Laundering money reaches $ 10 billion in Mexico
Details Published on Saturday January 19, 2013, Special Writer
Mexico City.
Represents 3.6 percent of gross domestic product.
In Mexico it is estimated that in 2012 the amount of money laundered
totaled 10 billion dollars, representing 3.6 percent of gross
domestic product (GDP).
So says the document "Money Laundering" conceptual theoretical study,
comparative law, international treaties and the new law on the
subject in Mexico, that the House of Representatives issued a statement.
The report notes that according to the Ministry of Finance and Public
Credit (SHCP), only in the first quarter of 2003 the amount of money
laundering was equivalent to 3.06 percent of GDP, after this period
and until the second quarter of 2009, the percentage of money
laundering equivalent to GDP fluctuated between 1.5 percent and 2.4
"These figures are due to the crime situation that has permeated our
social, economic and financial, that must be triggered in a legal
fight," says the study by the SHCP.
According to the diagnosis of International Monetary Fund (IMF), the
total amount of funds laundered in the world could vary between 2
percent and 5 percent of the global GDP.
Among the predicate offenses to money laundering internationally lies
the smuggling of organs, tissues and medications people, art,
animals, as well as drug trafficking and corruption, extortion and
"The illegal proceeds can be transferred easily and instantly from
one jurisdiction to another" highlights the study.
This is a collection of news about border issues, particularly those seen from Arizona and regarding the right to keep and bear arms. Sources often include Mexican media. It's often interesting to see how different the view is from the south. If you have comments or questions drop a line to (the name of this blog)(a)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Note: as reported days ago, looks like clear path into AZ now.
US reports major marijuana bust at Arizona entry
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 21, 2013 - 1:35 pm
NOGALES, Ariz. -- Federal authorities say agents recently made a huge
marijuana seizure at a commercial truck crossing point on the U.S.-
Mexico border in Nogales, Ariz.
The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is withholding details of the
seizure before a news conference scheduled Tuesday.
However, the agency says the seizure was made Jan. 15 and involved
more than seven tons of marijuana with an estimated value of $7 million.
Customs and Border Patrol says it will hold the news conference will
be held at the Mariposa Port and that media will be able to view the
marijuana and where it was seized.
The port is a major crossing point for commercial truck traffic,
particularly for produce being imported into the United States from
Texas Tribune: Gun control debate takes Mexico into account
By Juan Aguilar / Texas Tribune
Posted: 01/20/2013 09:44:46 AM MST
In the recent debate about stricter gun control, some officials on
both sides of the Rio Grande saw a sliver of hope - that such laws
might curb the flow of illegal weapons over the United States'
southern border.
"I hope that whatever we are going to do in trying to protect our gun
rights but at the same time regulate the legal ownership of weapons
is going to have a component on guns that are being smuggled out of
the country so easily now and causing the carnage," said Alonzo Peña,
the former deputy director of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
who also served as a Department of Homeland Security attaché at the
U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.
But the national debate, coupled with the Obama administration's
proposals to tighten gun laws, has only fortified the ranks of Second
Amendment proponents in Texas, who remain adamant that the border
states that are a main source for weapons in Mexico's drug war are
not responsible for the thousands of murders in that country since 2006.
After President Obama last week called for more background checks on
potential gun purchasers and a ban on military-style assault weapons
and high-capacity magazines, Republican lawmakers immediately rebuked
the White House's efforts. Texas state lawmakers have already filed
legislation in Austin that would permit college students to carry
weapons on campus and proposed a measure that would also open the
door for gun-carrying marshals at primary schools.
Attorney General Greg Abbott last
week threatened Travis County and the City of Austin with a "double-
barreled" lawsuit when they considered banning gun shows on public
property, and Gov. Rick Perry has said the country's Democratic
leadership is using the slaughter of innocent children as a political
"The piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media,
to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing
political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts
me personally," Perry said in a statement on Wednesday.
Other Texas Republicans dismissed the notion that it was time to re-
evaluate what role the U.S. plays in the carnage in Mexico, where
more than 70,000 people have been killed in cartel-related violence
since former President Felipe Calderón launched a war on organized
crime in December 2006.
A December 2012 report from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives showed that more than 68,160 of the approximately
99,700 weapons recovered in Mexico and submitted for tracing from
2007 to 2011 had originated in the U.S.
But U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin and the chairman of the House
Committee on Homeland Security, said the data is misleading and that
changing gun laws in the United States would not change gun behavior
in Mexico.
"The fact is, guns are illegal to possess in Mexico," McCaul said,
"and that certainly hasn't had any effects on the drug cartels."
He said he understood that the debate is fueled by emotion, which he
said was inevitable after years of bloodshed in Mexico and the murder
of 20 schoolchildren in Connecticut. But he also said the public is
not aware that many of the weapons favored by cartels like the Zetas
come from other countries and are often not traceable, which
inevitably leads to data that reflects poorly on the U.S.
"We all feel for what happened recently with the shooting in a very
emotional way, but the fact is, a lot of their AK-47s, which is the
Zetas' gun of choice, those are coming from China and Russia," McCaul
said. "We could make guns in the United States illegal altogether and
I don't think it's going to stop the drug cartels from getting weapons."
Gun-control proponents who link the United States' gun laws to
violence in Mexico have drawn attention to what they call the gun-
show loophole, which allows many dealers to sell firearms without
conducting background checks. Critics call it a significant flaw that
allows weapons to fall into the wrong hands, and law enforcement
officers say it has aided the illegal smuggling of weapons into Mexico.
Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, a Republican and gun collector who
authored the state's concealed handgun law in 1995 when he served as
a state senator, drew attention last month when he suggested that he
was open to changing how background checks are conducted at gun shows.
But Patterson is not changing his mind on gun rights. What he is
actually calling for is a privacy measure, he said, which would allow
a customer to get a background check at a gun show that is good for
the duration of the event - but that would not leave evidence of the
Patterson said what gun owners fear is what they believe gun control
proponents want: to record every conveyance of a firearm.
"The fear is that things like that lead to registration," Patterson
said. "Registration may not be unconstitutional, but confiscation
certainly is, and you can't have confiscation without registration."
In one of his first public statements after being appointed Mexico's
ambassador to the U.S., Eduardo Medina Mora, the former attorney
general of Mexico, said the Connecticut shooting presented officials
in the United States with an opportunity to quell the illegal flow of
weapons into his country.
And U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, said ignoring the smuggling
of weapons across the border during the current gun control debate
would be counterproductive to the United States' work under the
Mérida Initiative, a $1.4 billion aid package of equipment and
training designed to help Mexico and Central America fight drug
violence. He said better enforcement of existing American laws,
closing gaping loopholes and instituting waiting periods for the
purchase of high-powered guns should be on the table.
"As part of a community that has seen more than 10,000 people
murdered in the last five or six years, this is certainly a
discussion worth having," O'Rourke said. "El Paso and other
communities that have a unique perspective on this, given the recent
violence in Mexico, should certainly be part of the conversation."
Patterson acknowledged there is a problem with weapons smuggling into
Mexico. But he said the best solution to end the carnage there is
outside his purview as a Texas official.
"It wouldn't be a U.S. law; it would be a Mexican law," he said.
"There is no right to bear arms in Mexico. I would put forth a law
that would establish a Second Amendment to keep and bear arms for
Mexican citizens."
Arranca en Tláhuac programa de desarme voluntario
Las jornadas de despistolización serán del 21 al 31 de enero en el
atrio del templo de San Pedro, en el Centro de Tláhuac
Notimex / Fotos Cuartoscuro
21/01/2013 16:01:02
El titular de la SSPDF señaló que en las jornadas de desarme en
Iztapalapa y GAM han sido entregadas mil 764 armas cortas, 533 armas
largas, 195 granadas, y 12 mil 732 cartuchos. (Foto Cuartoscuro)
Despistolización finalizó en Iztapalapa e iniciará en Tláhuac
Aseguran 99 armas en sexta jornada de despistolización en la GAM
Iztapalapa entrega mil 281 armas durante 12 días que va de desarme
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 21 de enero.- Autoridades capitalinas pusieron en
marcha el programa "Por tu familia, desarme voluntario" en la
delegación Tláhuac, tercera demarcación en aplicar este proyecto
durante la administración del jefe de Gobierno Miguel Ángel Mancera.
El titular de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Distrito
Federal, Jesús Rodríguez Almeida, detalló que ese programa se
aplicará de manera itinerante en las 16 delegaciones políticas de la
capital, y la siguiente es Miguel Hidalgo.
Detalló que desde el 24 de diciembre pasado iniciaron estas jornadas
en Iztapalapa y luego en Gustavo A Madero, y han sido entregadas mil
764 armas cortas, 533 armas largas, 195 granadas, y 12 mil 732
En el acto, efectuado en el atrio de la Iglesia de San Pedro, en el
Centro Histórico de Tláhuac, informó que se han erogado tres millones
744 mil 650 pesos, con los que se han otorgado mil 796 despensas, 160
bicicletas, 629 computadoras con tecnología táctil denominadas
tabletas, y siete ordenadores portátiles.
A su vez, la titular de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social
capitalina, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, destacó el éxito obtenido en 19
jornadas del programa, pues en sólo un mes se rebasó la cantidad de
armas recabadas durante 2008, que fueron 858.
En tanto, el presidente del Consejo Ciudadano de Seguridad Pública y
Procuración de Justicia del Distrito Federal, Luis Wertman Zaslav,
indicó que en la capital del país 67 por ciento de los homicidios
ocurridos son por riñas, peleas y venganzas.
Al respecto, exhortó a los habitantes de la demarcación a contribuir
con este programa a que se eviten situaciones qué lamentar.
En este acto también estuvieron presentes la jefa delegacional,
Angelina Méndez; representantes de la Iglesia Católica y del Ejército
Las jornadas de despistolización serán del 21 al 31 de enero en el
atrio del templo de San Pedro, en el Centro de Tláhuac.
Aseguran droga y armas en rancho
Detalles Publicado el Lunes 21 de Enero de 2013, Escrito por Roberto
Quintero / El Diario
Un fuerte contingente policiaco hizo presencia en este municipio con
el fin de catear un rancho ubicado en el área del río al este de la
carretera Agua Prieta- Nacozari, a la altura del kilómetro 149 con el
fin de catear una vivienda construida en el lugar.
De acuerdo con información extraoficial, fue una llamada anónima la
que alertó a las autoridades sobre la presencia de hombres armados en
los alrededores de dicha vivienda. Agentes federales a bordo de
alrededor de 10 unidades, con el apoyo de policías municipales de
Agua Prieta y elementos del Ejército Mexicano revisaron los
alrededores solo para observar que los habitantes de la vivienda
habían huido.
Al revisar el interior fueron localizados 37 paquetes conteniendo
hierba verde con las características de la marihuana, así como tres
armas largas, al parecer AK47 de las conocidas como cuerno de chivo.
Hasta el momento la información obtenida es de manera extraoficial
por lo que el peso total de la droga no fue dado a conocer, así como
el número de elementos participantes en el operativo.
Confisca Ejército armamento en Culiacán, Sinaloa
Organización Editorial Mexicana
21 de enero de 2013
El Sol de Sinaloa
Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Personal militar aseguró armamento durante un
operativo terrestre realizado en la comunidad conocida como La Laguna
Seca, perteneciente a este municipio.
Durante el movimiento castrense se confiscaron 45 armas de fuego y
más de tres mil cartuchos.
La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), a través de las
comandancias de la III Región Militar y Novena Zona Militar, dio a
conocer que el pasado día 18 del actual, personal militar
jurisdiccionado a este mando territorial, al efectuar reconocimientos
terrestres a inmediaciones del poblado La Laguna Seca, localizó
oculto entre la maleza 31 armas de fuego largas.
También detectaron 14 armas cortas, un aditamento lanzagranadas,
cinco granadas, así como tres mil 98 cartuchos de diferentes calibres
y 134 cargadores para diversas armas.
Lo asegurado fue puesto a disposición de las autoridades
Note: as reported days ago, looks like clear path into AZ now.
US reports major marijuana bust at Arizona entry
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 21, 2013 - 1:35 pm
NOGALES, Ariz. -- Federal authorities say agents recently made a huge
marijuana seizure at a commercial truck crossing point on the U.S.-
Mexico border in Nogales, Ariz.
The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is withholding details of the
seizure before a news conference scheduled Tuesday.
However, the agency says the seizure was made Jan. 15 and involved
more than seven tons of marijuana with an estimated value of $7 million.
Customs and Border Patrol says it will hold the news conference will
be held at the Mariposa Port and that media will be able to view the
marijuana and where it was seized.
The port is a major crossing point for commercial truck traffic,
particularly for produce being imported into the United States from
Texas Tribune: Gun control debate takes Mexico into account
By Juan Aguilar / Texas Tribune
Posted: 01/20/2013 09:44:46 AM MST
In the recent debate about stricter gun control, some officials on
both sides of the Rio Grande saw a sliver of hope - that such laws
might curb the flow of illegal weapons over the United States'
southern border.
"I hope that whatever we are going to do in trying to protect our gun
rights but at the same time regulate the legal ownership of weapons
is going to have a component on guns that are being smuggled out of
the country so easily now and causing the carnage," said Alonzo Peña,
the former deputy director of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
who also served as a Department of Homeland Security attaché at the
U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.
But the national debate, coupled with the Obama administration's
proposals to tighten gun laws, has only fortified the ranks of Second
Amendment proponents in Texas, who remain adamant that the border
states that are a main source for weapons in Mexico's drug war are
not responsible for the thousands of murders in that country since 2006.
After President Obama last week called for more background checks on
potential gun purchasers and a ban on military-style assault weapons
and high-capacity magazines, Republican lawmakers immediately rebuked
the White House's efforts. Texas state lawmakers have already filed
legislation in Austin that would permit college students to carry
weapons on campus and proposed a measure that would also open the
door for gun-carrying marshals at primary schools.
Attorney General Greg Abbott last
week threatened Travis County and the City of Austin with a "double-
barreled" lawsuit when they considered banning gun shows on public
property, and Gov. Rick Perry has said the country's Democratic
leadership is using the slaughter of innocent children as a political
"The piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media,
to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing
political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts
me personally," Perry said in a statement on Wednesday.
Other Texas Republicans dismissed the notion that it was time to re-
evaluate what role the U.S. plays in the carnage in Mexico, where
more than 70,000 people have been killed in cartel-related violence
since former President Felipe Calderón launched a war on organized
crime in December 2006.
A December 2012 report from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives showed that more than 68,160 of the approximately
99,700 weapons recovered in Mexico and submitted for tracing from
2007 to 2011 had originated in the U.S.
But U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin and the chairman of the House
Committee on Homeland Security, said the data is misleading and that
changing gun laws in the United States would not change gun behavior
in Mexico.
"The fact is, guns are illegal to possess in Mexico," McCaul said,
"and that certainly hasn't had any effects on the drug cartels."
He said he understood that the debate is fueled by emotion, which he
said was inevitable after years of bloodshed in Mexico and the murder
of 20 schoolchildren in Connecticut. But he also said the public is
not aware that many of the weapons favored by cartels like the Zetas
come from other countries and are often not traceable, which
inevitably leads to data that reflects poorly on the U.S.
"We all feel for what happened recently with the shooting in a very
emotional way, but the fact is, a lot of their AK-47s, which is the
Zetas' gun of choice, those are coming from China and Russia," McCaul
said. "We could make guns in the United States illegal altogether and
I don't think it's going to stop the drug cartels from getting weapons."
Gun-control proponents who link the United States' gun laws to
violence in Mexico have drawn attention to what they call the gun-
show loophole, which allows many dealers to sell firearms without
conducting background checks. Critics call it a significant flaw that
allows weapons to fall into the wrong hands, and law enforcement
officers say it has aided the illegal smuggling of weapons into Mexico.
Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, a Republican and gun collector who
authored the state's concealed handgun law in 1995 when he served as
a state senator, drew attention last month when he suggested that he
was open to changing how background checks are conducted at gun shows.
But Patterson is not changing his mind on gun rights. What he is
actually calling for is a privacy measure, he said, which would allow
a customer to get a background check at a gun show that is good for
the duration of the event - but that would not leave evidence of the
Patterson said what gun owners fear is what they believe gun control
proponents want: to record every conveyance of a firearm.
"The fear is that things like that lead to registration," Patterson
said. "Registration may not be unconstitutional, but confiscation
certainly is, and you can't have confiscation without registration."
In one of his first public statements after being appointed Mexico's
ambassador to the U.S., Eduardo Medina Mora, the former attorney
general of Mexico, said the Connecticut shooting presented officials
in the United States with an opportunity to quell the illegal flow of
weapons into his country.
And U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, said ignoring the smuggling
of weapons across the border during the current gun control debate
would be counterproductive to the United States' work under the
Mérida Initiative, a $1.4 billion aid package of equipment and
training designed to help Mexico and Central America fight drug
violence. He said better enforcement of existing American laws,
closing gaping loopholes and instituting waiting periods for the
purchase of high-powered guns should be on the table.
"As part of a community that has seen more than 10,000 people
murdered in the last five or six years, this is certainly a
discussion worth having," O'Rourke said. "El Paso and other
communities that have a unique perspective on this, given the recent
violence in Mexico, should certainly be part of the conversation."
Patterson acknowledged there is a problem with weapons smuggling into
Mexico. But he said the best solution to end the carnage there is
outside his purview as a Texas official.
"It wouldn't be a U.S. law; it would be a Mexican law," he said.
"There is no right to bear arms in Mexico. I would put forth a law
that would establish a Second Amendment to keep and bear arms for
Mexican citizens."
Arranca en Tláhuac programa de desarme voluntario
Las jornadas de despistolización serán del 21 al 31 de enero en el
atrio del templo de San Pedro, en el Centro de Tláhuac
Notimex / Fotos Cuartoscuro
21/01/2013 16:01:02
El titular de la SSPDF señaló que en las jornadas de desarme en
Iztapalapa y GAM han sido entregadas mil 764 armas cortas, 533 armas
largas, 195 granadas, y 12 mil 732 cartuchos. (Foto Cuartoscuro)
Despistolización finalizó en Iztapalapa e iniciará en Tláhuac
Aseguran 99 armas en sexta jornada de despistolización en la GAM
Iztapalapa entrega mil 281 armas durante 12 días que va de desarme
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 21 de enero.- Autoridades capitalinas pusieron en
marcha el programa "Por tu familia, desarme voluntario" en la
delegación Tláhuac, tercera demarcación en aplicar este proyecto
durante la administración del jefe de Gobierno Miguel Ángel Mancera.
