Tuesday, March 25, 2014

AZMEX I3 25-3-14

AZMEX I3 25 MAR 2014

Women and teenage illegal immigrants pay thousands to cross US-Mexico border, often raped and sexually assaulted by guides
Written by Staff
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 10:27
By Carlos Garcia • Latin Post • www.LatinPost.com

EAGLE PASS, TX - There is a booming business taking place on the U.S.-Mexico border: Human trafficking. Migrants who want to cross into the U.S. pay thousands of dollars to guides who use their knowledge of the land to bring them safely across while avoiding the border patrol. "Coyote" is the name given in the trade for the human smugglers who are responsible for the majority of the illegal immigration across the Southwest border.

One of these coyotes is a 29-year-old woman named "Paula", who lives in the border city of Piedras Negras, across from Eagle Pass, Texas. She says she's been a coyote since she was 17 years old. In the 12 years of doing this line of work, she says she has only been caught by the Border Patrol four times. Each time, her clients tell the federal agent that she is just another illegal immigrant and she gets released instead of being prosecuted as a human smuggler.

Paula and other coyotes make a very good living compared to the other economic opportunities available to them. In her case, clients will pay $1,500 to San Antonio or $1,800 to Houston, $300-400 of which goes to Paula for each client she smuggles. She usually makes a couple of trips a month.

"I feel like I'm helping them. Things are rough here," she says. "They can earn a lot better living there, and then send money back to their families in Mexico."


Man deported 14 times to be deported again
By KTAR Newsroom
Originally published: Mar 25, 2014 - 12:31 pm

PHOENIX -- A Mexican man deported 14 times is in the process of being deported again, the Pinal County Sheriff's Office said Tuesday.

Tomas Rivera-Flores was arrested Sunday when a car he was riding in was pulled over by a PCSO deputy.
After being stopped, all four passengers of the vehicle told the deputy they were in the country illegally and could not provide identification.

Rivera-Flores told the deputy his name and that he had been deported 14 times. Border Patrol confirmed that number.

The suspect vehicle had been used in the past to transport marijuana but none was located, PCSO said.
Rivera-Flores and the three other men were turned over to Border Patrol for deportation.


2 hours 49 minutes ago by Ryan Haarer
Group wants city ID cards to protect undocumented immigrants

TUCSON - When police in Arizona make contact with someone who does not have identification they can call immigration enforcement. The Protection Network Coalition in Tucson wants to arm the undocumented with city identification cards to prevent those investigations among other benefits.

"(There are) people being taken away to immigration detention and being held in custody and being separated from their families," said Raul Alcaraz Ochoa, an immigration rights activist behind the effort.

Pat Sexton, president of the Arizona Latino Republican Association, migrated to this country legally years ago. She says a city ID is a slap in the face to those who follow the rules.

"We don't care who comes in to this country, we're going to welcome, quote on quote everybody, which we do. We are a very welcoming country, as long as you follow the rules," said Sexton.

Modeled after a similar program in Oakland the Tucson ID could be used as a bus pass, in health clinics, or even as a bank card. Most importantly it would be recognized by all city services including law enforcement.

"You won't have people living in the shadows, living anonymously in fear," said Alcaraz Ochoa.

He hopes more undocumented people will step up to call police during emergencies and cooperate in police investigations instead of living in fear of deportation. Sexton doesn't think the ID will compel those people to get involved with police.

"Many more people are getting a pass. They're being told they're not going to get deported. So that's a red herring right there."

The plan outlined by the coalition admits there will be significant startup costs. They hope the city will pursue grants to cover the price tag. Pat says the city has bigger fish to fry, like a $33 million budget deficit.

"The infrastructure; there are buildings that need repair and this seems to take precedent. How can that be?" said Sexton.

But dreamers and the undocumented feel this has to work, for security and a better sense of community.

Talks about the city ID are in very early stages. Councilmember Regina Romero's office has been speaking with the Protection Network Coalition about the implementation of these ID's. While she thinks the cards would be great for the economy she is not sure the city should take this on. She thinks it may be better for the county to take on the program to cover more people and more services.


