Saturday, October 15, 2011

AZMEX EXTRA 15-10-11


2nd Bush-era 'gun-walking' probe emerges
The Associated Press The Associated Press | Posted: Saturday, October
15, 2011 12:00 am |

WASHINGTON - A second Bush administration gun-trafficking
investigation has surfaced using the same controversial tactic for
which congressional Republicans have been criticizing the Obama
The tactic, called "gun walking," is already under investigation by
the Justice Department's inspector general and by congressional
Republicans, who have criticized the Obama administration for letting
it happen in an operation called "Fast and Furious."
Emails obtained by The Associated Press show how in a 2007
investigation in Phoenix, agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives, depending on Mexican authorities to follow
up, let guns "walk" across the border in an effort to identify higher-
ups in gun networks. Justice Department policy has long required that
illicit arms shipments be intercepted whenever possible.
The 2007 probe operated out of the same ATF office that more recently
ran the flawed Operation Fast and Furious. Both probes resulted in
weapons disappearing across the border into Mexico, according to the
emails. The 2007 probe was relatively small - involving over 200
weapons, just a dozen of which ended up in Mexico as a result of gun-
walking. Fast and Furious involved more than 2,000 weapons, 1,400 of
which have not been recovered and an unknown number of which wound up
in Mexico.
Earlier this month, it was disclosed that the gun-walking tactic
didn't begin under Obama, but was also used in 2006 under his
predecessor, George W. Bush. The probe, Operation Wide Receiver, was
carried out by ATF's Tucson office and resulted in hundreds of guns
being transferred to suspected arms traffickers.
The older gun-walking cases now coming to light from the Bush
administration illustrate how ATF - particularly its Phoenix field
division, which also encompasses Tucson - has struggled for years to
counter criticism that its normal seize-and-arrest tactics never
caught any trafficking kingpins and were little more than a minor

Note: found this one while working on the archive


Note: would suspect if it is .50 cal it would be rifles, not
pistols. Also "mata policias" usually refers to PDW's or pistols in
5.7x28 mm, for which the effective ammunition is only available to
governments. The civilian correct ammo usually gathers dust on the
gun shop shelves.

Narcos increase arms purchases cop killers
February 23, 2009 04:51 The Universal / The Journal of Sonora

According to Newell, the Gulf cartel and the Pacific (Sinalos)
are the leading consumers of weapons.
U.S. warn of possible attacks against Mexican officials due to
increased sales of firearms capable of penatrating armored vehicles

City of Mexico.
The U.S. official William D. Newell warned of possible attacks by
organized crime against senior officials in Mexico due to increased
sales of firearms capable of passing armored vehicles.

According to the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff, Firearms
and Explosives (ATF, for its acronym in English) in Phoenix, Arizona,
has grown markedly marketing 50 caliber pistols, known as "cop killer".

In conference at U.S. Embassy in Mexico, said that since the start of
the Gunrunner project in April 2005, the number of arrests for arms
trafficking has increased 450 percent.

He explained that in 2008 the agency in charge of investigations
carried out 202 investigations that resulted in the arrest of 300
individuals involved in that crime.

Between October 2008 and 17 Feb. 230 inquiries were initiated which
resulted in the seizure of more than 400 weapons and thousands of
cartridges intended to be sold illegally in Mexico.

According to the official in Arizona, unusual increase in the sale of
50 caliber pistols, so it is likely to initiate attacks on organized
crime leaders of criminal groups or senior officials.

The weapons mentioned has enough power to pass some light armor
vehicles and bulletproof vests that are used in these areas, he added.

Of all firearms investigations initiated by the ATF, half were at the
request of the Attorney General's Office (PGR), which requested the
tracking of weapons confiscated in Mexico, explained the head of the
ATF in Phoenix.

He said the main points of entry of arms from the American Union
towards Mexico are Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa, Tamaulipas,
Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Nogales, Naco and Agua Prieta, Sonora, and
Tijuana, Baja California.

According to Newell, the Gulf cartel and the Pacific are the leading
consumers of weapons.

Narcos aumentan compra de armas matapolicías
23 February, 2009 04:51 El Universal/El Diario de Sonora
Tamaño de la fuente:
Según Newell, los cárteles del Golfo y del Pacífico son los
principales demandantes de armamento.
Alertan en Estados Unidos sobre posibles ataques contra altos
funcionarios mexicanos debido al incremento en la venta de armas de
fuego capaces de traspasar los vehículos blindados

Ciudad de México.
El funcionario estadunidense William D. Newell alertó sobre
posibles ataques del crimen organizado en México contra altos
funcionarios debido al incremento en la venta de armas de fuego
capaces de traspasar los vehículos blindados.

De acuerdo con el director de la Agencia de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas de
Fuego y Explosivos (ATF, por sus siglas en inglés) , en Phoenix,
Arizona, ha crecido notoriamente la comercialización de pistolas
calibre 50, conocidas como "matapolicías".

En conferencia en la Embajada de Estados Unidos en México, refirió
que desde la entrada en vigor del proyecto Gunrunner, en abril de
2005, el número de arrestos por tráfico de armas se incrementó 450
por ciento.

Detalló que durante 2008 el organismo a su cargo llevó a cabo 202
investigaciones que derivaron en la detención de 300 sujetos
implicados en ese delito.

Entre octubre de 2008 y el 17 de febrero pasado se iniciaron 230
indagatorias que dieron como resultado el decomiso de más de 400
armas y miles de cartuchos que pretendían comercializarse ilegalmente
en México, describió.

De acuerdo con el funcionario de Arizona, es inusual el aumento en la
venta de pistolas calibre 50, por lo que es probable que el crimen
organizado emprenda ataques contra los líderes de los grupos
delictivos o funcionarios de alto rango.

El armamento referido tiene la potencia suficiente para traspasar
algunos blindajes ligeros de vehículos, así como los chalecos
antibalas que se utilizan en esas esferas, añadió.

Del total de investigaciones sobre armas de fuego iniciadas por la
ATF, la mitad fueron a petición de la Procuraduría General de la
República (PGR) , que solicitó el rastreo de artefactos decomisados
en territorio mexicano, expuso el titular de la ATF en Phoenix.

Indicó que los principales puntos de entrada de armas desde la Unión
Americana hacia México son Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo y Reynosa,
Tamaulipas; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; Nogales, Naco y Agua Prieta,
Sonora, así como Tijuana, Baja California.

Según Newell, los cárteles del Golfo y del Pacífico son los
principales demandantes de armamento.

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