El titular de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Distrito
Federal, Jesús Rodríguez Almeida, detalló que ese programa se
aplicará de manera itinerante en las 16 delegaciones políticas de la
capital, y la siguiente es Miguel Hidalgo.
Detalló que desde el 24 de diciembre pasado iniciaron estas jornadas
en Iztapalapa y luego en Gustavo A Madero, y han sido entregadas mil
764 armas cortas, 533 armas largas, 195 granadas, y 12 mil 732
En el acto, efectuado en el atrio de la Iglesia de San Pedro, en el
Centro Histórico de Tláhuac, informó que se han erogado tres millones
744 mil 650 pesos, con los que se han otorgado mil 796 despensas, 160
bicicletas, 629 computadoras con tecnología táctil denominadas
tabletas, y siete ordenadores portátiles.
A su vez, la titular de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social
capitalina, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, destacó el éxito obtenido en 19
jornadas del programa, pues en sólo un mes se rebasó la cantidad de
armas recabadas durante 2008, que fueron 858.
En tanto, el presidente del Consejo Ciudadano de Seguridad Pública y
Procuración de Justicia del Distrito Federal, Luis Wertman Zaslav,
indicó que en la capital del país 67 por ciento de los homicidios
ocurridos son por riñas, peleas y venganzas.
Al respecto, exhortó a los habitantes de la demarcación a contribuir
con este programa a que se eviten situaciones qué lamentar.
En este acto también estuvieron presentes la jefa delegacional,
Angelina Méndez; representantes de la Iglesia Católica y del Ejército
Las jornadas de despistolización serán del 21 al 31 de enero en el
atrio del templo de San Pedro, en el Centro de Tláhuac.
Aseguran droga y armas en rancho
Detalles Publicado el Lunes 21 de Enero de 2013, Escrito por Roberto
Quintero / El Diario
Un fuerte contingente policiaco hizo presencia en este municipio con
el fin de catear un rancho ubicado en el área del río al este de la
carretera Agua Prieta- Nacozari, a la altura del kilómetro 149 con el
fin de catear una vivienda construida en el lugar.
De acuerdo con información extraoficial, fue una llamada anónima la
que alertó a las autoridades sobre la presencia de hombres armados en
los alrededores de dicha vivienda. Agentes federales a bordo de
alrededor de 10 unidades, con el apoyo de policías municipales de
Agua Prieta y elementos del Ejército Mexicano revisaron los
alrededores solo para observar que los habitantes de la vivienda
habían huido.
Al revisar el interior fueron localizados 37 paquetes conteniendo
hierba verde con las características de la marihuana, así como tres
armas largas, al parecer AK47 de las conocidas como cuerno de chivo.
Hasta el momento la información obtenida es de manera extraoficial
por lo que el peso total de la droga no fue dado a conocer, así como
el número de elementos participantes en el operativo.
Confisca Ejército armamento en Culiacán, Sinaloa
Organización Editorial Mexicana
21 de enero de 2013
El Sol de Sinaloa
Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Personal militar aseguró armamento durante un
operativo terrestre realizado en la comunidad conocida como La Laguna
Seca, perteneciente a este municipio.
Durante el movimiento castrense se confiscaron 45 armas de fuego y
más de tres mil cartuchos.
La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), a través de las
comandancias de la III Región Militar y Novena Zona Militar, dio a
conocer que el pasado día 18 del actual, personal militar
jurisdiccionado a este mando territorial, al efectuar reconocimientos
terrestres a inmediaciones del poblado La Laguna Seca, localizó
oculto entre la maleza 31 armas de fuego largas.
También detectaron 14 armas cortas, un aditamento lanzagranadas,
cinco granadas, así como tres mil 98 cartuchos de diferentes calibres
y 134 cargadores para diversas armas.
Lo asegurado fue puesto a disposición de las autoridades
Note: As always, the culture of corruption starts at the top.
CBP border employees face increasing pressures to break law, GAO
report says
Posted: Monday, January 21, 2013 6:00 am
Jacqueline Armendariz | Twitter: @jarmendariz
Posted on January 21, 2013
by Jacqueline Armendariz
A recent federal report puts numbers to the often pervasive suspicion
among some South Texans that some Rio Grande Valley law enforcement
officers engage in corruption and misconduct.
Well beyond his duty to protect the public was Jose Elizondo, a U.S.
Customs and Border Protection officer who was off-duty when he shot
and killed Alton nightclub owner Fermin Limon with his government-
issued weapon in 2010. Elizondo was later found guilty of murder.
A case like Elizondo's is likely rare when the majority of U.S.
Customs and Border Protection employees follow the agency's integrity
standards, according to a report released this month by the U.S.
Government Accountability Office, or GAO.
In fact, arrests for misconduct, such as domestic violence and
driving under the influence, outweigh corruption arrests among CBP
However, the GAO found that the majority of CBP officers and agents
arrested on corruption charges, 65 percent, are primarily based on
the border. The majority of them also wind up being convicted.
CBP officers and Border Patrol agents are targets of "increasing
pressure" from the drug traffickers and transnational crime
organizations that try to bribe them, according to the report.
Of note: The number of CBP employees arrested from 2005 to 2012
accounts for less than 1 percent of the agency's workforce.
In all, 144 employees were arrested or indicted on corruption charges
in the past seven years. Of those, 125 — or nearly 87 percent — were
The GAO issued recommendations in its report to bolster CBP's efforts
to mitigate corruption and misconduct among its ranks.
The GAO found CBP lacks an integrity strategy and has failed to
consistently conduct the required monthly quality assurance reviews
of the results of pre-employment and periodic background checks.
Additionally, CBP also doesn't have a process to document
deficiencies in its quality assurance reviews and hasn't completed
some post-corruption analysis reports on cases involving convicted
employees since 2004.
In response, the Department of Homeland Security said it would work
to implement the changes by this summer.
"CBP agrees with the seven recommendations the GAO report on CBP's
workforce integrity has identified and will implement appropriate
measures to address all of them," according to a DHS statement issued
in response to questions from The Monitor.
This month, local fallout from a recent corruption scandal continued
with the indictment of Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño's son,
Jonathan Treviño, and Alexis Espinoza, son of Hidalgo police Chief
Rudy Espinoza. The charges were also lodged against two deputies.
The accused officers were employed at the city and county level and,
in fact, thwarted by federal agents, but the impact in the court of
public opinion was widespread.
Kevin Buckler, chair of the University of Texas-Brownsville's
criminal justice department, said a number of studies on policing
show that generally 10 percent of employees hired create 90 percent
of the problems for an agency.
Yet, the effect of corruption cases on public opinion is often
pronounced and not focused on learning from the cases themselves.
"The public sees things in the media and their distrust in police,
Border Patrol is over-generalized," he said. "That's one potential
damaging implication of this."
Buckler said the report seems to indicate CBP is working up toward a
system that could note early warning signs of corruption or
misconduct among officers, but the nature of working the vast area of
the border complicates developing such a system.
Still, he said, it's surprising it's taken several years now for CBP
to begin the process and it is likely in response to recent public
outcries over fatal shootings involving the agency.
At least 5,500 officers and 18,000 agents were stationed on the
border as of September 2011 under CBP, which is the largest uniformed
law enforcement agency in the country.
While only 57 percent of CBP officers and agents work along the
border, the GAO found that 68 percent of allegations made were
against them.
Meanwhile, more allegations were made against Border Patrol agents
than CBP officers.
The GAO found among corruption cases the majority of the offenses
were the most severe in nature — such as drug or alien smuggling,
bribery and helping to transport illegal cargo — and "mission
Of those arrested in misconduct cases, the majority of the crimes
were not related to CBP operations.
In its report, the GAO said a CBP internal affairs official said it
was possible the border accounted for more allegations because, in
part, many employees stationed in the region were new and less
Buckler said he takes issues with that assessment.
In general, less experienced employees are more likely to follow
regulations. It's the more experienced personnel that begin to relax,
he said.
The GAO report noted that Border Patrol found a startling 75 percent
of employees arrested for alleged corruption were assigned near their
hometowns. In response, the agency now prohibits trainees being
initially assigned within 100 miles of home.
Border Patrol said agents are more likely to face pressure from
friends and family to engage in illegal activities when stationed
Buckler said a foundation of the community policing concept counts on
officers feeling like they're "protecting their backyard," but CBP
has made the opposite argument on the border.
DHS said it would consider expanding its polygraph program to current
employees, as opposed to just applicants as required by law, along
with other changes. The agency did, however, cite costs as a concern
in doing so.
Buckler said a polygraph program could be problematic for a number of
reasons and CBP's lawyers will likely try to steer the agency away
from implementing it.
"It's going to be interesting to see where they go with that," he said.
DHS sent a statement in response to several questions from The
Monitor, including whether CBP employees are able to report pressure
to participate in illegal activity without fear of losing their job.
"The vast majority of the CBP workforce serves with honor and
integrity, adhering to the high standards demanded of CBP personnel,"
the statement said. "Our high standards are reflected in the quality
of the people we hire, as well as in how we train and evaluate our
employees. Our commitment begins at the time of application for
employment with CBP and continues throughout the careers of our
officers, agents, and mission support personnel."
However, the report said within some sections of CBP there is
"significant cultural resistance" in acknowledging internal affairs
authority over "all integrity-related activities."
CBP also had a backlog of reinvestigations in 2010, since mostly
cleared. DHS said during a hiring surge from 2006 to 2008 CBP
internal affairs wasn't given additional resources to keep up.
Buckler said the more hiring that's done, the deeper into the
applicant pool the agency must go, potentially relaxing certain
criteria because of the emphasis placed on filling posts.
"The quality of the people that you're putting out is not as good
when you go through periods of hiring more and more officers," he said.
CBP internal affairs is also studying common traits found in
background investigations of employees involved in corruption and the
effect of an employee being stationed for duty in their hometown.
The GAO said CBP's controls include random periodic drug tests and
reinvestigations as well as electronic alerts that flags supervisors
at ports and limited use of personal electronics on duty.
Buckler noted these controls focus on eliminating or reducing the
opportunity to be part of corruption.
"If you feel as if Big Brother is watching you, you're not going to
go through with things even if enters your mind," he said.
Unscheduled lane rotations are also prohibited and advance details on
work locations are withheld to prevent the coordination of smuggling
"CBP officials have stated that they are concerned about the negative
impact that these cases have on agencywide integrity," the report
said of instances of corruption.
Jacqueline Armendariz covers law enforcement, courts and general
assignments for The Monitor. She can be reached at and (956) 683-4434.
Note: As always, the culture of corruption starts at the top.
CBP border employees face increasing pressures to break law, GAO
report says
Posted: Monday, January 21, 2013 6:00 am
Jacqueline Armendariz | Twitter: @jarmendariz
Posted on January 21, 2013
by Jacqueline Armendariz
A recent federal report puts numbers to the often pervasive suspicion
among some South Texans that some Rio Grande Valley law enforcement
officers engage in corruption and misconduct.
Well beyond his duty to protect the public was Jose Elizondo, a U.S.
Customs and Border Protection officer who was off-duty when he shot
and killed Alton nightclub owner Fermin Limon with his government-
issued weapon in 2010. Elizondo was later found guilty of murder.
A case like Elizondo's is likely rare when the majority of U.S.
Customs and Border Protection employees follow the agency's integrity
standards, according to a report released this month by the U.S.
Government Accountability Office, or GAO.
In fact, arrests for misconduct, such as domestic violence and
driving under the influence, outweigh corruption arrests among CBP
However, the GAO found that the majority of CBP officers and agents
arrested on corruption charges, 65 percent, are primarily based on
the border. The majority of them also wind up being convicted.
CBP officers and Border Patrol agents are targets of "increasing
pressure" from the drug traffickers and transnational crime
organizations that try to bribe them, according to the report.
Of note: The number of CBP employees arrested from 2005 to 2012
accounts for less than 1 percent of the agency's workforce.
In all, 144 employees were arrested or indicted on corruption charges
in the past seven years. Of those, 125 — or nearly 87 percent — were
The GAO issued recommendations in its report to bolster CBP's efforts
to mitigate corruption and misconduct among its ranks.
The GAO found CBP lacks an integrity strategy and has failed to
consistently conduct the required monthly quality assurance reviews
of the results of pre-employment and periodic background checks.
Additionally, CBP also doesn't have a process to document
deficiencies in its quality assurance reviews and hasn't completed
some post-corruption analysis reports on cases involving convicted
employees since 2004.
In response, the Department of Homeland Security said it would work
to implement the changes by this summer.
"CBP agrees with the seven recommendations the GAO report on CBP's
workforce integrity has identified and will implement appropriate
measures to address all of them," according to a DHS statement issued
in response to questions from The Monitor.
This month, local fallout from a recent corruption scandal continued
with the indictment of Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño's son,
Jonathan Treviño, and Alexis Espinoza, son of Hidalgo police Chief
Rudy Espinoza. The charges were also lodged against two deputies.
The accused officers were employed at the city and county level and,
in fact, thwarted by federal agents, but the impact in the court of
public opinion was widespread.
Kevin Buckler, chair of the University of Texas-Brownsville's
criminal justice department, said a number of studies on policing
show that generally 10 percent of employees hired create 90 percent
of the problems for an agency.
Yet, the effect of corruption cases on public opinion is often
pronounced and not focused on learning from the cases themselves.
"The public sees things in the media and their distrust in police,
Border Patrol is over-generalized," he said. "That's one potential
damaging implication of this."
Buckler said the report seems to indicate CBP is working up toward a
system that could note early warning signs of corruption or
misconduct among officers, but the nature of working the vast area of
the border complicates developing such a system.
Still, he said, it's surprising it's taken several years now for CBP
to begin the process and it is likely in response to recent public
outcries over fatal shootings involving the agency.
At least 5,500 officers and 18,000 agents were stationed on the
border as of September 2011 under CBP, which is the largest uniformed
law enforcement agency in the country.
While only 57 percent of CBP officers and agents work along the
border, the GAO found that 68 percent of allegations made were
against them.
Meanwhile, more allegations were made against Border Patrol agents
than CBP officers.
The GAO found among corruption cases the majority of the offenses
were the most severe in nature — such as drug or alien smuggling,
bribery and helping to transport illegal cargo — and "mission
Of those arrested in misconduct cases, the majority of the crimes
were not related to CBP operations.
In its report, the GAO said a CBP internal affairs official said it
was possible the border accounted for more allegations because, in
part, many employees stationed in the region were new and less
Buckler said he takes issues with that assessment.
In general, less experienced employees are more likely to follow
regulations. It's the more experienced personnel that begin to relax,
he said.
The GAO report noted that Border Patrol found a startling 75 percent
of employees arrested for alleged corruption were assigned near their
hometowns. In response, the agency now prohibits trainees being
initially assigned within 100 miles of home.
Border Patrol said agents are more likely to face pressure from
friends and family to engage in illegal activities when stationed
Buckler said a foundation of the community policing concept counts on
officers feeling like they're "protecting their backyard," but CBP
has made the opposite argument on the border.
DHS said it would consider expanding its polygraph program to current
employees, as opposed to just applicants as required by law, along
with other changes. The agency did, however, cite costs as a concern
in doing so.
Buckler said a polygraph program could be problematic for a number of
reasons and CBP's lawyers will likely try to steer the agency away
from implementing it.
"It's going to be interesting to see where they go with that," he said.
DHS sent a statement in response to several questions from The
Monitor, including whether CBP employees are able to report pressure
to participate in illegal activity without fear of losing their job.
"The vast majority of the CBP workforce serves with honor and
integrity, adhering to the high standards demanded of CBP personnel,"
the statement said. "Our high standards are reflected in the quality
of the people we hire, as well as in how we train and evaluate our
employees. Our commitment begins at the time of application for
employment with CBP and continues throughout the careers of our
officers, agents, and mission support personnel."
However, the report said within some sections of CBP there is
"significant cultural resistance" in acknowledging internal affairs
authority over "all integrity-related activities."
CBP also had a backlog of reinvestigations in 2010, since mostly
cleared. DHS said during a hiring surge from 2006 to 2008 CBP
internal affairs wasn't given additional resources to keep up.
Buckler said the more hiring that's done, the deeper into the
applicant pool the agency must go, potentially relaxing certain
criteria because of the emphasis placed on filling posts.
"The quality of the people that you're putting out is not as good
when you go through periods of hiring more and more officers," he said.
CBP internal affairs is also studying common traits found in
background investigations of employees involved in corruption and the
effect of an employee being stationed for duty in their hometown.
The GAO said CBP's controls include random periodic drug tests and
reinvestigations as well as electronic alerts that flags supervisors
at ports and limited use of personal electronics on duty.
Buckler noted these controls focus on eliminating or reducing the
opportunity to be part of corruption.
"If you feel as if Big Brother is watching you, you're not going to
go through with things even if enters your mind," he said.
Unscheduled lane rotations are also prohibited and advance details on
work locations are withheld to prevent the coordination of smuggling
"CBP officials have stated that they are concerned about the negative
impact that these cases have on agencywide integrity," the report
said of instances of corruption.
Jacqueline Armendariz covers law enforcement, courts and general
assignments for The Monitor. She can be reached at and (956) 683-4434.
Immigrant women say smugglers raped them
Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013 10:16 pm
Jacqueline Armendariz | Twitter: @jarmendariz
Posted on January 18, 2013
by Jacqueline Armendariz
FALFURRIAS — U.S. Border Patrol said two illegal immigrant women, one
who traveled through Falfurrias and another who went through Hidalgo,
recently reported they were raped by human smugglers, a news release
On Tuesday, Border Patrol encountered a woman from Honduras who said
she was raped by three male smugglers at a stash house near Hidalgo
on Jan. 6.
Agents assigned to the Kingsville station found her in the brush and
took her to a Kingsville hospital for evaluation.
Border Patrol said they also found an El Salvador woman who said she
was raped at gunpoint by smugglers when she became separated from a
group of about 20 immigrants. They were being led through the brush
around the Falfurrias checkpoint, she said.
