Carrillo Fuentes.
Both in the video and banners recently unveiled in Juárez, the New
Juárez Cartel makes threats against reputed Sinaloa cartel boss
Joaquin "Chapo" Guzman and his lieutenants in Chihuahua.
Since 2008, more than 8,500 people have been killed in Juá rez in a
war between the Juárez and Sinaloa cartels.
Mexican federal police reportedly told Chihuahua news outlets that
initial intelligence suggests the new cartel was formed by old allies
of the Carrillo Fuentes brothers and the group is actively recruiting
young men.
Borrowing a page from cartels that claim to protect society, the New
Juárez Cartel has reportedly vowed to protect Juárenses from
kidnappings for ransom, robberies, extortion and the killings of
innocent people.
A U.S. law-enforcement official said it was too early to tell if the
New Juárez Cartel was a new group or an existing organization with a
new name.
The cartel video shows a man identifying himself as Concepcion
Marquez Aguilar, a prison guard at the former Chihuahua state prison
in Juárez that earlier this year was converted to a federal
correctional facility.
On Sunday, Marquez was found shot to death off a highway south of
Juárez, said Carlos Gonzalez, a spokesman for the state prosecutor's
office in Chihuahua City. Gonzalez said there had been no reports
regarding Marquez's disappearance and it is believed he was surprised
by his killers going home from work.
In the six-minute video posted Monday on YouTube, Marquez casually
answers questions while seated in a chair surrounded by a dozen
gunmen wearing SWAT-style tactical uniforms with helmets, masks and
vests stating "NCJ" for Nuevo Cartel de Juárez.
In the video, a man off camera questions Marquez about prison staff
working for the Sinaloa cartel.
Marquez claims 15 to 20 guards are ex-military members from out of
state who work for a prison supervisor named "Benjamin El Guasón" or
"Benjamin the Joker." According to Marquez, "Benjamin El Guasón"
takes orders from the Sinaloa cartel and is backed by the Artistas
Asesinos and Mexicles gangs.
The guards "work in there (the prison) and in the afternoons they go
out to kill," said Marquez, who had bruises on his face.
"They go out to kill at night?" the interrogator asked forcefully.
"Yes," Marquez answered.
The video does not depict any violence but stated "this will happen
to all guards who support" Sinaloa cartel leaders. Similar threats
were made on banners recently found in Juá rez.
Claims made on the video could not be verified. Mexican drug cartels
regularly use the Internet to issue threats and boast in a type of
narco propaganda.
Daniel Borunda may be reached at; 546-6102.
Times reporter Marisela Ortega Lozano contributed to this story.

Decomisan en Honduras armas procedentes de EU
El reporte policial indicó que fueron encontradas luego de que nadie
reclamó en Puerto Cortes una caja que supuestamente contenía "ropa".
Publicado: 30/09/2011 09:16

Tegucigalpa. Armas procedentes de Estados Unidos fueron decomisadas
en Puerto Cortes, en la costa atlántica de Honduras, informó este
viernes el comisario de la Policía Nacional, Mauricio Hernández.

El reporte policial indicó que las armas fueron encontradas luego de
que nadie reclamó en el puerto una caja que supuestamente contenía
"ropa", la cual al ser inspeccionada se descubrió que contenía armas
envueltas en papel aluminio y papel carbón, utilizados para evadir
los rayos gamma.

Agregó que las armas fueron enviadas por Héctor Figueroa a Concepción
Duarte, residente en la comunidad de San Francisco de la Paz,
departamento de Olancho, en el oriente del país.

La policía detalló que se decomisaron una ametralladora Mini Uzi 14,
dos fusiles AK-47, dos fusiles R-15 con mira telescópica, un fusil
2.23 con mira telescópica y lente infrarrojo para operaciones nocturnas.

Además una pistola Glock de nueve milímetros, seis culatas para
diferentes fusiles, 16 cargadores para AK-47 y otros fusiles de
asalto y más de cuatro mil municiones.

Publicada: 30/09/2011 10:16 Por: Ana I. Zepeda
Bloquean Rosales alumnos de Secundaria 24

Decenas de alumnos y padres de familia de la escuela Secundaria 24
bloquean en estos momentos el bulevar Rosales a la altura del
Auditorio Cívico del Estado, debido a motivos de seguridad de los
alumnos. Foto: Julián Ortega

Video 'Paraliza' tráfico vehicular bloqueo de alumnos

Molestos por no contar con seguridad en la puerta de entrada de la
Secundaria 24, padres de familia y alumnos bloquearon el bulevar

Desde las 7:00 horas y hasta las 8:30 los manifestantes permanecieron
en las calles y bloquearon el tránsito vehicular, por lo que fue
necesaria la intervención de las autoridades para desviar a los carros.

Los papás exigen un guardia de seguridad en la puerta de acceso, pues
han tenido problemas con el ingreso de gente ajena al plantel, lo que
pone en riesgo seguridad de sus hijos.

Roban armamento de la policía de Tenango del Aire

MÉXICO, D.F. (apro).- Un grupo armado arribó la madrugada de este
viernes al municipio de Tenango del Aire, en el Estado de México, y
robó todo el armamento de la Dirección de Seguridad Pública, donde
únicamente se encontraba el radioperador.

Según la Agencia de Seguridad Estatal (ASE), el grupo de entre siete
y 15 sujetos encapuchados arribó al palacio municipal a bordo de
cuatro camionetas y sustrajo 11 armas largas y cuatro pistolas.

Pero eso no fue todo, el comando rompió los seguros de un cajero del
banco Santander que se encontraba en el lugar y se lo llevaron.

De acuerdo con las primeras versiones, los policías de guardia no se
encontraban en su lugar de labores, en virtud de que en ese momento
resguardaban la fiesta religiosa de San Miguel Arcángel, que se
celebra en ese municipio ubicado en la región de los volcanes
Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl.


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