Wednesday, May 8, 2013



Comments : Agua Prieta directly across the fence from Douglas, AZ.
Some strange details in this account. In AP with unloaded weapons?
Don't add up for sure. The area a successful plaza, but pretty quiet
sector of the AZMEX border. There is local concern if these events
will destabilize the area.
Was the arrest a mistake? Or a part of ongoing negotiations on who
is in charge.
Now looking more like a "message" to his son-in-law, el chapo.
Not to forget the distress that the lovely and delightful Emma must
feel now, and of course the beautiful and adorable twins whose
grandpa has been taken. ( If AZ gets traded back to Mexico for a
truck load of cocaine, your correspondent is ready)

The Federal Police spied for three months on father-in-law of Chapo
POLICE • 2 MAYO 2013 - 9:54 a.m. - IGNACIO ALZAGA
MILLENNIUM reconstructs the arrest of Colonel Agnes Barreras, took
place last Tuesday.
Photo: Special

Take father-in-law of 'El Chapo' on a clean operation
Mexico City • Incredulous, Ines Coronel Barreras kept cursing
"bitches" after being captured with his son by special forces. With
the power of being the father-in-law of the drug trafficker "most
dangerous in the world", he was confident, was sure were not going to
catch ... and his escorts reached to load the weapons to even attempt
to avoid arrest.

He lived and acted narco, he knew nothing else. "Even with his
'status' within the structure of organized crime, preferring to
continue peddling marijuana sent to Arizona to with 'burreros' he
liked to personally supervise cargo shipping", say officials of the
national security cabinet to MILLENNIUM.

Capturing the father of Emma Coronel, third wife of drug lord Joaquin
El Chapo Guzman, preceded three months of intelligence work
coordinated CISEN and the Secretariat of National Defense that the
vise closed with reports of the Navy, the PGR and Federal Police,
which allowed to locate him a day before his arrest.

It was an elite of PF which did the surprise in Agua Prieta, Sonora,
in "flagrante delicto" with his son and just three gunmen who acted
as escorts when preparing a shipment of marijuana that was to be sent
to the United States.

According to a statement of facts, federal, last Monday night were
able to confirm the exact location of Ines Coronel Barreras after
crossing intelligence reports that generated national security
institutions since the last week of January 2013.

PF Authorities an elite moved to the residential area where aboard
two luxury vans arrived the suspect with his son Omar Ines Coronel
Aispuro and assumptions escorts Juan Elias Ruiz Beltran, Jose
Heriberto Rios Beltran Morales and Reynaldo Cardenas.

On the night of April 29 the feds confirmed the identity of the
father of El Chapo who became one of the safe houses used as the
winery where he stored marijuana suspects stopped for the night.
The agents wanted to wait until the next day to stop them.

Around seven o'clock on Tuesday, PF elements observed movements in
the cellar, in preparation of a shipment would be sent over to the U.S..

He gave the order to arrest them. Neither Ines nor his bodyguards
Barreras Coronel managed to react, it is not even able to hit men
fill their guns with cartridges.

The only one who tried to escape was the son Inés Omar, who managed
to jump a fence but was caught by the feds. They seized firearms and
255 kilos of marijuana in 32 bundles.

"Only a matter of will, of desire to want to catch him, to throw
intelligence work" (sic), 'a command of the PF.

You may wonder how an alleged drug trafficker to the "hierarchy" in
the criminal world had no more security than not to resist. "Clearly,
there had been resistance, but here the difference between a
shooting, between life and death is the coordinated, based on
intelligence, were accustomed to impunity," he replies, his voice grim.

Colonel Agnes Disbelief Barreras happened to "pissed off".
"Chingada fucking mother ..." read without insulting or threatening
their captors. He kept moving his head from side to side and
clenching, not to escape other curses.