She was left behind with another immigrant man who took care of her
after she became faint and could not keep up, Border Patrol said.
Border Patrol found the immigrants Jan. 6. Agents provided medical
assistance and the woman was interviewed by the Brooks County
Sheriff's Office. A report about the rape allegation was also filed,
Border Patrol said.
Note: following from Nogales area
federals ambushed with heavy weapons
Details Published on Friday 18 January 2013,
Written by Roberto Quintero / The Journal
A Federal Police patrol vehicle completely destroyed and two agents
injured was the preliminary balance of a shootout occurred Thursday
afternoon in this area.
Minutes after 17:00 pm the Federal Police patrol marked No. 12,726,
apparently with two agents on board, was ambushed off the south of
this town by suspected gunmen who fled After the attack, towards
Esqueda area.
Unofficially, it was reported that agents with direction to Nacozari
circulated when they were attacked with heavy weapons by various
subjects, and the moving unit and injured fell from it.
Meanwhile, the attackers left the van in which they moved meters
ahead and set it on fire. They escaped aboard other units, which were
not identified.
The place was guarded by police officers of all municipal
corporations including Agua Prieta and Nacozari and state of
operational bases nearby. Meanwhile, experts of the Attorney General
in the State undertook to gather evidence for analysis.
Data thus closing was handled with extreme secrecy by authorities.
Grenade Found in Chula Vista
Details Published on Friday 18 January 2013,
Written by Cesar Barragan / The Journal
Ensure military explosive device known as the 'pineapple'.
A woman and her daughter, residents of the colony Chula Vista, found
an active grenade when collecting firewood in a vacant lot located on
Calle Loma Linda yesterday afternoon.
Mexican army troops, explosives experts, ensuring the device
performed one hour after location, being transferred to the 45th
Military Zone, under appropriate security measures.
According to official reports the emergency call was made to the
number 066, around 14:00 pm by a woman who reported finding a grenade
when collecting firewood with her 9 year old daughter, near her home.
When the elements arrived Municipal and State Preventive Police, who
placed the explosive and kept secured the area until a military
person arrived at the site
An explosives specialist uniformed Sedena equipped with a shielded
bag approached the place where the fragmentation grenade known as
"pineapples", and picked it up to place it in the bag.
It was less than a minute to military personnel arrived, took the
device and left the area.
Immigrant women say smugglers raped them
Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013 10:16 pm
Jacqueline Armendariz | Twitter: @jarmendariz
Posted on January 18, 2013
by Jacqueline Armendariz
FALFURRIAS — U.S. Border Patrol said two illegal immigrant women, one
who traveled through Falfurrias and another who went through Hidalgo,
recently reported they were raped by human smugglers, a news release
On Tuesday, Border Patrol encountered a woman from Honduras who said
she was raped by three male smugglers at a stash house near Hidalgo
on Jan. 6.
Agents assigned to the Kingsville station found her in the brush and
took her to a Kingsville hospital for evaluation.
Border Patrol said they also found an El Salvador woman who said she
was raped at gunpoint by smugglers when she became separated from a
group of about 20 immigrants. They were being led through the brush
around the Falfurrias checkpoint, she said.
She was left behind with another immigrant man who took care of her
after she became faint and could not keep up, Border Patrol said.
Border Patrol found the immigrants Jan. 6. Agents provided medical
assistance and the woman was interviewed by the Brooks County
Sheriff's Office. A report about the rape allegation was also filed,
Border Patrol said.
Note: following from Nogales area
federals ambushed with heavy weapons
Details Published on Friday 18 January 2013,
Written by Roberto Quintero / The Journal
A Federal Police patrol vehicle completely destroyed and two agents
injured was the preliminary balance of a shootout occurred Thursday
afternoon in this area.
Minutes after 17:00 pm the Federal Police patrol marked No. 12,726,
apparently with two agents on board, was ambushed off the south of
this town by suspected gunmen who fled After the attack, towards
Esqueda area.
Unofficially, it was reported that agents with direction to Nacozari
circulated when they were attacked with heavy weapons by various
subjects, and the moving unit and injured fell from it.
Meanwhile, the attackers left the van in which they moved meters
ahead and set it on fire. They escaped aboard other units, which were
not identified.
The place was guarded by police officers of all municipal
corporations including Agua Prieta and Nacozari and state of
operational bases nearby. Meanwhile, experts of the Attorney General
in the State undertook to gather evidence for analysis.
Data thus closing was handled with extreme secrecy by authorities.
Grenade Found in Chula Vista
Details Published on Friday 18 January 2013,
Written by Cesar Barragan / The Journal
Ensure military explosive device known as the 'pineapple'.
A woman and her daughter, residents of the colony Chula Vista, found
an active grenade when collecting firewood in a vacant lot located on
Calle Loma Linda yesterday afternoon.
Mexican army troops, explosives experts, ensuring the device
performed one hour after location, being transferred to the 45th
Military Zone, under appropriate security measures.
According to official reports the emergency call was made to the
number 066, around 14:00 pm by a woman who reported finding a grenade
when collecting firewood with her 9 year old daughter, near her home.
When the elements arrived Municipal and State Preventive Police, who
placed the explosive and kept secured the area until a military
person arrived at the site
An explosives specialist uniformed Sedena equipped with a shielded
bag approached the place where the fragmentation grenade known as
"pineapples", and picked it up to place it in the bag.
It was less than a minute to military personnel arrived, took the
device and left the area.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Note: computer english, have to wonder if the very recent large
shipments coming across mean that the new "arrangements" have been
successful and a end to interdictions south of AZ?
El Chapo | escape unpunished
Leading officials identified as partners of the corruption network of
Guzman Loera are free and hold public office, upscale
Sibely Cañedo
Leading officials identified as partners of the corruption network of
Guzman Loera are free and hold public office, upscale, exposes the
journalist Anabel Hernandez. Critical policy "ostrich" EPN because it
can cause a major problem of governance
CULIACÁN._A that flight 12 years of legend, or caricature, depending
how you look, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera has increased its power
and neither dreamed nor in its best moments the Colombian kingpin
Pablo Escobar.
And not only that, but the only imprisoned for this case is a
janitor, and after two presidential terms PAN and PRI's return,
witnessed no plan to catch back to Sinaloa Cartel leader criticized
the journalist Anabel Hernandez and writer.
The only one who is in jail for pushing the laundry basket hiding "El
Chapo", this January 19
2001 is Camberos Javier Rivera, "El Chito" floor cleaner the prison
in Puente Grande, Jalisco.
It was not even arrested. He surrendered and allegedly confessed
helped Sinaloa capo escape and be solely responsible.
Those were the days of Vicente Fox, the first PAN to win the
presidency of Mexico.
The journalist Anabel Hernandez, author of The Lords of Narco, always
doubted this version and remember that the main partners of the
corruption network that wove "El Chapo" are free and hold public
office class. This is the case of Jorge Enrique Tello Peon, then
Undersecretary of Secured by high security prisons.
"We are saying that in 2001 was Secretary of Public Security,
responsible for the custody of the maximum security prisons, and
later, during the administration of (Felipe) Calderon was brand new
advisor to the President against drugs. Was a man directly charged
with "El Chapo" as one of the men who helped him out of prison, "said
Another who outlined his career is Eduardo Medina Mora, director of
the Center for Investigation and National Security from 2000 to 2005
and head of the PGR in the Calderón. He was then appointed Ambassador
of Mexico to England. Currently with Enrique Peña Nieto's Ambassador
to the United States.
Over the years, various investigative reports have shown that the
overall coordination of Federal Police Intelligence did nothing to
prevent evasion.
That corporation was in charge of surveillance at Puente Grande.
Until the end of 2000, was led by Genaro Garcia Luna, who as a
"prize" amount in the Calderon to Secretary of Public Safety. On
November 14, 2012 received the stimulation and Civil Recognitions,
amid charges for their alleged collusion with drug traffickers.
The case did not remove the dome, but there were just over 70
defendants, most guards and workers. Including the prison director,
Leonardo Beltran Santana, who was imprisoned and he was released in
2010. Of those involved, 59 were convicted and only one remains in
prison, "El Chito", sentenced to 25 years in prison east of Mexico City.
The power of 'El Chapo', in the light of a 'new' PRI
In an exclusive interview with West, Anabel Hernandez questioned,
nearly two months into his presidency, the PRI's Enrique Peña Nieto
has not made a single statement about his strategy against drug
cartels or against "El Chapo", whose power multiplied under the
shelter of the governments of the PAN alternation.
After six years of a "war" against drugs, executions, disappearances,
seizures, clashes and terror, for the author, the only winner was
Guzman Loera, recognized by the U.S. government as the most powerful
criminal of all time , who has spread its tentacles in the United
States and in nations of Central America, South America and Europe.
However, it is not the only player in this struggle, because as part
of the heritage of Calderon, who upon taking office in 2006 found
seven cartels, towards the end of his term crime and fractionated
dispersed hundreds of cells that operate everywhere and do not obey
For the journalist, the PAN governments, the Sinaloa Cartel has shown
its power to corrupt institutions. And the worst thing is that it
seems to be the same who will be given the task of fighting crime.
"The only way to limit this criminal organization is a real fight
against corruption, which is what allows" El Chapo "Guzman exists.
It is serious that the government has not announced any Peña plan
deep clean of institutions today, he said, will continue to fight
crime, "said the author of Mexico in Flames. Calderon's Legacy.
The PGR is still infiltration of drug cartels, says, both in the Army
and the Federal Police, and is where it is thought to nourish a new
In return PRI, prognosis demolishes hopes of those who trusted the
PRI could negotiate with the bosses, as years ago.
"What we can expect is more violence today because drug trafficking
is not the same he negotiated Ernesto Zedillo. Now is hundreds of
criminal groups that are fighting for control of the streets, of the
colonies and peoples to exercise drug dealing, "he observes.
Hernandez believes that the only alternative is a global strategy of
legalizing drugs, coupled with public policies and preventive health
to diminish the economic power yields to the illegal underworld.
Joaquín Guzmán
Loera was arrested in
Guatemala, moved
Mexico and sent
Maximum Prison
security La Palma,
in Almoloya.
"Shorty" was transferred
Bridge to criminal
Grande in Jalisco, for
serve a sentence
seven years for crimes
against health, bribery
and conspiracy.
With the appointment of Leonardo Beltran Santana
Cefereso as director of the Sinaloa capo
corrupted for two years all
prison structures. Ensure that operated
its own payroll within the prison.
Each month handing million pesos
officials, guards, customs, cooks,
Laundry centers, surveillance and security.
19 January 2001
Leakage occurs most controversial in the history of
maximum security prisons in the country, in
where "El Chapo" escapes in a shopping
Laundry covered by a network of complicity
within the prison in Puente Grande,
in Jalisco. They are stopped just over 70
prison guards and workers, including
director, Leonardo Beltran Santana.
Leonardo Beltran Santana goes free, then
director of the prison in Puente Grande, to meet
an anticipatory. Originally
was sentenced to 18 years and four months
prison, however, a court reduced the
sentenced to 11 years for good behavior.
Leonardo Beltran
Director of Cefereso number 2 when
of the leak. It is assumed that
he allowed all the corruption network
inside the prison. He was imprisoned
but was released early by
good conduct in June 2010.
Jorge Tello Peon
Undersecretariat Holder
Public Security, responsible
of prisons in 2001.
In those years dependent on the
Interior Ministry.
With Felipe Calderon was
Calderon appointed advisor on
national security. In August
2012 was appointed security adviser
Nuevo Leon Governor Rodrigo
Eduardo Medina Mora
He served from 2000
to 2005 as Director of
Research and
Homeland Security (CISEN).
In 2005, upon the occurrence of the
accident where he lost his
life the Secretary of Public Safety,
Ramon Martin Huerta, President
Vicente Fox was appointed to replace him.
Later he was head of the PGR
in the Calderón. After
was appointed Ambassador of Mexico
England and now in the new government
federal,'s Ambassador to the United
Genaro Garcia Luna
Coordination Manager
General Intelligence
Federal Police to
In late 2000, shortly before
that the exhaust fraguara
"El Chapo", which was
preparing for months in advance.
This was the corporation in charge of the
security Puente Grande. Years old
later, he was appointed Secretary Garcia Luna
National Public Safety
in the government of Felipe Calderón.
On November 14, 2012 received the
Stimulation and Recognition Award
Civil 2012.
DÁMASO Lopez Nunez
Operator First Circle
of "Chapo", according to
the U.S. government,
"The Bachelor" acted
as security chief
Puente Grande and attended
capo in leaks.
On 9 January this year, the Department
Treasury of the United States
boletinó to Culiacán, as well as
Guzman Loera father, for his role in
narcotics trafficking activities
for "El Chapo" and as having a role
significant international traffic
El Chapo | escape impune
Los principales funcionarios señalados como interlocutores de la red
de corrupción de Guzmán Loera se encuentran libres y ostentan cargos
públicos y de primer nivel
Sibely Cañedo
Los principales funcionarios señalados como interlocutores de la red
de corrupción de Guzmán Loera se encuentran libres y ostentan cargos
públicos y de primer nivel, expone la periodista Anabel Hernández.
Critica la política "del avestruz" de EPN porque puede ocasionar un
problema mayor de gobernabilidad
CULIACÁN._A 12 años de aquella fuga de leyenda, o de caricatura,
según se mire, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera ha acrecentado su
poder como no lo soñó ni en sus mejores momentos el hampón colombiano
Pablo Escobar.
Y no sólo eso, sino que el único encarcelado por este caso es un
empleado de limpieza, y luego de dos sexenios panistas y el regreso
del PRI, no se advierte ningún plan para atrapar de nuevo al líder
del Cártel de Sinaloa, criticó la periodista y escritora Anabel
El único que se encuentra en la cárcel por empujar el carrito de
lavandería que ocultaba a "El Chapo", ese 19 de enero
de 2001, es Javier Camberos Rivera, "El Chito", limpiador de pisos
del Penal de Puente Grande, Jalisco.
Ni siquiera fue detenido. Se entregó y, supuestamente, confesó haber
ayudado a escapar al capo sinaloense y ser el único responsable.
Eran los tiempos de Vicente Fox, el primer panista en ganar la
Presidencia de México.
La periodista Anabel Hernández, autora del libro Los Señores del
Narco, siempre puso en duda esta versión y recuerda que los
principales interlocutores de la red de corrupción que tejió "El
Chapo" se encuentran libres y ostentan cargos públicos de primer
nivel. Es el caso de Jorge Enrique Tello Peón, entonces Subsecretario
de Seguridad a cargo de los reclusorios de alta seguridad.
"Estamos hablando de que en el 2001 era Subsecretario de Seguridad
Pública, responsable de la custodia de los penales de máxima
seguridad y después, en el sexenio de (Felipe) Calderón, fue flamante
asesor de la Presidencia contra el narco. Fue un hombre directamente
imputado por "El Chapo" como uno de los hombres que lo ayudaron a
salir de la prisión", relató Hernández.
Otro que perfiló su carrera es Eduardo Medina Mora, director del
Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional de 2000 a 2005 y titular
de la PGR en el Gobierno de Calderón. Después fue nombrado Embajador
de México en Inglaterra. Actualmente con Enrique Peña Nieto es
Embajador en los Estados Unidos.
Al paso de los años, diversas investigaciones periodísticas han
demostrado que la Coordinación General de Inteligencia de la Policía
Federal tampoco hizo nada para evitar la evasión.
Esa corporación se encontraba a cargo de la vigilancia en Puente
Grande. Hasta finales del año 2000, fue encabezada por Genaro García
Luna, quien como "premio" ascendió en el gobierno de Calderón a
Secretario de Seguridad Pública. El 14 de noviembre de 2012 recibió
el premio Estimulación y Reconocimientos Civiles, en medio de
acusaciones por su supuesta colusión con el narcotráfico.
El caso no removió la cúpula, pero hubo poco más de 70 acusados, la
mayoría vigilantes y trabajadores. Entre ellos el director del penal,
Leonardo Beltrán Santana, quien fue encarcelado y obtuvo su libertad
en 2010. De los implicados, 59 fueron condenados y en prisión sólo
queda uno, "El Chito", sentenciado a 25 años en el reclusorio Oriente
de la Ciudad de México.
El poderío de 'El Chapo', a la luz de un 'nuevo' PRI
En entrevista exclusiva para Noroeste, Anabel Hernández cuestionó
que, a casi dos meses de asumir la Presidencia, el priista Enrique
Peña Nieto no haya hecho un solo pronunciamiento sobre su estrategia
contra los cárteles de la droga ni contra "El Chapo", cuyo poderío se
multiplicó bajo el cobijo de los gobiernos de la alternancia panista.
Luego de seis años de una "guerra" contra el narco, de ejecuciones,
desapariciones, decomisos, enfrentamientos y terror, para la autora,
el único ganador ha sido Guzmán Loera, reconocido por el Gobierno
estadounidense como el criminal más poderoso de todos los tiempos,
quien ha extendido sus tentáculos en la Unión Americana y en naciones
de Centroamérica, Sudamérica y Europa. Sin embargo, no es el único
jugador en esta pugna, pues como parte de la herencia de Calderón,
que al tomar posesión en 2006 encontró siete cárteles, hacia el final
de su mandato el crimen se dispersó y fraccionó en cientos de células
que operan por todas partes y no obedecen a nadie.
Para la periodista, en los gobiernos del PAN, el Cártel de Sinaloa ha
mostrado su fuerza para corromper las instituciones. Y lo más grave
es que al parecer serán las mismas a quienes se les dará la
encomienda de enfrentar a la delincuencia.
"La única manera de acotar a esta organización criminal es con un
verdadero combate a la corrupción, que es lo que permite que "El
Chapo" Guzmán exista.
Es grave que el gobierno de Peña no haya anunciado algún plan de
limpia profundo de las instituciones que hoy, según él, van a seguir
combatiendo la delincuencia", explicó la autora del libro México en
Llamas. El Legado de Calderón.
En la PGR sigue habiendo la infiltración de los cárteles de la droga,
asegura, lo mismo en el Ejército y la Policía Federal, y es de donde
se piensa nutrir una nueva gendarmería.
En el retorno priista, su pronóstico echa abajo las esperanzas de
quienes confiaban en que el PRI pudiera negociar con los capos, como
años atrás.
