Sunday, May 1, 2011


Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 1, 2011 7:32:04 AM MST


----- Original Message -----
From: 912 Project Cochise County
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 12:26 AM

If you thought that the "chain in" at the TUSD was just a bunch of punk kids throwing a temper tantrum--think again. 

 This is the work of the SEIU and they will be in the streets tomorrow and it will  be live streamed beginning at 9am. 

 This is how the progressives are going to get blood in the streets--they are using children against us. 

 They are totally dispicable.  You must pay attention to what happens tomorrow because it is the beginning of an assault on our way of life.

  Read the flyer--these kids didn't think this one up. 

  "Unity, solidarity and a militant fighting spirit are what is needed to stop all the attacks against workers and oppressed people." 

 Does this sound like those kids pounding their fists on the table??  

 History is repeating-- and we need to pay close attention!!




Stop the attacks on youth, (im)migrants and all workers!

9:00am Gather at Greyhound Park - SE corner of 4th Ave & 36th St.
11:30am - March to the rally at Armory Park - SE corner of 6th Ave & 13th St.


The recent attacks against Tucson students demanding their basic right to an education, the wave of anti-immigrant legislation sweeping the country, the continuing mass deportations and the poisonous political climate of racism and anti-immigrant bigotry all show the need for the most united, militant action possible this May Day. Unity, solidarity and a militant fighting spirit are what is needed to stop all the attacks against workers and oppressed people.


May 1st, International Workers' Day, originated in the U.S. out of the struggle of immigrants and other workers who in 1886 fought and died for the eight-hour workday and the right of all workers to a decent life. On the 125th anniversary of May Day we must revive this spirit of struggle.

We must push back the right-wingers who call our youth thugs and blame the budget deficit on workers and their unions. We must tell the bosses and bankers that we will not allow them to place the burden of their crisis on our backs. We must stand up to ICE and Border Patrol and tell them Stop the Raids and Deportations and Get Out of Our Communities!

This May Day we must stand together and demand "Stop the War Against the Workers and the Poor!"

Event Information:

On May 1st, 2011, thousands of (im)migrants, students,  teachers, workers and their supporters will come out to demand human, civil and worker rights.  The U.S. and Arizona legislatures have continued their attacks on our communities, proposing legislation that targets businesses, and schools, hospitals and homes alike.  


Their Demands:

We demand justice for the more than 5,000 men, women and children who have died on the U.S. – México border.

We demand an end to the murders by Border Patrol, and justice for Carlos and Ramses.

We demand respect for all workers, and the unions that organize them.

We demand respect for all students, and the schools that educate them.

We demand justice for the death and division that xenophobic policies have brought to our homes, hospitals, schools and workplaces.


We must go back to the streets to end the raids and deportations, stop the deaths at the U.S.-México border, demilitarize border communities and ensure that ALL workers have full and equal rights.


Event Flyer:

Web Site:


There will be a live video feed at:

We'll discuss this at our next meeting- 

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