La PF espió durante tres meses al suegro del Chapo Guzmán
MILENIO reconstruye la aprehensión de Inés Coronel Barreras, ocurrida
el pasado martes.
Foto: Especial

Confirma Segob captura de Inés Coronel Barreras, suegro de "El Chapo"

Cae suegro de 'El Chapo' en un operativo limpio
Ciudad de México • Incrédulo, Inés Coronel Barreras no dejaba de
maldecir: "¡chingada madre!", luego de ser capturado con su hijo por
fuerzas especiales. Con el poder que le otorgaba ser suegro del
narcotraficante "más peligroso del mundo", estaba confiado, seguro de
que no lo iban a atrapar…ni sus escoltas alcanzaron a cargar las
armas para siquiera intentar evitar el arresto.

Vivía del narco y actuaba como narco, no sabía hacer otra cosa. "Aun
con su 'estatus' dentro la estructura del crimen organizado, prefería
seguir traficando con marihuana que enviaba a Arizona hasta con
'burreros', le gustaba supervisar personalmente el envío de
cargamentos", dicen a MILENIO funcionarios del gabinete de seguridad

A la captura del padre de Emma Coronel, tercera esposa del capo
Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, antecedieron tres meses de trabajo
coordinado de inteligencia del CISEN y de la Secretaría de la Defensa
Nacional que cerraron la pinza con informes de la Marina, de la PGR y
de la Policía Federal, lo que permitió ubicarlo un día antes de su

Fue un cuerpo de elite de la PF la que logró sorprenderlo en Agua
Prieta, Sonora, en "flagrancia" con su hijo y únicamente tres
sicarios que fungían como escoltas cuando preparaban un cargamento de
marihuana que iba a ser enviado a Estados Unidos.

De acuerdo con un parte informativo de autoridades federales, la
noche del lunes pasado se logró conocer con exactitud la ubicación de
Inés Coronel Barreras, después del cruce de reportes de inteligencia
que generaron las instituciones de seguridad nacional desde la última
semana de enero de 2013.

Autoridades de la PF desplazaron un cuerpo de elite hasta la zona
residencial donde a bordo de dos camionetas de lujo llegaron el
sospechoso con su hijo Inés Omar Coronel Aispuro y los supuestos
escoltas Juan Elías Ruiz Beltrán, José Heriberto Beltrán Cárdenas y
Reynaldo Ríos Morales.

La noche del 29 de abril los federales confirmaron la identidad del
suegro de El Chapo quien llegó a una de las casas de seguridad que
utilizaba y a la bodega donde almacenaba marihuana, donde pernoctaron
los sospechosos.
Los agentes prefirieron esperar hasta el día siguiente para detenerlos.

Alrededor de las siete de la mañana del martes, los elementos de la
PF observaron movimientos en la bodega, parte de los preparativos de
un cargamento más que sería enviado a EU.

Se dio la orden de arrestarlos. Ni Inés Coronel Barreras ni sus
escoltas lograron reaccionar, es más los sicarios ni siquiera
lograron abastecer sus armas con cartuchos.

El único que intentó escapar fue el hijo Inés Omar, quien logró
saltar una reja pero fue capturado por los federales. Se les
decomisaron armas de fuego y 255 kilos de marihuana en 32 paquetes.

"Únicamente era cuestión de voluntad, de ganas de querer atraparlo,
de echarle labores de inteligencia " (sic), comenta un mando de la PF.

Se le pregunta cómo es posible que un presunto narcotraficante de esa
"jerarquía" en el mundo criminal no tuviera más seguridad, que no
opusiera resistencia. "Resistencia claro que hubiera habido, pero
aquí la diferencia entre una balacera, entre la vida y la muerte es
el trabajo coordinado, basado en inteligencia, estaban acostumbrados
a la impunidad", responde con voz parca.

La incredulidad de Inés Coronel Barreras pasó al "encabronamiento".
"Chingada madre…puta madre¡", decía sin insultar ni amenazar a sus
captores. No dejaba de mover la cabeza de un lado a otro y de apretar
los dientes, para que no escaparan otras maldiciones.

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