"Lo que se puede esperar es más violencia porque el narcotráfico de
hoy no es el mismo con el que negoció Ernesto Zedillo. Ahora son
centenas de grupos delincuenciales los que se disputan el control de
las calles, de las colonias y los pueblos para ejercer el
narcomenudeo", observa.
Hernández considera que la única alternativa es una estrategia
mundial de legalización de la droga, aparejada con políticas públicas
preventivas y de salud para poder mermar el poder económico que rinde
al hampa el mercado ilegal.
Joaquín Guzmán
Loera es detenido en
Guatemala, trasladado
a México y enviado a
la prisión de máxima
seguridad de La Palma,
en Almoloya.
"El Chapo" fue transferido
al penal de Puente
Grande, en Jalisco, para
cumplir una sentencia
de siete años por delitos
contra la salud, cohecho
y asociación delictuosa.
Con la designación de Leonardo Beltrán Santana
como director del Cefereso, el capo sinaloense
corrompió durante dos años todas las
estructuras de la prisión. Aseguran que operaba
su propia nómina al interior del centro penitenciario.
Cada mes repartía millones de pesos a
los funcionarios, custodios, aduanas, cocineros,
lavandería, centros de vigilancia y de seguridad.
19 ENERO 2001
Ocurre la fuga más polémica de la historia de
los penales de máxima seguridad del País, en
la que "El Chapo" se escapa en un carrito de
lavandería cubierto por una red de complicidad
al interior del reclusorio de Puente Grande,
en Jalisco. Son detenidos poco más de 70
custodios y trabajadores del penal, entre ellos
el director, Leonardo Beltrán Santana.
Sale libre Leonardo Beltrán Santana, entonces
director del penal de Puente Grande, al cumplir
una condena anticipada. Originalmente
fue condenado a 18 años y cuatro meses de
prisión, sin embargo, un tribunal le redujo la
sentencia a 11 años por buena conducta.
Director del Cefereso número 2 al momento
de la fuga. Se presume que con
él se permitió toda la red de corrupción
al interior del penal. Fue encarcelado
pero salió libre de forma anticipada por
buena conducta en junio de 2010.
Titular de la Subsecretaría de
Seguridad Pública, responsable
de las prisiones en 2001.
En esos años dependía de la
Secretaría de Gobernación.
Con Felipe Calderón fue
nombrado asesor de Calderón en materia
de seguridad nacional. En agosto de
2012 fue designado asesor en seguridad
del gobernador de Nuevo León, Rodrigo
Se desempeñó de 2000
a 2005 como Director del
Centro de Investigación y
Seguridad Nacional (CISEN).
En 2005, al ocurrir el
accidente donde perdió la
vida el Secretario de Seguridad Pública,
Ramón Martín Huerta, el Presidente
Vicente Fox lo designó para sustituirlo.
Posteriormente fue titular de la PGR
en el Gobierno de Calderón. Después
fue nombrado Embajador de México en
Inglaterra y ahora, en el nuevo Gobierno
federal, es Embajador en los Estados
Encargado de la Coordinación
General de Inteligencia
de la Policía Federal hasta
finales de 2000, poco antes
de que se fraguara el escape
de "El Chapo", que se fue
preparando con meses de anticipación.
Esta era la corporación a cargo de la
seguridad en Puente Grande. Años
después, García Luna fue nombrado Secretario
de Seguridad Pública nacional
en el Gobierno de Felipe Calderón.
El 14 de noviembre de 2012 recibió el
premio Estimulación y Reconocimientos
Civiles 2012.
Operador del primer círculo
del "Chapo", de acuerdo con
el Gobierno de Estados Unidos,
"El Licenciado" fungía
como jefe de seguridad de
Puente Grande y asistió al
capo en se fuga.
El 9 de enero de este año, el Departamento
del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos
boletinó al culiacanense, así como al
suegro de Guzmán Loera, por su rol en
actividades de tráfico de narcóticos
para "El Chapo" y por tener un papel
significativo en el tráfico internacional
de estupefacientes.
Note: computer english, have to wonder if the very recent large
shipments coming across mean that the new "arrangements" have been
successful and a end to interdictions south of AZ?
El Chapo | escape unpunished
Leading officials identified as partners of the corruption network of
Guzman Loera are free and hold public office, upscale
Sibely Cañedo
Leading officials identified as partners of the corruption network of
Guzman Loera are free and hold public office, upscale, exposes the
journalist Anabel Hernandez. Critical policy "ostrich" EPN because it
can cause a major problem of governance
CULIACÁN._A that flight 12 years of legend, or caricature, depending
how you look, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera has increased its power
and neither dreamed nor in its best moments the Colombian kingpin
Pablo Escobar.
And not only that, but the only imprisoned for this case is a
janitor, and after two presidential terms PAN and PRI's return,
witnessed no plan to catch back to Sinaloa Cartel leader criticized
the journalist Anabel Hernandez and writer.
The only one who is in jail for pushing the laundry basket hiding "El
Chapo", this January 19
2001 is Camberos Javier Rivera, "El Chito" floor cleaner the prison
in Puente Grande, Jalisco.
It was not even arrested. He surrendered and allegedly confessed
helped Sinaloa capo escape and be solely responsible.
Those were the days of Vicente Fox, the first PAN to win the
presidency of Mexico.
The journalist Anabel Hernandez, author of The Lords of Narco, always
doubted this version and remember that the main partners of the
corruption network that wove "El Chapo" are free and hold public
office class. This is the case of Jorge Enrique Tello Peon, then
Undersecretary of Secured by high security prisons.
"We are saying that in 2001 was Secretary of Public Security,
responsible for the custody of the maximum security prisons, and
later, during the administration of (Felipe) Calderon was brand new
advisor to the President against drugs. Was a man directly charged
with "El Chapo" as one of the men who helped him out of prison, "said
Another who outlined his career is Eduardo Medina Mora, director of
the Center for Investigation and National Security from 2000 to 2005
and head of the PGR in the Calderón. He was then appointed Ambassador
of Mexico to England. Currently with Enrique Peña Nieto's Ambassador
to the United States.
Over the years, various investigative reports have shown that the
overall coordination of Federal Police Intelligence did nothing to
prevent evasion.
That corporation was in charge of surveillance at Puente Grande.
Until the end of 2000, was led by Genaro Garcia Luna, who as a
"prize" amount in the Calderon to Secretary of Public Safety. On
November 14, 2012 received the stimulation and Civil Recognitions,
amid charges for their alleged collusion with drug traffickers.
The case did not remove the dome, but there were just over 70
defendants, most guards and workers. Including the prison director,
Leonardo Beltran Santana, who was imprisoned and he was released in
2010. Of those involved, 59 were convicted and only one remains in
prison, "El Chito", sentenced to 25 years in prison east of Mexico City.
The power of 'El Chapo', in the light of a 'new' PRI
In an exclusive interview with West, Anabel Hernandez questioned,
nearly two months into his presidency, the PRI's Enrique Peña Nieto
has not made a single statement about his strategy against drug
cartels or against "El Chapo", whose power multiplied under the
shelter of the governments of the PAN alternation.
After six years of a "war" against drugs, executions, disappearances,
seizures, clashes and terror, for the author, the only winner was
Guzman Loera, recognized by the U.S. government as the most powerful
criminal of all time , who has spread its tentacles in the United
States and in nations of Central America, South America and Europe.
However, it is not the only player in this struggle, because as part
of the heritage of Calderon, who upon taking office in 2006 found
seven cartels, towards the end of his term crime and fractionated
dispersed hundreds of cells that operate everywhere and do not obey
For the journalist, the PAN governments, the Sinaloa Cartel has shown
its power to corrupt institutions. And the worst thing is that it
seems to be the same who will be given the task of fighting crime.
"The only way to limit this criminal organization is a real fight
against corruption, which is what allows" El Chapo "Guzman exists.
It is serious that the government has not announced any Peña plan
deep clean of institutions today, he said, will continue to fight
crime, "said the author of Mexico in Flames. Calderon's Legacy.
The PGR is still infiltration of drug cartels, says, both in the Army
and the Federal Police, and is where it is thought to nourish a new
In return PRI, prognosis demolishes hopes of those who trusted the
PRI could negotiate with the bosses, as years ago.
"What we can expect is more violence today because drug trafficking
is not the same he negotiated Ernesto Zedillo. Now is hundreds of
criminal groups that are fighting for control of the streets, of the
colonies and peoples to exercise drug dealing, "he observes.
Hernandez believes that the only alternative is a global strategy of
legalizing drugs, coupled with public policies and preventive health
to diminish the economic power yields to the illegal underworld.
Joaquín Guzmán
Loera was arrested in
Guatemala, moved
Mexico and sent
Maximum Prison
security La Palma,
in Almoloya.
"Shorty" was transferred
Bridge to criminal
Grande in Jalisco, for
serve a sentence
seven years for crimes
against health, bribery
and conspiracy.
With the appointment of Leonardo Beltran Santana
Cefereso as director of the Sinaloa capo
corrupted for two years all
prison structures. Ensure that operated
its own payroll within the prison.
Each month handing million pesos
officials, guards, customs, cooks,
Laundry centers, surveillance and security.
19 January 2001
Leakage occurs most controversial in the history of
maximum security prisons in the country, in
where "El Chapo" escapes in a shopping
Laundry covered by a network of complicity
within the prison in Puente Grande,
in Jalisco. They are stopped just over 70
prison guards and workers, including
director, Leonardo Beltran Santana.
Leonardo Beltran Santana goes free, then
director of the prison in Puente Grande, to meet
an anticipatory. Originally
was sentenced to 18 years and four months
prison, however, a court reduced the
sentenced to 11 years for good behavior.
Leonardo Beltran
Director of Cefereso number 2 when
of the leak. It is assumed that
he allowed all the corruption network
inside the prison. He was imprisoned
but was released early by
good conduct in June 2010.
Jorge Tello Peon
Undersecretariat Holder
Public Security, responsible
of prisons in 2001.
In those years dependent on the
Interior Ministry.
With Felipe Calderon was
Calderon appointed advisor on
national security. In August
2012 was appointed security adviser
Nuevo Leon Governor Rodrigo
Eduardo Medina Mora
He served from 2000
to 2005 as Director of
Research and
Homeland Security (CISEN).
In 2005, upon the occurrence of the
accident where he lost his
life the Secretary of Public Safety,
Ramon Martin Huerta, President
Vicente Fox was appointed to replace him.
Later he was head of the PGR
in the Calderón. After
was appointed Ambassador of Mexico
England and now in the new government
federal,'s Ambassador to the United
Genaro Garcia Luna
Coordination Manager
General Intelligence
Federal Police to
In late 2000, shortly before
that the exhaust fraguara
"El Chapo", which was
preparing for months in advance.
This was the corporation in charge of the
security Puente Grande. Years old
later, he was appointed Secretary Garcia Luna
National Public Safety
in the government of Felipe Calderón.
On November 14, 2012 received the
Stimulation and Recognition Award
Civil 2012.
DÁMASO Lopez Nunez
Operator First Circle
of "Chapo", according to
the U.S. government,
"The Bachelor" acted
as security chief
Puente Grande and attended
capo in leaks.
On 9 January this year, the Department
Treasury of the United States
boletinó to Culiacán, as well as
Guzman Loera father, for his role in
narcotics trafficking activities
for "El Chapo" and as having a role
significant international traffic
El Chapo | escape impune
Los principales funcionarios señalados como interlocutores de la red
de corrupción de Guzmán Loera se encuentran libres y ostentan cargos
públicos y de primer nivel
Sibely Cañedo
Los principales funcionarios señalados como interlocutores de la red
de corrupción de Guzmán Loera se encuentran libres y ostentan cargos
públicos y de primer nivel, expone la periodista Anabel Hernández.
Critica la política "del avestruz" de EPN porque puede ocasionar un
problema mayor de gobernabilidad
CULIACÁN._A 12 años de aquella fuga de leyenda, o de caricatura,
según se mire, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera ha acrecentado su
poder como no lo soñó ni en sus mejores momentos el hampón colombiano
Pablo Escobar.
Y no sólo eso, sino que el único encarcelado por este caso es un
empleado de limpieza, y luego de dos sexenios panistas y el regreso
del PRI, no se advierte ningún plan para atrapar de nuevo al líder
del Cártel de Sinaloa, criticó la periodista y escritora Anabel
El único que se encuentra en la cárcel por empujar el carrito de
lavandería que ocultaba a "El Chapo", ese 19 de enero
de 2001, es Javier Camberos Rivera, "El Chito", limpiador de pisos
del Penal de Puente Grande, Jalisco.
Ni siquiera fue detenido. Se entregó y, supuestamente, confesó haber
ayudado a escapar al capo sinaloense y ser el único responsable.
Eran los tiempos de Vicente Fox, el primer panista en ganar la
Presidencia de México.
La periodista Anabel Hernández, autora del libro Los Señores del
Narco, siempre puso en duda esta versión y recuerda que los
principales interlocutores de la red de corrupción que tejió "El
Chapo" se encuentran libres y ostentan cargos públicos de primer
nivel. Es el caso de Jorge Enrique Tello Peón, entonces Subsecretario
de Seguridad a cargo de los reclusorios de alta seguridad.
"Estamos hablando de que en el 2001 era Subsecretario de Seguridad
Pública, responsable de la custodia de los penales de máxima
seguridad y después, en el sexenio de (Felipe) Calderón, fue flamante
asesor de la Presidencia contra el narco. Fue un hombre directamente
imputado por "El Chapo" como uno de los hombres que lo ayudaron a
salir de la prisión", relató Hernández.
Otro que perfiló su carrera es Eduardo Medina Mora, director del
Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional de 2000 a 2005 y titular
de la PGR en el Gobierno de Calderón. Después fue nombrado Embajador
de México en Inglaterra. Actualmente con Enrique Peña Nieto es
Embajador en los Estados Unidos.
Al paso de los años, diversas investigaciones periodísticas han
demostrado que la Coordinación General de Inteligencia de la Policía
Federal tampoco hizo nada para evitar la evasión.
Esa corporación se encontraba a cargo de la vigilancia en Puente
Grande. Hasta finales del año 2000, fue encabezada por Genaro García
Luna, quien como "premio" ascendió en el gobierno de Calderón a
Secretario de Seguridad Pública. El 14 de noviembre de 2012 recibió
el premio Estimulación y Reconocimientos Civiles, en medio de
acusaciones por su supuesta colusión con el narcotráfico.
El caso no removió la cúpula, pero hubo poco más de 70 acusados, la
mayoría vigilantes y trabajadores. Entre ellos el director del penal,
Leonardo Beltrán Santana, quien fue encarcelado y obtuvo su libertad
en 2010. De los implicados, 59 fueron condenados y en prisión sólo
queda uno, "El Chito", sentenciado a 25 años en el reclusorio Oriente
de la Ciudad de México.
El poderío de 'El Chapo', a la luz de un 'nuevo' PRI
En entrevista exclusiva para Noroeste, Anabel Hernández cuestionó
que, a casi dos meses de asumir la Presidencia, el priista Enrique
Peña Nieto no haya hecho un solo pronunciamiento sobre su estrategia
contra los cárteles de la droga ni contra "El Chapo", cuyo poderío se
multiplicó bajo el cobijo de los gobiernos de la alternancia panista.
Luego de seis años de una "guerra" contra el narco, de ejecuciones,
desapariciones, decomisos, enfrentamientos y terror, para la autora,
el único ganador ha sido Guzmán Loera, reconocido por el Gobierno
estadounidense como el criminal más poderoso de todos los tiempos,
quien ha extendido sus tentáculos en la Unión Americana y en naciones
de Centroamérica, Sudamérica y Europa. Sin embargo, no es el único
jugador en esta pugna, pues como parte de la herencia de Calderón,
que al tomar posesión en 2006 encontró siete cárteles, hacia el final
de su mandato el crimen se dispersó y fraccionó en cientos de células
que operan por todas partes y no obedecen a nadie.
Para la periodista, en los gobiernos del PAN, el Cártel de Sinaloa ha
mostrado su fuerza para corromper las instituciones. Y lo más grave
es que al parecer serán las mismas a quienes se les dará la
encomienda de enfrentar a la delincuencia.
"La única manera de acotar a esta organización criminal es con un
verdadero combate a la corrupción, que es lo que permite que "El
Chapo" Guzmán exista.
Es grave que el gobierno de Peña no haya anunciado algún plan de
limpia profundo de las instituciones que hoy, según él, van a seguir
combatiendo la delincuencia", explicó la autora del libro México en
Llamas. El Legado de Calderón.
En la PGR sigue habiendo la infiltración de los cárteles de la droga,
asegura, lo mismo en el Ejército y la Policía Federal, y es de donde
se piensa nutrir una nueva gendarmería.
En el retorno priista, su pronóstico echa abajo las esperanzas de
quienes confiaban en que el PRI pudiera negociar con los capos, como
años atrás.
"Lo que se puede esperar es más violencia porque el narcotráfico de
hoy no es el mismo con el que negoció Ernesto Zedillo. Ahora son
centenas de grupos delincuenciales los que se disputan el control de
las calles, de las colonias y los pueblos para ejercer el
narcomenudeo", observa.
Hernández considera que la única alternativa es una estrategia
mundial de legalización de la droga, aparejada con políticas públicas
preventivas y de salud para poder mermar el poder económico que rinde
al hampa el mercado ilegal.
Joaquín Guzmán
Loera es detenido en
Guatemala, trasladado
a México y enviado a
la prisión de máxima
seguridad de La Palma,
en Almoloya.
"El Chapo" fue transferido
al penal de Puente
Grande, en Jalisco, para
cumplir una sentencia
de siete años por delitos
contra la salud, cohecho
y asociación delictuosa.
Con la designación de Leonardo Beltrán Santana
como director del Cefereso, el capo sinaloense
corrompió durante dos años todas las
estructuras de la prisión. Aseguran que operaba
su propia nómina al interior del centro penitenciario.
Cada mes repartía millones de pesos a
los funcionarios, custodios, aduanas, cocineros,
lavandería, centros de vigilancia y de seguridad.