Deportados de EU 20 mil zacatecanos, en 2013; muchos intentan regresar
El Sol de Zacatecas
21 de marzo de 2014
Juan Castro

Zacatecas, Zacatecas.- El diputado migrante, José Guadalupe Hernández Ríos, consideró que en 2013 fueron deportados de Estados Unidos aproximadamente dos millones de mexicanos, y de esta cantidad, se estima que entre 15 mil y 20 mil eran zacatecanos.

El legislador afirmó que en el transcurso de 2014 han incrementado las deportaciones, sin embargo, dijo que se realizan de madrugada y no precisó cuántos paisanos han sido repatriados.

Reprochó que las casas de migrantes que albergan a connacionales repatriados no tienen servicios básicos por la falta de aportaciones gubernamentales.

El diputado petista comentó que los deportados se niegan a regresar a su estado y se aferran a cruzar nuevamente la frontera, pese a que pagan 10 mil dólares a los 'coyotes' para seguir el sueño americano.

Estableció que ante la falta de políticas públicas en favor de los connacionales y frente a las deportaciones, diputados del país realizarán aquí el primer Congreso Nacional de Representantes Legislativos de Atención a Migrantes.

José Guadalupe Hernández Ríos informó que el congreso se realizará el 5 y 6 de abril en la sede del Poder Legislativo local.

Los principales temas a abordar son derechos políticos de los migrantes, políticas de migración, desarrollo y seguridad humana, caravanas migrantes, transparencia y presupuesto federal para migrantes.

Consideró que este sector está abandonado, por ello plantearán a las legislaturas estatales impulsar la representación de migrantes en este Poder y en los ayuntamientos.

El petista adelantó que participarán académicos e investigadores, diputados migrantes, legisladores estadounidenses y la ex gobernadora zacatecana Amalia García Medina, presidenta de la Comisión de Migración del Congreso de la Unión.


Posponen de nuevo audiencia para fijar fecha de juicio a 'El Vicentillo'
Publicado en marzo 24, 2014 por Redacción


Chicago (LA JORNADA).- La audiencia judicial para determinar la fecha de inicio del juicio contra Vicente Zambada Niebla, El Vicentillo, hijo del presunto líder del cártel de Sinaloa, Ismael El Mayo Zambada, fue reprogramada hoy para el próximo 16 de abril.

La audiencia judicial estaba programada para este martes, pero fue suspendida por segunda vez por el juez Rubén Castillo, de la Corte Federal del Distrito Norte en Chicago, a petición tanto de los abogados defensores de Zambada Niebla como de la fiscalía federal.

La secretaria de la Sala de la Corte, Ruth O'Shea, confirmó a Notimex la suspensión y precisó que la audiencia fue reprogramada para el próximo 16 de abril.

La nueva suspensión refuerza versiones periodísticas de que la fiscalía y la defensa estarían negociando un acuerdo que evitaría la realización del juicio.

Bajo el presunto acuerdo, Zambada Niebla se declararía culpable y aceptaría colaborar con las autoridades estadunidenses por una sentencia menor a la cadena perpetua que podría recibir en juicio por alguno de los ocho cargos en su contra por narcotráfico y lavado de dinero.

El Vicentillo fue detenido en México el 19 de marzo de 2009 y extraditado a Estados Unidos 11 meses después, el 18 de febrero de 2010.

Antes de su detención en México, la Agencia Antidrogas de Estados Unidos (DEA) había formulado desde 2003 al menos dos acusaciones en su contra por narcotráfico y lavado de dinero ante cortes federales en Chicago y el Distrito de Columbia.

En las acusaciones, las autoridades estadunidenses argumentan que Zambada Niebla introdujo de contrabando a Estados Unidos más de mil millones de dólares en cocaína y heroína y obtuvo ganancias por al menos 500 millones de dólares traficando hacia Estados Unidos.

De acuerdo con documentos ante la Corte, desde su extradición a Estados Unidos la defensa legal de El Vicentillo y la fiscalía federal han realizado más de 269 peticiones que han postergado el juicio.

En una de las numerosas mociones interpuestas por la defensa, el hijo de El Mayo Zambada se presume inocente de cualquier delito y asegura haber recibido castigos crueles e inusuales, así como violaciones a sus derechos humanos y a su dignidad humana.

Sus abogados defensores han denunciado que El Vicentillo ha sido mantenido en aislamiento y se le ha negado cualquier contacto y todos los accesos a la población carcelaria en general.


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