19 ENERO 2001
Ocurre la fuga más polémica de la historia de
los penales de máxima seguridad del País, en
la que "El Chapo" se escapa en un carrito de
lavandería cubierto por una red de complicidad
al interior del reclusorio de Puente Grande,
en Jalisco. Son detenidos poco más de 70
custodios y trabajadores del penal, entre ellos
el director, Leonardo Beltrán Santana.
Sale libre Leonardo Beltrán Santana, entonces
director del penal de Puente Grande, al cumplir
una condena anticipada. Originalmente
fue condenado a 18 años y cuatro meses de
prisión, sin embargo, un tribunal le redujo la
sentencia a 11 años por buena conducta.
Director del Cefereso número 2 al momento
de la fuga. Se presume que con
él se permitió toda la red de corrupción
al interior del penal. Fue encarcelado
pero salió libre de forma anticipada por
buena conducta en junio de 2010.
Titular de la Subsecretaría de
Seguridad Pública, responsable
de las prisiones en 2001.
En esos años dependía de la
Secretaría de Gobernación.
Con Felipe Calderón fue
nombrado asesor de Calderón en materia
de seguridad nacional. En agosto de
2012 fue designado asesor en seguridad
del gobernador de Nuevo León, Rodrigo
Se desempeñó de 2000
a 2005 como Director del
Centro de Investigación y
Seguridad Nacional (CISEN).
En 2005, al ocurrir el
accidente donde perdió la
vida el Secretario de Seguridad Pública,
Ramón Martín Huerta, el Presidente
Vicente Fox lo designó para sustituirlo.
Posteriormente fue titular de la PGR
en el Gobierno de Calderón. Después
fue nombrado Embajador de México en
Inglaterra y ahora, en el nuevo Gobierno
federal, es Embajador en los Estados
Encargado de la Coordinación
General de Inteligencia
de la Policía Federal hasta
finales de 2000, poco antes
de que se fraguara el escape
de "El Chapo", que se fue
preparando con meses de anticipación.
Esta era la corporación a cargo de la
seguridad en Puente Grande. Años
después, García Luna fue nombrado Secretario
de Seguridad Pública nacional
en el Gobierno de Felipe Calderón.
El 14 de noviembre de 2012 recibió el
premio Estimulación y Reconocimientos
Civiles 2012.
Operador del primer círculo
del "Chapo", de acuerdo con
el Gobierno de Estados Unidos,
"El Licenciado" fungía
como jefe de seguridad de
Puente Grande y asistió al
capo en se fuga.
El 9 de enero de este año, el Departamento
del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos
boletinó al culiacanense, así como al
suegro de Guzmán Loera, por su rol en
actividades de tráfico de narcóticos
para "El Chapo" y por tener un papel
significativo en el tráfico internacional
de estupefacientes.
Note: The Columbian Model? Do we get Los Pepes also?
Pentagon bolsters US training in Mexico's drug fight
By Kimberly Dozier \ Associated Press
Posted: 01/18/2013 12:31:27 AM MST
WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is stepping up aid for Mexico's bloody
drug war with a new U.S.-based special operations headquarters to
teach Mexican security forces how to hunt drug cartels the same way
special operations teams hunt al-Qaida, according to documents and
interviews with multiple U.S. officials.
Such assistance could help newly elected Mexican President Enrique
Peña Nieto establish a military force to focus on drug criminal
networks that have terrorized Mexico's northern states and threatened
the Southwest U.S. border.
Mexican officials say warring drug gangs killed at least 70,000
people between 2006 and 2012.
U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, said he worries that the planned
aid to Mexico would continue a drug war he believes has been a
failure and might have unintended consequences.
Based at the U.S. Northern Command in Colorado, Special Operations
Command-North will build on a commando program that has brought
Mexican military, intelligence and law enforcement officials to study
U.S. counterterrorist operations from the U.S. to war zones in Iraq
and Afghanistan, to show them how special forces troops built an
interagency network to target al-Qaida mastermind Osama bin Laden and
his followers.
The special operations team within Northcom will be turned into a new
headquarters, led by a general instead of a colonel, and was
established in a Dec. 31 memo signed by Defense Secretary Leon
Panetta. That move gives the group more
autonomy, and the number of people could eventually triple from 30 to
150, meaning the headquarters could expand its training missions with
Mexican personnel, even though no new money is being assigned to the
The special operations program has already helped Mexican officials
set up their own intelligence center in Mexico City to target
criminal networks, patterned after similar centers in war zones built
to target al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Iraq, two current U.S.
officials said.
Mexican and U.S. military officials played down the change, and it's
unclear whether the Mexican government will agree to boost its training.
"We are merely placing a component commander in charge of things we
are already doing," said Northcom spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis in
a written statement.
Mexico's Foreign Affairs Department emailed a statement saying it had
been briefed on the changes and had no further comment
The creation of the new command is another expansion of Adm. Bill
McRaven's special operations empire. The San Antonio native seeks to
migrate special operators from their decade of service in war zones
in Iraq and Afghanistan to new missions, even as the rest of the
military fights post-war contraction and multi-billion-dollar budget
The new headquarters will also coordinate special operations troops
when needed for domestic roles such as rescuing survivors after a
natural disaster, or helping the U.S. Coast Guard strike ships
carrying suspect cargo just outside U.S. territorial waters,
according to multiple current and former U.S. officials briefed on
the mission. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the
Pentagon has not formally announced the new headquarters.
The initial document petitioning Panetta for the command stresses the
command's role in military-to-military cooperation with Mexico. The
document was signed in September 2012 by McRaven and Northcom
commander Gen. Charles Jacoby.
Northcom's current special operations training missions are an
outgrowth of the Mérida Initiative, which was formalized in 2008, to
provide extensive military assistance to Mexico. The extra special
operations staff, including both troops and civilians, will help
coordinate more missions as Mexico requests them, current and former
officials said.
Peña Nieto is likely to welcome the continued training to help him
build and coordinate the forces he needs to reduce drug violence,
according to Rand Corp.'s Agnes Gereben Schaefer.
"He has talked about setting up a paramilitary force É made up of
former military and police forces, which he has described as more
surgical" than the current campaign by the Mexican army and police,
Schaefer said. He would dispatch the force into towns that have been
overrun by drug violence, where police don't have the numbers to
fight it, she said.
O'Rourke, who has proposed legalizing marijuana as a way of de-
funding cartels, is a skeptic of the Mérida Initiative and of the
larger war on drugs.
"The war on drugs has been a failure, and I don't like the idea of
committing more resources to it," he said Thursday from his
Washington, D.C., office. "But I'd like to be briefed on (the new
plan to assist Mexican authorities) before I make a decision about it."
O'Rourke is also concerned that the U.S. might share secret
intelligence and techniques with the Mexican government, only to see
them end up in the hands of the cartels.
"That would not be without precedent," he said.
Mexican military, intelligence and law enforcement chiefs have
already toured the Joint Special Operations Command headquarters at
Fort Bragg in North Carolina to see how U.S. officers coordinate
efforts by special operations aircraft, naval vessels and air- and
sea-based raiders, according to one current military official.
A small group of top Mexican military and intelligence officials also
visited the command's targeting center at the Balad air base in Iraq
before the U.S. troop withdrawal there in 2011, a former U.S.
official said.
U.S. officials stress that sharing this expertise does not mean U.S.
special operations teams will be conducting raids against targets in
Mexico, nor will they be entering the country with their own weapons.
Mexico forbids U.S. military or law enforcement officers to carry
guns inside their borders, with few exceptions, though American
commandos have conducted training missions in the past, two current
and one former U.S. military official said. They were speaking on the
condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss
such sensitive missions.
El Paso Times reporter Marty Schladen contributed to this story.
Note: The Columbian Model? Do we get Los Pepes also?
Pentagon bolsters US training in Mexico's drug fight
By Kimberly Dozier \ Associated Press
Posted: 01/18/2013 12:31:27 AM MST
WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is stepping up aid for Mexico's bloody
drug war with a new U.S.-based special operations headquarters to
teach Mexican security forces how to hunt drug cartels the same way
special operations teams hunt al-Qaida, according to documents and
interviews with multiple U.S. officials.
Such assistance could help newly elected Mexican President Enrique
Peña Nieto establish a military force to focus on drug criminal
networks that have terrorized Mexico's northern states and threatened
the Southwest U.S. border.
Mexican officials say warring drug gangs killed at least 70,000
people between 2006 and 2012.
U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, said he worries that the planned
aid to Mexico would continue a drug war he believes has been a
failure and might have unintended consequences.
Based at the U.S. Northern Command in Colorado, Special Operations
Command-North will build on a commando program that has brought
Mexican military, intelligence and law enforcement officials to study
U.S. counterterrorist operations from the U.S. to war zones in Iraq
and Afghanistan, to show them how special forces troops built an
interagency network to target al-Qaida mastermind Osama bin Laden and
his followers.
The special operations team within Northcom will be turned into a new
headquarters, led by a general instead of a colonel, and was
established in a Dec. 31 memo signed by Defense Secretary Leon
Panetta. That move gives the group more
autonomy, and the number of people could eventually triple from 30 to
150, meaning the headquarters could expand its training missions with
Mexican personnel, even though no new money is being assigned to the
The special operations program has already helped Mexican officials
set up their own intelligence center in Mexico City to target
criminal networks, patterned after similar centers in war zones built
to target al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Iraq, two current U.S.
officials said.
Mexican and U.S. military officials played down the change, and it's
unclear whether the Mexican government will agree to boost its training.
"We are merely placing a component commander in charge of things we
are already doing," said Northcom spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis in
a written statement.
Mexico's Foreign Affairs Department emailed a statement saying it had
been briefed on the changes and had no further comment
The creation of the new command is another expansion of Adm. Bill
McRaven's special operations empire. The San Antonio native seeks to
migrate special operators from their decade of service in war zones
in Iraq and Afghanistan to new missions, even as the rest of the
military fights post-war contraction and multi-billion-dollar budget
The new headquarters will also coordinate special operations troops
when needed for domestic roles such as rescuing survivors after a
natural disaster, or helping the U.S. Coast Guard strike ships
carrying suspect cargo just outside U.S. territorial waters,
according to multiple current and former U.S. officials briefed on
the mission. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the
Pentagon has not formally announced the new headquarters.
The initial document petitioning Panetta for the command stresses the
command's role in military-to-military cooperation with Mexico. The
document was signed in September 2012 by McRaven and Northcom
commander Gen. Charles Jacoby.
Northcom's current special operations training missions are an
outgrowth of the Mérida Initiative, which was formalized in 2008, to
provide extensive military assistance to Mexico. The extra special
operations staff, including both troops and civilians, will help
coordinate more missions as Mexico requests them, current and former
officials said.
Peña Nieto is likely to welcome the continued training to help him
build and coordinate the forces he needs to reduce drug violence,
according to Rand Corp.'s Agnes Gereben Schaefer.
"He has talked about setting up a paramilitary force É made up of
former military and police forces, which he has described as more
surgical" than the current campaign by the Mexican army and police,
Schaefer said. He would dispatch the force into towns that have been
overrun by drug violence, where police don't have the numbers to
fight it, she said.
O'Rourke, who has proposed legalizing marijuana as a way of de-
funding cartels, is a skeptic of the Mérida Initiative and of the
larger war on drugs.
"The war on drugs has been a failure, and I don't like the idea of
committing more resources to it," he said Thursday from his
Washington, D.C., office. "But I'd like to be briefed on (the new
plan to assist Mexican authorities) before I make a decision about it."
O'Rourke is also concerned that the U.S. might share secret
intelligence and techniques with the Mexican government, only to see
them end up in the hands of the cartels.
"That would not be without precedent," he said.
Mexican military, intelligence and law enforcement chiefs have
already toured the Joint Special Operations Command headquarters at
Fort Bragg in North Carolina to see how U.S. officers coordinate
efforts by special operations aircraft, naval vessels and air- and
sea-based raiders, according to one current military official.
A small group of top Mexican military and intelligence officials also
visited the command's targeting center at the Balad air base in Iraq
before the U.S. troop withdrawal there in 2011, a former U.S.
official said.
U.S. officials stress that sharing this expertise does not mean U.S.
special operations teams will be conducting raids against targets in
Mexico, nor will they be entering the country with their own weapons.
Mexico forbids U.S. military or law enforcement officers to carry
guns inside their borders, with few exceptions, though American
commandos have conducted training missions in the past, two current
and one former U.S. military official said. They were speaking on the
condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss
such sensitive missions.
El Paso Times reporter Marty Schladen contributed to this story.
Note: Locals will get the chuckle out of the "allegations" line.
Lawmakers: Ambassador signals new era for Mexico, U.S.
Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013 1:15 pm
Julián Aguilar | The Texas Tribune
Texas lawmakers and the United States' former top diplomat in Mexico
are praising the recent appointment of Eduardo Medina Mora as
Mexico's new ambassador to the U.S.
Despite Medina Mora's being the former director of agencies mired in
controversy, Republicans and Democrats say his appointment affords
them an opportunity to forge a new relationship with Mexico as it
continues to grapple with drug cartel violence following the
inauguration last month of President Enrique Peña Nieto.
An attorney and adviser to the Mexican government during its
negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement, Medina Mora
also served as the director of Mexico's national security agency, the
Secretaria de Seguridad Publica (SSP), under former President Vicente
Fox and served as attorney general from 2006 to 2009 under President
Felipe Calderón. Both Fox and Calderón were members of the
conservative National Action Party, or PAN, which lost power when the
Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, took over in December as
Peña Nieto took his oath of office. The SSP was dismantled shortly
afterward as a part of the president's new strategy to fight crime in
that country.
Medina Mora officially presented his credentials to the White House
and President Obama on Monday after the Mexican Congress approved his
"Our future economic growth and prosperity will increasingly hinge in
our ability to work together to enhance trade, strengthen our
competitiveness and effectively manage our border," Obama said in a
statement released by the Mexican Embassy in Washington.
The Mexican government has long been accused of corruption, even at
its highest levels. But U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, who
chairs the powerful House Committee on Homeland Security, said he
thought the appointment is ideal and sends a resounding message that
Mexico is willing to cooperate with its neighbor.
"I know there have been controversies regarding the SSP and some of
the corruption there, but I don't attribute that to Mora's watch," he
said. "I think that personally, this is an excellent pick."
Before the July 1 election, McCaul openly questioned whether the PRI
would return to the ways of the last century, when its 71-year rule
was tarred with allegations of deal-making, corruption and cronyism.
He said Medina Mora's appointment signals a new PRI that recognizes
the assets the government had during the opposing party's 12-year rule.
"I was a bit of a skeptic in the beginning," he said. "Our ambassador
told us, 'Wait and see who they appoint to see what directions this
administration is going to take,' and I have to tell you, I have been
pleasantly surprised."
He said that under Calderón, Mexico extradited a record number of
alleged criminals and he is hopeful the trend would continue under
Peña Nieto.
Antonio "Tony" Garza, a South Texas native and the former U.S.
ambassador to Mexico under President George W. Bush, characterized
Medina Mora as a friend. He said his work in the private sector would
only serve to boost this country's trade relationship with Mexico.
Through the first 11 months of 2012, the countries traded more than
$457 billion in goods, with the ports of Laredo and El Paso being the
No. 1 and No. 2 trading destinations, respectively.
"Having served both as Mexico's director of intelligence and later,
attorney general, he's got a keen understanding of the security
issues, and his business background will be invaluable on the trade
and commerce side," Garza said. "That, and given his grandmother's
from Waco, I like to tell him he's practically a Texan."
U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, made funding for land ports a
major part of his campaign to unseat veteran lawmaker Silvestre
Reyes. He said Medina Mora's recent comments about infrastructure
improvements bodes well for border communities.
"I think that is good for both Mexico and the U.S. at large,"
O'Rourke said. "I am optimistic that he'll be a great partner for us,
and I look forward to working with him."
Asked about Mexico's reputation worldwide as a country that
investigates few crimes and prosecutes even fewer criminals — and
whether that blame should be placed with the attorney general —
O'Rourke said it was time to move on.
"There's not much I can do about that, I just have to look forward
and not back," he said. "In his current role, we have a potential
partner and ally in strengthening the institutions on the border and
helping communities like the one I represent."
The Texas Tribune is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public media
organization that operates Its mission is to
promote civic engagement and discourse on public policy, politics,
government, and other matters of statewide concern through original
journalism and on-the-record, open-to-the-public events. The Monitor
uses its content free of charge.
Note: Locals will get the chuckle out of the "allegations" line.
Lawmakers: Ambassador signals new era for Mexico, U.S.
Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013 1:15 pm
Julián Aguilar | The Texas Tribune
Texas lawmakers and the United States' former top diplomat in Mexico
are praising the recent appointment of Eduardo Medina Mora as
Mexico's new ambassador to the U.S.
Despite Medina Mora's being the former director of agencies mired in
controversy, Republicans and Democrats say his appointment affords
them an opportunity to forge a new relationship with Mexico as it
continues to grapple with drug cartel violence following the
inauguration last month of President Enrique Peña Nieto.
An attorney and adviser to the Mexican government during its
negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement, Medina Mora
also served as the director of Mexico's national security agency, the
Secretaria de Seguridad Publica (SSP), under former President Vicente
Fox and served as attorney general from 2006 to 2009 under President
Felipe Calderón. Both Fox and Calderón were members of the
conservative National Action Party, or PAN, which lost power when the
Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, took over in December as
Peña Nieto took his oath of office. The SSP was dismantled shortly
afterward as a part of the president's new strategy to fight crime in
that country.
Medina Mora officially presented his credentials to the White House
and President Obama on Monday after the Mexican Congress approved his
"Our future economic growth and prosperity will increasingly hinge in
our ability to work together to enhance trade, strengthen our
competitiveness and effectively manage our border," Obama said in a
statement released by the Mexican Embassy in Washington.
The Mexican government has long been accused of corruption, even at
its highest levels. But U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, who
chairs the powerful House Committee on Homeland Security, said he
thought the appointment is ideal and sends a resounding message that
Mexico is willing to cooperate with its neighbor.
"I know there have been controversies regarding the SSP and some of
the corruption there, but I don't attribute that to Mora's watch," he
said. "I think that personally, this is an excellent pick."
Before the July 1 election, McCaul openly questioned whether the PRI
would return to the ways of the last century, when its 71-year rule
was tarred with allegations of deal-making, corruption and cronyism.
He said Medina Mora's appointment signals a new PRI that recognizes
the assets the government had during the opposing party's 12-year rule.
"I was a bit of a skeptic in the beginning," he said. "Our ambassador
told us, 'Wait and see who they appoint to see what directions this
administration is going to take,' and I have to tell you, I have been
pleasantly surprised."
He said that under Calderón, Mexico extradited a record number of
alleged criminals and he is hopeful the trend would continue under
Peña Nieto.
Antonio "Tony" Garza, a South Texas native and the former U.S.
ambassador to Mexico under President George W. Bush, characterized
Medina Mora as a friend. He said his work in the private sector would
only serve to boost this country's trade relationship with Mexico.
Through the first 11 months of 2012, the countries traded more than
$457 billion in goods, with the ports of Laredo and El Paso being the
No. 1 and No. 2 trading destinations, respectively.
"Having served both as Mexico's director of intelligence and later,
attorney general, he's got a keen understanding of the security
issues, and his business background will be invaluable on the trade
and commerce side," Garza said. "That, and given his grandmother's
from Waco, I like to tell him he's practically a Texan."
U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, made funding for land ports a
major part of his campaign to unseat veteran lawmaker Silvestre
Reyes. He said Medina Mora's recent comments about infrastructure
improvements bodes well for border communities.
"I think that is good for both Mexico and the U.S. at large,"
O'Rourke said. "I am optimistic that he'll be a great partner for us,
and I look forward to working with him."
Asked about Mexico's reputation worldwide as a country that
investigates few crimes and prosecutes even fewer criminals — and
whether that blame should be placed with the attorney general —
O'Rourke said it was time to move on.
"There's not much I can do about that, I just have to look forward
and not back," he said. "In his current role, we have a potential
partner and ally in strengthening the institutions on the border and
helping communities like the one I represent."
The Texas Tribune is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public media
organization that operates Its mission is to
promote civic engagement and discourse on public policy, politics,
government, and other matters of statewide concern through original
journalism and on-the-record, open-to-the-public events. The Monitor
uses its content free of charge.
Note: Mr. Bloomberg, Coumo, Obama and Chapo will not be pleased with
this one.
300 pounds of pot seized after crash
Wed, 01/16/2013 - 3:33pm
SIERRA VISTA — Two undocumented immigrants were apprehended by U.S.
Border Patrol agents south of Sierra Vista after crashing a rental
vehicle loaded with 300 pounds of marijuana. The incident occurred
shortly after 2 p.m. Tuesday on Highway 92 at Kings Ranch Road in
Palominas, according to the Cochise County Sheriff's Office.
Two unidentified men in four door sedan failed to yield to Border
Patrol agents, finally crashing the vehicle on Kings Ranch Road.
The men fled the scene in the direction of a woman on the side of the
road who was checking her mail at the time, said Carol Capas,
spokeswoman for the sheriff's office.
As the men approached, the woman, fearing they would attempt to steal
her vehicle, removed her handgun from her vehicle and pointed it in
their direction, resulting in the men running in another direction.
The men were soon apprehended by Border Patrol agents.
The vehicle involved in the crash, a rental, was later reported
stolen by a woman on Keeling Road in Hereford, Capas said.
CPB officers seize 45 pounds of cocaine in Arizona
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 17, 2013 - 4:11 pm
SAN LUIS, Ariz. -- Federal authorities say a Mexican man has been
arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle more than 45 pounds of
cocaine into southern Arizona.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers said Thursday that 36-
year-old Fernando Rivera Aispuro was taken into custody at the port
of entry in San Luis, Ariz. They say Aispuro is from San Luis, Mexico.
CBP officers referred Aispuro's truck for a secondary inspection
after a narcotics detection dog alerted them to the presence of drugs
in the back of the vehicle.
Officers reported finding 19 packages of cocaine hidden in tool
compartments, worth an estimated $495,000.
The drugs and vehicle were processed for seizure and Aispuro was
turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland
Security Investigations.
Authorities didn't immediately know if Aispuro has a lawyer.
Note: they continue to facilitate the cartel's drug and human
trafficking operation, including who knows how many children for
sexual exploitation.
Tucson border group says agent took blankets intended for crossers
30 minutes ago •
Perla Trevizo Arizona Daily Star(4) Comments
Related Video
Border Patrol removing blankets and food left for those in need
A Tucson-based immigrants' rights group says a hidden camera video it
posted on Youtube shows a Border Patrol agent removing clean blankets
and food intended for illegal border crossers in distress.
The 33-second video dated Jan. 8, shows an agent stopping by a clear
plastic bag next to four water jugs. The agent opens the bag and
looks inside but the video doesn't show its contents. He is then seen
walking away with the plastic bag on hand. Temperatures in the area
that day were between a low of about 30 degrees and a high of about
60 degrees. The timestamp on the video says 10:18 a.m.
The video was shot near Arivaca, about 12 miles north of the
international border, said Sarah Launius, a spokeswoman with No More
Humanitarian organizations, including No More Deaths, leave food,
water and blankets on desert trails often traveled by illegal border
"We've been using some cameras periodically to keep track of the type
of use in different areas where we place supplies," Launius said. "We
spend a lot of time on trails to figure out where people are going
and what are the needs."
Last year, another hidden camera video showed Border Patrol agents
vandalizing caches of life-saving water, according to the group. In
response to this incident, then-Sector Chief Rick Barlow sent a memo
to agents instructing them to respect humanitarian workers and
provisions, Launius said.
"We know that hypothermia can be equally dangerous as dying from heat
stroke in the summer. This month has been one of the most severe that
Arizona has ever had," said Norma Price, a medical adviser for the
organization, in a news release.
"There is no question, people are crossing in the desert and their
lives could be saved if they were given blankets and warm clothing,"
she added.
12 smugglers with 1,250 lbs of pot caught SW of Tucson
15 hours ago • Arizona Daily Star
A dozen drug smugglers carrying 1,250 pounds of marijuana were
arrested Tuesday night by Border Patrol agents southwest of Tucson.
The marijuana was worth about $650,000.
Agents spotted the smugglers carrying bundles near the community of
Pia Oik on the Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, about 10 miles
north of the Mexico border.
Eleven adults and one juvenile were taken into custody.
The smugglers are facing drug smuggling charges. The drugs were
turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Note: Mr. Bloomberg, Coumo, Obama and Chapo will not be pleased with
this one.
300 pounds of pot seized after crash
Wed, 01/16/2013 - 3:33pm
SIERRA VISTA — Two undocumented immigrants were apprehended by U.S.
Border Patrol agents south of Sierra Vista after crashing a rental
vehicle loaded with 300 pounds of marijuana. The incident occurred
shortly after 2 p.m. Tuesday on Highway 92 at Kings Ranch Road in
Palominas, according to the Cochise County Sheriff's Office.
Two unidentified men in four door sedan failed to yield to Border
Patrol agents, finally crashing the vehicle on Kings Ranch Road.
The men fled the scene in the direction of a woman on the side of the
road who was checking her mail at the time, said Carol Capas,
spokeswoman for the sheriff's office.
As the men approached, the woman, fearing they would attempt to steal
her vehicle, removed her handgun from her vehicle and pointed it in
their direction, resulting in the men running in another direction.
The men were soon apprehended by Border Patrol agents.
The vehicle involved in the crash, a rental, was later reported
stolen by a woman on Keeling Road in Hereford, Capas said.
CPB officers seize 45 pounds of cocaine in Arizona
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 17, 2013 - 4:11 pm
SAN LUIS, Ariz. -- Federal authorities say a Mexican man has been
arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle more than 45 pounds of
cocaine into southern Arizona.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers said Thursday that 36-
year-old Fernando Rivera Aispuro was taken into custody at the port
of entry in San Luis, Ariz. They say Aispuro is from San Luis, Mexico.
CBP officers referred Aispuro's truck for a secondary inspection
after a narcotics detection dog alerted them to the presence of drugs
in the back of the vehicle.
Officers reported finding 19 packages of cocaine hidden in tool
compartments, worth an estimated $495,000.
The drugs and vehicle were processed for seizure and Aispuro was
turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland
Security Investigations.
Authorities didn't immediately know if Aispuro has a lawyer.
Note: they continue to facilitate the cartel's drug and human
trafficking operation, including who knows how many children for
sexual exploitation.
Tucson border group says agent took blankets intended for crossers
30 minutes ago •
Perla Trevizo Arizona Daily Star(4) Comments
Related Video
Border Patrol removing blankets and food left for those in need
A Tucson-based immigrants' rights group says a hidden camera video it
posted on Youtube shows a Border Patrol agent removing clean blankets
and food intended for illegal border crossers in distress.
The 33-second video dated Jan. 8, shows an agent stopping by a clear
plastic bag next to four water jugs. The agent opens the bag and
looks inside but the video doesn't show its contents. He is then seen
walking away with the plastic bag on hand. Temperatures in the area
that day were between a low of about 30 degrees and a high of about
60 degrees. The timestamp on the video says 10:18 a.m.
The video was shot near Arivaca, about 12 miles north of the
international border, said Sarah Launius, a spokeswoman with No More
Humanitarian organizations, including No More Deaths, leave food,
water and blankets on desert trails often traveled by illegal border
"We've been using some cameras periodically to keep track of the type
of use in different areas where we place supplies," Launius said. "We
spend a lot of time on trails to figure out where people are going
and what are the needs."
Last year, another hidden camera video showed Border Patrol agents
vandalizing caches of life-saving water, according to the group. In
response to this incident, then-Sector Chief Rick Barlow sent a memo
to agents instructing them to respect humanitarian workers and
provisions, Launius said.
"We know that hypothermia can be equally dangerous as dying from heat
stroke in the summer. This month has been one of the most severe that
Arizona has ever had," said Norma Price, a medical adviser for the
organization, in a news release.
"There is no question, people are crossing in the desert and their
lives could be saved if they were given blankets and warm clothing,"
she added.
12 smugglers with 1,250 lbs of pot caught SW of Tucson
15 hours ago • Arizona Daily Star
A dozen drug smugglers carrying 1,250 pounds of marijuana were
arrested Tuesday night by Border Patrol agents southwest of Tucson.
The marijuana was worth about $650,000.
Agents spotted the smugglers carrying bundles near the community of
Pia Oik on the Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, about 10 miles
north of the Mexico border.
Eleven adults and one juvenile were taken into custody.
The smugglers are facing drug smuggling charges. The drugs were
turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
AZMEX I3 16-1-13
AZMEX I3 16 JAN 2013
Immigration activist joins US Rep. Sinema's staff
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 16, 2013 - 4:58 pm
PHOENIX -- An immigration activist who's one of the leaders of the
Dream Act movement is joining the staff of Arizona Congresswoman
Kyrsten Sinema as a district outreach director.
Erika Andiola is a founder of the Arizona Dream Act Coalition- a
group of immigrant youths that advocate for the legalization of
immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.
She's an illegal immigrant from Mexico.
Andiola was in the news last week when her mother and brother were
arrested by federal immigration officers at the family's home in
Mesa. They were later released.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials insist the two weren't
targeted because of Andiola's activism.
Andiola say ICE agents told her there was a long-pending deportation
order for her mother. Her brother was detained for refusing to answer
agents' questions.
Immigration activist joins US Rep. Sinema's staff
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 16, 2013 - 4:58 pm
PHOENIX -- An immigration activist who's one of the leaders of the
Dream Act movement is joining the staff of Arizona Congresswoman
Kyrsten Sinema as a district outreach director.
Erika Andiola is a founder of the Arizona Dream Act Coalition- a
group of immigrant youths that advocate for the legalization of
immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.
She's an illegal immigrant from Mexico.
Andiola was in the news last week when her mother and brother were
arrested by federal immigration officers at the family's home in
Mesa. They were later released.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials insist the two weren't
targeted because of Andiola's activism.
Andiola say ICE agents told her there was a long-pending deportation
order for her mother. Her brother was detained for refusing to answer
agents' questions.
Note: They forget to mention it, but it all come up right through
the res. No info if vehicles were stolen.
Border Patrol seizes $2.2 million worth of pot
By KTAR Newsroom
Originally published: Jan 15, 2013 - 2:33 pm
Local boarder patrol agents seized 4,585 pounds of marijuana totaling
$2.2 million during three separate occasions on Monday.
According to a release, Ajo Station agents in the All-Terrain Unit
initially found an abandoned Chevy Suburban near Why, Ariz., filled
with 85 bundles of marijuana. The vehicle's contents, about 1,724
pounds of marijuana, was worth about $862,000.
Agents subsequently discovered another vehicle containing an
estimated 1,340 pounds of marijuana. The 2003 Chevy Tahoe contained
66 bundles with an estimated worth of $670,000. By the end of the
night, agents near Pia Oik village located another deserted vehicle
with the same year, make and model containing 76 bundles of drugs.
Weighing 1,521 pounds, the marijuana has an approximate value of
All three vehicles were taken to Ajo Station where they will
ultimately be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Agents track down eight suspected drug smugglers
January 15, 2013 2:53 PM
After tracking footprints through the night, U.S. Border Patrol
agents from the Yuma Sector arrested eight suspected smugglers Monday
morning who allegedly were carrying a total of 338 pounds of marijuana.
According to Agent Kyle Estes of the Yuma Sector Communications
Division, agents discovered footprints coming from the U.S.-Mexico
border deep in the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Sunday
evening and began tracking them.
Estes said they eventually caught up to and apprehended the group of
backpackers the next morning. The marijuana had an estimated street
value of $169,000.
Yuma County residents can help the Border Patrol and U.S. Customs and
Border Protection by calling 1-866-999-8727 toll-free to report
suspicious activity. Callers can remain anonymous.
Read more:
Marijuana, currency seized at Douglas port
Published/Last Modified on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:55 AM MST
Douglas Dispatch
Two Mexican nationals were arrested Tuesday, Jan. 8 in separate
unrelated smuggling incidents at the Douglas Port of Entry.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers monitoring the outbound
pedestrian crossing referred Luis Carlos Majalca, 24, for further
inspection and found $22,500 in unreported U.S. currency hidden
inside his jacket
Later in the day, officers referred Maria Josefina Sanchez-Hernandez,
46, for further inspection as she attempted to enter the United
States. A narcotics detection canine alerted to the presence of drugs
in her vehicle. Officers found 190 packages of marijuana throughout
the vehicle with an approximate weight of 297 pounds and worth an
estimated $148,000.
In each incident, the contraband was seized and the individuals were
turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland
Security Investigations
Note: about half way to Flagstaff
10 illegal immigrants arrested in northern Arizona
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 15, 2013 - 5:22 pm
CAMP VERDE, Ariz. -- Northern Arizona authorities say they've
arrested 10 illegal immigrants after a traffic stop in Camp Verde.
Yavapai County Sheriff's officials say the driver told them he was
taking his nine passengers to New Mexico and was being paid to do it.
A deputy stopped the van for speeding on Interstate 17 about 4 a.m.
Tuesday and says the driver only had a Mexican identification card.
Five men and three women were in the van, which was headed to Santa
Fe. Another man was later found hiding under a large floor mat in the
Authorities say three of the 10 are juveniles.
None of their names have been released, but authorities say all of
them are being held at the Camp Verde Detention Center pending
release to federal immigration officials.
Note: They forget to mention it, but it all come up right through
the res. No info if vehicles were stolen.
Border Patrol seizes $2.2 million worth of pot
By KTAR Newsroom
Originally published: Jan 15, 2013 - 2:33 pm
Local boarder patrol agents seized 4,585 pounds of marijuana totaling
$2.2 million during three separate occasions on Monday.
According to a release, Ajo Station agents in the All-Terrain Unit
initially found an abandoned Chevy Suburban near Why, Ariz., filled
with 85 bundles of marijuana. The vehicle's contents, about 1,724
pounds of marijuana, was worth about $862,000.
Agents subsequently discovered another vehicle containing an
estimated 1,340 pounds of marijuana. The 2003 Chevy Tahoe contained
66 bundles with an estimated worth of $670,000. By the end of the
night, agents near Pia Oik village located another deserted vehicle
with the same year, make and model containing 76 bundles of drugs.
Weighing 1,521 pounds, the marijuana has an approximate value of
All three vehicles were taken to Ajo Station where they will
ultimately be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Agents track down eight suspected drug smugglers
January 15, 2013 2:53 PM
After tracking footprints through the night, U.S. Border Patrol
agents from the Yuma Sector arrested eight suspected smugglers Monday
morning who allegedly were carrying a total of 338 pounds of marijuana.
According to Agent Kyle Estes of the Yuma Sector Communications
Division, agents discovered footprints coming from the U.S.-Mexico
border deep in the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Sunday
evening and began tracking them.
Estes said they eventually caught up to and apprehended the group of
backpackers the next morning. The marijuana had an estimated street
value of $169,000.
Yuma County residents can help the Border Patrol and U.S. Customs and
Border Protection by calling 1-866-999-8727 toll-free to report
suspicious activity. Callers can remain anonymous.
Read more:
Marijuana, currency seized at Douglas port
Published/Last Modified on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:55 AM MST
Douglas Dispatch
Two Mexican nationals were arrested Tuesday, Jan. 8 in separate
unrelated smuggling incidents at the Douglas Port of Entry.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers monitoring the outbound
pedestrian crossing referred Luis Carlos Majalca, 24, for further
inspection and found $22,500 in unreported U.S. currency hidden
inside his jacket
Later in the day, officers referred Maria Josefina Sanchez-Hernandez,
46, for further inspection as she attempted to enter the United
States. A narcotics detection canine alerted to the presence of drugs
in her vehicle. Officers found 190 packages of marijuana throughout
the vehicle with an approximate weight of 297 pounds and worth an
estimated $148,000.
In each incident, the contraband was seized and the individuals were
turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland
Security Investigations
Note: about half way to Flagstaff
10 illegal immigrants arrested in northern Arizona
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 15, 2013 - 5:22 pm
CAMP VERDE, Ariz. -- Northern Arizona authorities say they've
arrested 10 illegal immigrants after a traffic stop in Camp Verde.
Yavapai County Sheriff's officials say the driver told them he was
taking his nine passengers to New Mexico and was being paid to do it.
A deputy stopped the van for speeding on Interstate 17 about 4 a.m.
Tuesday and says the driver only had a Mexican identification card.
Five men and three women were in the van, which was headed to Santa
Fe. Another man was later found hiding under a large floor mat in the
Authorities say three of the 10 are juveniles.
None of their names have been released, but authorities say all of
them are being held at the Camp Verde Detention Center pending
release to federal immigration officials.
Note: Authorities say Freeman had been arrested several times by
Mexican police for petty crimes. ??
Fugitive sought by Ariz., Calif., caught in Mexico
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 12, 2013 - 10:28 am
PHOENIX -- A fugitive wanted by Arizona and California authorities
has been handed over by Mexican authorities.
The U.S. Marshals Service announced that 31-year-old William Carl
Freeman was taken into custody Friday at the Lukeville, Arizona port
of entry after Mexican authorities discovered he was living under an
assumed name in Puerto Penasco, Mexico.
Scottsdale police have sought Freeman since 2007 for a long list of
offenses, including fleeing from a police vehicle, auto theft, and
false reporting. He also is wanted by California authorities for
battery, robbery, hit and run, and violating parole on underlying
burglary charges.
Authorities say Freeman had been arrested several times by Mexican
police for petty crimes.
Note: computer englis
Child assassin "is serving, goes free and kill again
JANUARY 12, 2013 · 37 COMMENTS S
Adrian Ivan Pizaña.
Photo: David Deloarte.
MEXICO, DF ( - After serving a five-year sentence for
murder, Adrian Ivan Pizaña The Ivancito, was released last November.
His criminal record includes the murder of at least six people.
When arrested in 2007 was 17 and admitted having executed 20.
However, homicide, robbery passer and illegal deprivation of liberty
imposed the minimum sentence of five years. He served his sentence in
the community for Adolescents in Conflict.
On 14 November, Ivan, now 22, was released and apparently his
intention was to start a new life and spend the money which he had
But a few days to enjoy the freedom, The Ivancito trespassed again
and killed Francisco Javier Angeles Gutierrez, 21, four times in the
head simply because he did not like the way he looked. The murder
took place on 26 December in Iztapalapa.
In addition, officials said, committed assaults on public transport
units and violently assaults trucks.
Pizaña was arrested last Thursday at 22:30 am by members of the
Police Research in the dwelling unit in Zaragoza Ermita Iztapalapa
and is considered a highly dangerous criminal.
The deputy of Preliminary Central, Edmundo Garrido said the Ivancito
was reported to the Procurator capital and began a preliminary
investigation for injuring a neighbor.
He said Pizaña intimidated the affected family to withdraw the
Adrian Ivan will be entered in a court of South Prison, charged with
murder, and exposed his violent behavior, the official said.
Pizaña is slim, just over 1.60 meters tall and before the cameras is
nervous, lowers his head and closes his eyes.
Note: Authorities say Freeman had been arrested several times by
Mexican police for petty crimes. ??
Fugitive sought by Ariz., Calif., caught in Mexico
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 12, 2013 - 10:28 am
PHOENIX -- A fugitive wanted by Arizona and California authorities
has been handed over by Mexican authorities.
The U.S. Marshals Service announced that 31-year-old William Carl
Freeman was taken into custody Friday at the Lukeville, Arizona port
of entry after Mexican authorities discovered he was living under an
assumed name in Puerto Penasco, Mexico.
Scottsdale police have sought Freeman since 2007 for a long list of
offenses, including fleeing from a police vehicle, auto theft, and
false reporting. He also is wanted by California authorities for
battery, robbery, hit and run, and violating parole on underlying
burglary charges.
Authorities say Freeman had been arrested several times by Mexican
police for petty crimes.
Note: computer englis
Child assassin "is serving, goes free and kill again
JANUARY 12, 2013 · 37 COMMENTS S
Adrian Ivan Pizaña.
Photo: David Deloarte.
MEXICO, DF ( - After serving a five-year sentence for
murder, Adrian Ivan Pizaña The Ivancito, was released last November.
His criminal record includes the murder of at least six people.
When arrested in 2007 was 17 and admitted having executed 20.
However, homicide, robbery passer and illegal deprivation of liberty
imposed the minimum sentence of five years. He served his sentence in
the community for Adolescents in Conflict.
On 14 November, Ivan, now 22, was released and apparently his
intention was to start a new life and spend the money which he had
But a few days to enjoy the freedom, The Ivancito trespassed again
and killed Francisco Javier Angeles Gutierrez, 21, four times in the
head simply because he did not like the way he looked. The murder
took place on 26 December in Iztapalapa.
In addition, officials said, committed assaults on public transport
units and violently assaults trucks.
Pizaña was arrested last Thursday at 22:30 am by members of the
Police Research in the dwelling unit in Zaragoza Ermita Iztapalapa
and is considered a highly dangerous criminal.
The deputy of Preliminary Central, Edmundo Garrido said the Ivancito
was reported to the Procurator capital and began a preliminary
investigation for injuring a neighbor.
He said Pizaña intimidated the affected family to withdraw the
Adrian Ivan will be entered in a court of South Prison, charged with
murder, and exposed his violent behavior, the official said.
Pizaña is slim, just over 1.60 meters tall and before the cameras is
nervous, lowers his head and closes his eyes.
AZMEX I3 11-1-13
Note: For our DC based friends a few back AZMEX pieces for light
reading while they finish their bottle of bubbly after the parties.
AZMEX I3 11 JAN 2013
Mother of immigrant rights leader won't be deported
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 11, 2013 - 11:35 am
PHOENIX -- Federal immigration officials said they're releasing the
mother of an immigration activist after the mother and another
relative were arrested at the family's Phoenix-area home.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement also said it did not target the
relatives of activist Erika Andiola because of her role with the
DREAM Act Coalition.
Andiola said ICE agents said there was a long-pending deportation
order for her mother but that she questioned whether that prompted
the arrest.
The mother and a brother of Andiola were arrested Thursday evening.
The brother was released early Friday, while the mother was
transported to an immigration detention center in Florence.
Another brother said the family has been told by the Mexican
consulate in Mexico that the mother would be released after being
returned to Phoenix.
Bill to let 'Dreamers' get driver's licenses
9 hours ago •
Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services
PHOENIX - Saying she wants to clarify what she believes is obvious, a
Phoenix lawmaker wants to amend state law to let thousands of illegal
immigrants in the president's deferred-action program get Arizona
driver's licenses.
Rep. Catherine Miranda, a Democrat, said Thursday that she believes
when the Department of Homeland Security said some illegal immigrants
could be given work permits, that is tantamount to saying they are
authorized to be here. And Miranda said that means being able to drive.
Gov. Jan Brewer disagrees and last year barred the state Motor
Vehicle Division from issuing those in the program licenses. Brewer
believes the policy announced by President Obama says only those
eligible for the program will not be deported, not that they are
authorized to be in this country.
HB 2032 would overrule Brewer's action.
While Miranda said her bill just clarifies those individuals are
authorized under federal law, Brewer said Thursday that Miranda's
legislation actually shows Arizona law, as it now exists, does not
permit those in what is known as the Deferred Action Childhood
Arrival program, or "Dreamers," to be licensed.
"If people decide they want to change the law, they can move forward
and do that," Brewer said, though she declined to say if she would
sign the legislation if it reaches her desk.
"I'm the governor; I took an oath to uphold the law," she continued.
"The law is they are not entitled to driver's licenses."
Eventually the question will be decided in federal court.
Earlier this week, attorneys for the state asked U.S. District Judge
David Campbell to dismiss a challenge to Brewer's interpretation
brought by multiple immigrant-rights groups.
Under DACA, the government will not pursue and deport those otherwise
illegal immigrants who are under 30 and arrived in this country
before turning 16, have lived here continuously for at least five
years and are either in school or have graduated or are an honorably
discharged veteran.
As of the end of December, the Department of Homeland Security had
received nearly 368,000 applications nationwide, including nearly
13,000 in Arizona. The agency does not say how many of these have
been granted.
Attorneys for the state estimate up to 80,000 people living in
Arizona might ultimately be eligible.
Those who are eligible are entitled to a federally issued permit to
work legally in this country.
In court filings this week, attorneys for the state told Campbell the
DACA program has no legal basis, but is simply an "administrative
choice to temporarily defer removal of an unlawful alien."
"This discretion cannot regularize someone's immigration status or
grant a benefit that an alien is not legally entitled to receive,"
wrote attorney Douglas Northup, who is heading the legal team for the
Northup also pointed out that a spokesman for Homeland Security
specifically said DACA does not "authorize" anyone to be present in
this country.
A 1996 Arizona law specifically requires proof the person's presence
in the United States "is authorized under federal law," to get a
Separately, Northup pointed out that the Obama administration has
said those given deferred action status are not entitled to any other
rights. He said that would be undermined by forcing Arizona to
provide licenses.
An Arizona driver's license is accepted as identification to seek a
variety of federal and state public benefits, Northup said, so giving
licenses to someone who is not eligible could allow them to use it
"to obtain public benefits to which they are not entitled."
Attorney Dan Pochoda of the American Civil Liberties Union disputed
Brewer's contention that Miranda's effort to change the law is an
acknowledgement the current law makes DACA participants ineligible
for licenses. He said a change in the law is just a quicker way to
clarify what is allowed.
reading while they finish their bottle of bubbly after the parties.
AZMEX I3 11 JAN 2013
Mother of immigrant rights leader won't be deported
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 11, 2013 - 11:35 am
PHOENIX -- Federal immigration officials said they're releasing the
mother of an immigration activist after the mother and another
relative were arrested at the family's Phoenix-area home.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement also said it did not target the
relatives of activist Erika Andiola because of her role with the
DREAM Act Coalition.
Andiola said ICE agents said there was a long-pending deportation
order for her mother but that she questioned whether that prompted
the arrest.
The mother and a brother of Andiola were arrested Thursday evening.
The brother was released early Friday, while the mother was
transported to an immigration detention center in Florence.
Another brother said the family has been told by the Mexican
consulate in Mexico that the mother would be released after being
returned to Phoenix.
Bill to let 'Dreamers' get driver's licenses
9 hours ago •
Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services
PHOENIX - Saying she wants to clarify what she believes is obvious, a
Phoenix lawmaker wants to amend state law to let thousands of illegal
immigrants in the president's deferred-action program get Arizona
driver's licenses.
Rep. Catherine Miranda, a Democrat, said Thursday that she believes
when the Department of Homeland Security said some illegal immigrants
could be given work permits, that is tantamount to saying they are
authorized to be here. And Miranda said that means being able to drive.
Gov. Jan Brewer disagrees and last year barred the state Motor
Vehicle Division from issuing those in the program licenses. Brewer
believes the policy announced by President Obama says only those
eligible for the program will not be deported, not that they are
authorized to be in this country.
HB 2032 would overrule Brewer's action.
While Miranda said her bill just clarifies those individuals are
authorized under federal law, Brewer said Thursday that Miranda's
legislation actually shows Arizona law, as it now exists, does not
permit those in what is known as the Deferred Action Childhood
Arrival program, or "Dreamers," to be licensed.
"If people decide they want to change the law, they can move forward
and do that," Brewer said, though she declined to say if she would
sign the legislation if it reaches her desk.
"I'm the governor; I took an oath to uphold the law," she continued.
"The law is they are not entitled to driver's licenses."
Eventually the question will be decided in federal court.
Earlier this week, attorneys for the state asked U.S. District Judge
David Campbell to dismiss a challenge to Brewer's interpretation
brought by multiple immigrant-rights groups.
Under DACA, the government will not pursue and deport those otherwise
illegal immigrants who are under 30 and arrived in this country
before turning 16, have lived here continuously for at least five
years and are either in school or have graduated or are an honorably
discharged veteran.
As of the end of December, the Department of Homeland Security had
received nearly 368,000 applications nationwide, including nearly
13,000 in Arizona. The agency does not say how many of these have
been granted.
Attorneys for the state estimate up to 80,000 people living in
Arizona might ultimately be eligible.
Those who are eligible are entitled to a federally issued permit to
work legally in this country.
In court filings this week, attorneys for the state told Campbell the
DACA program has no legal basis, but is simply an "administrative
choice to temporarily defer removal of an unlawful alien."
"This discretion cannot regularize someone's immigration status or
grant a benefit that an alien is not legally entitled to receive,"
wrote attorney Douglas Northup, who is heading the legal team for the
Northup also pointed out that a spokesman for Homeland Security
specifically said DACA does not "authorize" anyone to be present in
this country.
A 1996 Arizona law specifically requires proof the person's presence
in the United States "is authorized under federal law," to get a
Separately, Northup pointed out that the Obama administration has
said those given deferred action status are not entitled to any other
rights. He said that would be undermined by forcing Arizona to
provide licenses.
An Arizona driver's license is accepted as identification to seek a
variety of federal and state public benefits, Northup said, so giving
licenses to someone who is not eligible could allow them to use it
"to obtain public benefits to which they are not entitled."
Attorney Dan Pochoda of the American Civil Liberties Union disputed
Brewer's contention that Miranda's effort to change the law is an
acknowledgement the current law makes DACA participants ineligible
for licenses. He said a change in the law is just a quicker way to
clarify what is allowed.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Alleged smuggler busted after asking BP agents for directions
Posted: Friday, January 11, 2013 3:18 pm | Updated: 9:32 am, Sat Jan
12, 2013.
Nogales International |
Note to drug smugglers: If you get lost while hauling a pot load,
it's probably best to ask directions from someone other than the
Border Patrol.
A 21-year-old U.S. man learned that lesson the hard way on Thursday
night after he approached agents from the Sonoita Station while
hauling a stack of lumber in the back of a pickup truck, a Tucson
Sector news release said.
Mexican navy finds 3 tons of pot, grenade launcher near Falcon Lake
Posted: Friday, January 11, 2013 9:22 pm
Posted on January 11, 2013
by Jacqueline Armendariz
Mexican authorities made several arrests after more than three tons
of marijuana and a grenade launcher were seized on a ranch about 100
miles west of Reynosa, Mexican authorities said Friday.
The Mexican navy said three suspects were detained when an air patrol
discovered the drugs. Officials found 343 packages, weighing about 22
pounds each, on the property in Nueva Ciudad Guerrero, Tamps., which
is near Falcon Lake.
The suspects, drugs and weapons are now under the purview of a
federal prosecutor in Reynosa, authorities said.
Note: a disaster in Sonora
Train derails loaded with beer
Details Published on Friday 11 January 2013,
Written by Cesar Barragan / The Journal
Dumped six cars, next to the ejido El Cibuta, leaving millions in
losses and damages.
A train headed to U.S. loaded with beer derailed yesterday morning at
the 249 km marker, six wagons with more than 40 tons of goods each
turned to the side of the tracks, recorded huge losses and damage to
private property.
According Ferromex staff, the incident took place around 05:00 hours
when the locomotives 3750 and 4015 and dozens of cars for export beer
to the United States, near the ejido derailed. Near ejido El Cibuta
to 249 kilometer.
Engineers who were responsible for the movement of wagons to be noted
authorities who determine Ferromex SCT and what was the reason that
caused the incident, but assume it was a broken rail which caused the
The place went Federal Police officers who guarded the goods until
the arrival of the railway authorities and cranes that began with the
work of removing the wagons and other parts of the train that were
destroyed in the crash.
Indicated that wrecked wagons were six each with about 40 tons of
cargo, which would be removed, with special cranes, for the rest
continue to its destination.
In the scene present authorities indicated that skilled workers
until the wagons are removed and roads are rebuilt, expect delays
during the first few minutes of the day, the circulation will resume
and continue their journey to neighboring land .
The authorities present merely noted that the losses of the incident
were millions but could not specify the exact amount. Also showed
extensive damage to the ranch where overturned the wagons.
Pacific Queen asks to be withdrawn drug charges
The Mexican said a U.S. federal judge that prosecutors committed
"falsehoods" for his extradition from Mexico
MIAMI, Jan. 11. - Mexico's Sandra Avila, known as "The Queen of the
Pacific", today asked a federal judge to drop the drug charges that
accused the U.S. government, because the prosecutor committed
"falsehoods" for extradition of Mexico,
The lawyer for the Mexican drug trafficker alleged, Stepehn Ralls
said in an interview that the request to the judge Michael Moore
alleges that "the information given to the Mexican government
prosecutors knew was false or that it was false when the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs gave the order for extradition. "
Avila Beltran, 52 years old, was extradited from Mexico last August 9
and pleaded not guilty in federal court in Miami on charges of
conspiracy to import cocaine and conspiracy to distribute the drug in
the United States.
Ralls said the prosecution based its extradition request, among other
tests, in a telephone call intercepted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA), which eventually took his client.
"This is an interpretation in which nothing is said," said Ralls, who
admitted that in conversation they talk Juan López Correa, a
government informant, Juan Diego Espinoza, boyfriend Ávila Beltrán,
and the very sharp.
Ralls said "it is very likely that the Mexican government had agreed
to extradition if he had known of the falsehoods."
U.S. Prosecutors must respond to the motion of the lawyers of "The
Queen of the Pacific" who is being held without bail. Judge Moore
must decide on it later.
The trial is scheduled to start next February 24, after being
postponed from last September 24 on several occasions.
2013-01-11 18:13:00
Alleged smuggler busted after asking BP agents for directions
Posted: Friday, January 11, 2013 3:18 pm | Updated: 9:32 am, Sat Jan
12, 2013.
Nogales International |
Note to drug smugglers: If you get lost while hauling a pot load,
it's probably best to ask directions from someone other than the
Border Patrol.
A 21-year-old U.S. man learned that lesson the hard way on Thursday
night after he approached agents from the Sonoita Station while
hauling a stack of lumber in the back of a pickup truck, a Tucson
Sector news release said.
Mexican navy finds 3 tons of pot, grenade launcher near Falcon Lake
Posted: Friday, January 11, 2013 9:22 pm
Posted on January 11, 2013
by Jacqueline Armendariz
Mexican authorities made several arrests after more than three tons
of marijuana and a grenade launcher were seized on a ranch about 100
miles west of Reynosa, Mexican authorities said Friday.
The Mexican navy said three suspects were detained when an air patrol
discovered the drugs. Officials found 343 packages, weighing about 22
pounds each, on the property in Nueva Ciudad Guerrero, Tamps., which
is near Falcon Lake.
The suspects, drugs and weapons are now under the purview of a
federal prosecutor in Reynosa, authorities said.
Note: a disaster in Sonora
Train derails loaded with beer
Details Published on Friday 11 January 2013,
Written by Cesar Barragan / The Journal
Dumped six cars, next to the ejido El Cibuta, leaving millions in
losses and damages.
A train headed to U.S. loaded with beer derailed yesterday morning at
the 249 km marker, six wagons with more than 40 tons of goods each
turned to the side of the tracks, recorded huge losses and damage to
private property.
According Ferromex staff, the incident took place around 05:00 hours
when the locomotives 3750 and 4015 and dozens of cars for export beer
to the United States, near the ejido derailed. Near ejido El Cibuta
to 249 kilometer.
Engineers who were responsible for the movement of wagons to be noted
authorities who determine Ferromex SCT and what was the reason that
caused the incident, but assume it was a broken rail which caused the
The place went Federal Police officers who guarded the goods until
the arrival of the railway authorities and cranes that began with the
work of removing the wagons and other parts of the train that were
destroyed in the crash.
Indicated that wrecked wagons were six each with about 40 tons of
cargo, which would be removed, with special cranes, for the rest
continue to its destination.
In the scene present authorities indicated that skilled workers
until the wagons are removed and roads are rebuilt, expect delays
during the first few minutes of the day, the circulation will resume
and continue their journey to neighboring land .
The authorities present merely noted that the losses of the incident
were millions but could not specify the exact amount. Also showed
extensive damage to the ranch where overturned the wagons.
Pacific Queen asks to be withdrawn drug charges
The Mexican said a U.S. federal judge that prosecutors committed
"falsehoods" for his extradition from Mexico
MIAMI, Jan. 11. - Mexico's Sandra Avila, known as "The Queen of the
Pacific", today asked a federal judge to drop the drug charges that
accused the U.S. government, because the prosecutor committed
"falsehoods" for extradition of Mexico,
The lawyer for the Mexican drug trafficker alleged, Stepehn Ralls
said in an interview that the request to the judge Michael Moore
alleges that "the information given to the Mexican government
prosecutors knew was false or that it was false when the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs gave the order for extradition. "
Avila Beltran, 52 years old, was extradited from Mexico last August 9
and pleaded not guilty in federal court in Miami on charges of
conspiracy to import cocaine and conspiracy to distribute the drug in
the United States.
Ralls said the prosecution based its extradition request, among other
tests, in a telephone call intercepted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA), which eventually took his client.
"This is an interpretation in which nothing is said," said Ralls, who
admitted that in conversation they talk Juan López Correa, a
government informant, Juan Diego Espinoza, boyfriend Ávila Beltrán,
and the very sharp.
Ralls said "it is very likely that the Mexican government had agreed
to extradition if he had known of the falsehoods."
U.S. Prosecutors must respond to the motion of the lawyers of "The
Queen of the Pacific" who is being held without bail. Judge Moore
must decide on it later.
The trial is scheduled to start next February 24, after being
postponed from last September 24 on several occasions.
2013-01-11 18:13:00
Note: As often stated here, the PRI passed the pro criminal gun laws
in Mexico. Mexico will have territorial control but not the US? But
then one might expect a government to take responsibility for it's
Eduardo Medina Mora calls to stop arms trafficking
Friday January 11, 2013
Eduardo Medina Mora, Mexico's ambassador to the U.S..
MEXICO, DF (Ap). - Mexico "respects the Second Amendment" that allows
Americans to purchase weapons, but it was "never or should be
designed to arm foreign criminal groups. And this is a fundamental
point that we have to enforce, "said Eduardo Medina Mora, Mexico's
newly appointed ambassador to the United States.
At a press conference held at the headquarters of the Mexican Foreign
Ministry, Ambassador spoke in favor of this right of Americans to
own guns.
The diplomat recalled that after the end of the ban on the sale of
assault rifles, as it was in force for ten years, "increased
firepower of criminal groups," particularly those operating in our
Medina Mora said that "from the terrible tragedy in the state of
Connecticut, where several toddlers died opens a window of
opportunity for U.S. President (Barack) Obama," who set up a
commission to submit a report options to regulate arms sales.
"There are better ways to regulate it," he said Medina Mora.
A question from reporters, said that cooperation with the U.S. on
security will be a "standing item", but stressed that it should be
"aligned" to a priority externalized by the government of Enrique
Peña Nieto: reducing violence.
"What does this mean? He asked the Ambassador. It means that the
primary responsibility of the Mexican government is to build a Mexico
in peace (...) On this basis, the security strategy of this
government is focused on improving the institutional, territorial
control and strength of security and justice. Cooperation with the
United States, therefore, has to align these goals a priority. "
In addition, he stressed that "this cooperation" should be "orderly",
ie "that the Mexican present a unified front and coordinated, and
expect, in the same way, having a unified and ordered the U.S. side ".
However, he admitted that "there are changes in this logical
approach, but there must be continuity" in the United States shared
responsibility for safety.
However, Medina Mora did not specify what concrete steps Mexico
submitted to cooperation with Washington and evaded the question of
whether to go to review the Office of Binational Mexico-United States
in the country working in the members of intelligence agencies and
U.S. security.
On the issue of legalizing marijuana in the states of Colorado and
Washington, the ambassador noted that there is an topic in the U.S.,
as it is pending the Justice Department's position in this country,
and noted the existence of a possible conflict on this issue between
local jurisdictions and the federal in the U.S..
He also former head of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) warned,
however, that "a paradigm shift in the regulatory treatment of drugs
can only be multilateral, internationally and simultaneously."
During the press conference, Medina Mora said the bilateral agenda
with the United States is "very broad and complex", which can not
"ignore other issues to privilege", in subtle reference to the policy
of the previous government of Felipe Calderón that the bilateral
relationship focused on the issue of security and the war on drugs.
He said that in the past 18 months the country's image in the media
and in international circles "has evolved in a positive way."
"What is emerging now is a vision of the country of great optimism,
which underlines the enormous potential in terms of economic
development, how to consolidate the country and the North American
region as a very competitive manufacturing platform, and how we can
create jobs build a better economic circumstances could not be if we
were derailed by a dysfunctional circumstance on issues such as
security and others, "he said.
Publicada: 11/01/2013 12:28 Por: Agencias
Ratifica Harvard presencia de FCH
La escuela Kennedy de la Universidad de Harvard reiteró que otorgará
la beca académica al ex presidente mexicano Felipe Calderón a pesar
de críticos que abogan porque se deje sin efecto esa designación.
MÉXICO, D.F.(Agencias)
La escuela Kennedy de la Universidad de Harvard reiteró que otorgará
la beca académica al ex presidente mexicano Felipe Calderón a pesar
de críticos que abogan porque se deje sin efecto esa designación.
El decano de la escuela, David Ellwood, argumentó que Calderón fue un
"alumno distinguido" de esa escuela cuando obtuvo una maestría en
administración pública en el año 2000, y destacó que el ex presidente
(2006-2012) hizo un esfuerzo para enfrentarse al narcotráfico.
Ellwood apuntó que Calderón fue escogido para ser el primer invitado
del programa Angelopoulos para mantener la tradición de que los
estudiantes dialoguen sobre política pública con importantes líderes
mundiales. El programa de un año, en 2013, le dará a Calderón la
oportunidad de reunirse con estudiantes, hablar en eventos e
investigar, señaló.
En un sitio de Internet se inició una campaña de recolección de
firmas para convencer a Harvard de quitarle la beca a Calderón por
considerar que bajo su gobierno se cometieron violaciones a derechos
humanos. Los promotores de la campaña, informan que han recaudado más
de 24.000 firmas y que tienen como meta reunir 125.000.
Viernes 11 de enero de 2013
Eduardo Medina Mora, embajador de México en EU.
MEXICO, D.F. (apro).- México "es respetuoso de la Segunda Enmienda"
que permite a los estadunidenses adquirir armas, pero ésta "nunca
estuvo ni debe estar diseñada para armar a grupos criminales
extranjeros. Y este es un punto fundamental que tenemos que hacer
valer", afirmó Eduardo Medina Mora, recién nombrado embajador de
México en Estados Unidos.
En conferencia de prensa realizada en la sede de la cancillería
mexicana, el embajador se pronunció a favor de que se instrumente de
modo distinto ese derecho de los estadunidenses a poseer armas.
El diplomático recordó que tras el fin de la prohibición de la venta
de rifles de asalto –medida que estuvo en vigor durante diez años—,
"aumentó la potencia de fuego de los grupos criminales",
particularmente los que operan en nuestro país.
Medina Mora señaló que "a partir de la terrible tragedia en el estado
de Connecticut, donde varios pequeñitos perdieron la vida, se abre
una ventana de oportunidad para el presidente estadunidense (Barack)
Obama", quien encargó a una comisión un informe que presente opciones
para regular la venta de armas.
"Hay mejores maneras para regular eso", acotó Medina Mora.
A pregunta de reporteros, expresó que la cooperación con Estados
Unidos en materia de seguridad será un "tema permanente", pero
enfatizó que aquélla debe "alinearse" a un objetivo prioritario
exteriorizado por el gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto: la reducción de
la violencia.
"¿Qué significa esto? –se preguntó el embajador–. Significa que la
responsabilidad fundamental del Estado mexicano es la de construir un
México en paz (…) Sobre esta base, la estrategia de seguridad de este
gobierno se enfoca en mejorar las capacidades institucionales, el
control territorial y la fortaleza de seguridad y de justicia. La
cooperación con Estados Unidos, por consecuencia, tiene que alinearse
a estos objetivos de manera prioritaria".
Además, remarcó que "esta cooperación" debe hacerse "de manera
ordenada"; es decir, "que la parte mexicana presente un frente
unificado y coordinado; y esperaríamos, de la misma manera, tener una
respuesta unificada y ordenada del lado de Estados Unidos".
No obstante, aceptó que "hay cambios de enfoque en esta lógica, pero
tiene que haber continuidad" en la responsabilidad compartida con
Estados Unidos en materia de seguridad.
Sin embargo, Medina Mora no precisó qué medidas concretas presentará
México para "alienar" la cooperación con Washington y evadió la
pregunta de si entraría a revisión la Oficina Binacional México-
Estados Unidos en la que trabajan en el país miembros de agencias de
inteligencia y de seguridad estadunidense.
Respecto del tema de la legalización de la mariguana en los estados
de Colorado y Washington, el embajador señaló que no es un tema
agotado en Estados Unidos, pues está pendiente la posición del
Departamento de Justicia de ese país, y señaló la existencia de un
eventual conflicto en este tema entre las jurisdicciones locales y la
federal estadunidense.
El también extitular de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR)
advirtió, sin embargo, que "un cambio de paradigma en el tratamiento
regulatorio de las drogas sólo se puede dar multilateralmente,
internacionalmente y simultáneamente".
Durante la rueda de prensa, Medina Mora sostuvo que la agenda
bilateral con Estados Unidos es "muy amplia y compleja", en la que no
se pueden "ignorar temas para privilegiar otros", en sutil referencia
a la política del gobierno anterior de Felipe Calderón, que centró la
relación bilateral en el tema de la seguridad y el combate al
Sostuvo que en los últimos 18 meses la imagen del país en los medios
de comunicación y en los círculos internacionales "ha evolucionado de
una manera positiva".
"Lo que está surgiendo ahora es una visión del país de gran
optimismo, donde se subraya la enorme potencialidad en materia de
desarrollo económico, cómo se consolida el país y la región de
Norteamérica como una plataforma muy competitiva de manufactura, cómo
podemos crear empleos y construir una mejor circunstancia económica
que no podría ser si estuviéramos descarrilados por una circunstancia
de disfuncionalidad en temas como el de la seguridad y otros", afirmó.
Note: As often stated here, the PRI passed the pro criminal gun laws
in Mexico. Mexico will have territorial control but not the US? But
then one might expect a government to take responsibility for it's
Eduardo Medina Mora calls to stop arms trafficking
Friday January 11, 2013
Eduardo Medina Mora, Mexico's ambassador to the U.S..
MEXICO, DF (Ap). - Mexico "respects the Second Amendment" that allows
Americans to purchase weapons, but it was "never or should be
designed to arm foreign criminal groups. And this is a fundamental
point that we have to enforce, "said Eduardo Medina Mora, Mexico's
newly appointed ambassador to the United States.
At a press conference held at the headquarters of the Mexican Foreign
Ministry, Ambassador spoke in favor of this right of Americans to
own guns.
The diplomat recalled that after the end of the ban on the sale of
assault rifles, as it was in force for ten years, "increased
firepower of criminal groups," particularly those operating in our
Medina Mora said that "from the terrible tragedy in the state of
Connecticut, where several toddlers died opens a window of
opportunity for U.S. President (Barack) Obama," who set up a
commission to submit a report options to regulate arms sales.
"There are better ways to regulate it," he said Medina Mora.
A question from reporters, said that cooperation with the U.S. on
security will be a "standing item", but stressed that it should be
"aligned" to a priority externalized by the government of Enrique
Peña Nieto: reducing violence.
"What does this mean? He asked the Ambassador. It means that the
primary responsibility of the Mexican government is to build a Mexico
in peace (...) On this basis, the security strategy of this
government is focused on improving the institutional, territorial
control and strength of security and justice. Cooperation with the
United States, therefore, has to align these goals a priority. "
In addition, he stressed that "this cooperation" should be "orderly",
ie "that the Mexican present a unified front and coordinated, and
expect, in the same way, having a unified and ordered the U.S. side ".
However, he admitted that "there are changes in this logical
approach, but there must be continuity" in the United States shared
responsibility for safety.
However, Medina Mora did not specify what concrete steps Mexico
submitted to cooperation with Washington and evaded the question of
whether to go to review the Office of Binational Mexico-United States
in the country working in the members of intelligence agencies and
U.S. security.
On the issue of legalizing marijuana in the states of Colorado and
Washington, the ambassador noted that there is an topic in the U.S.,
as it is pending the Justice Department's position in this country,
and noted the existence of a possible conflict on this issue between
local jurisdictions and the federal in the U.S..
He also former head of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) warned,
however, that "a paradigm shift in the regulatory treatment of drugs
can only be multilateral, internationally and simultaneously."
During the press conference, Medina Mora said the bilateral agenda
with the United States is "very broad and complex", which can not
"ignore other issues to privilege", in subtle reference to the policy
of the previous government of Felipe Calderón that the bilateral
relationship focused on the issue of security and the war on drugs.
He said that in the past 18 months the country's image in the media
and in international circles "has evolved in a positive way."
"What is emerging now is a vision of the country of great optimism,
which underlines the enormous potential in terms of economic
development, how to consolidate the country and the North American
region as a very competitive manufacturing platform, and how we can
create jobs build a better economic circumstances could not be if we
were derailed by a dysfunctional circumstance on issues such as
security and others, "he said.
Publicada: 11/01/2013 12:28 Por: Agencias
Ratifica Harvard presencia de FCH
La escuela Kennedy de la Universidad de Harvard reiteró que otorgará
la beca académica al ex presidente mexicano Felipe Calderón a pesar
de críticos que abogan porque se deje sin efecto esa designación.
MÉXICO, D.F.(Agencias)
La escuela Kennedy de la Universidad de Harvard reiteró que otorgará
la beca académica al ex presidente mexicano Felipe Calderón a pesar
de críticos que abogan porque se deje sin efecto esa designación.
El decano de la escuela, David Ellwood, argumentó que Calderón fue un
"alumno distinguido" de esa escuela cuando obtuvo una maestría en
administración pública en el año 2000, y destacó que el ex presidente
(2006-2012) hizo un esfuerzo para enfrentarse al narcotráfico.
Ellwood apuntó que Calderón fue escogido para ser el primer invitado
del programa Angelopoulos para mantener la tradición de que los
estudiantes dialoguen sobre política pública con importantes líderes
mundiales. El programa de un año, en 2013, le dará a Calderón la
oportunidad de reunirse con estudiantes, hablar en eventos e
investigar, señaló.
En un sitio de Internet se inició una campaña de recolección de
firmas para convencer a Harvard de quitarle la beca a Calderón por
considerar que bajo su gobierno se cometieron violaciones a derechos
humanos. Los promotores de la campaña, informan que han recaudado más
de 24.000 firmas y que tienen como meta reunir 125.000.
Viernes 11 de enero de 2013
Eduardo Medina Mora, embajador de México en EU.
MEXICO, D.F. (apro).- México "es respetuoso de la Segunda Enmienda"
que permite a los estadunidenses adquirir armas, pero ésta "nunca
estuvo ni debe estar diseñada para armar a grupos criminales
extranjeros. Y este es un punto fundamental que tenemos que hacer
valer", afirmó Eduardo Medina Mora, recién nombrado embajador de
México en Estados Unidos.
En conferencia de prensa realizada en la sede de la cancillería
mexicana, el embajador se pronunció a favor de que se instrumente de
modo distinto ese derecho de los estadunidenses a poseer armas.
El diplomático recordó que tras el fin de la prohibición de la venta
de rifles de asalto –medida que estuvo en vigor durante diez años—,
"aumentó la potencia de fuego de los grupos criminales",
particularmente los que operan en nuestro país.
Medina Mora señaló que "a partir de la terrible tragedia en el estado
de Connecticut, donde varios pequeñitos perdieron la vida, se abre
una ventana de oportunidad para el presidente estadunidense (Barack)
Obama", quien encargó a una comisión un informe que presente opciones
para regular la venta de armas.
"Hay mejores maneras para regular eso", acotó Medina Mora.
A pregunta de reporteros, expresó que la cooperación con Estados
Unidos en materia de seguridad será un "tema permanente", pero
enfatizó que aquélla debe "alinearse" a un objetivo prioritario
exteriorizado por el gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto: la reducción de
la violencia.
"¿Qué significa esto? –se preguntó el embajador–. Significa que la
responsabilidad fundamental del Estado mexicano es la de construir un
México en paz (…) Sobre esta base, la estrategia de seguridad de este
gobierno se enfoca en mejorar las capacidades institucionales, el
control territorial y la fortaleza de seguridad y de justicia. La
cooperación con Estados Unidos, por consecuencia, tiene que alinearse
a estos objetivos de manera prioritaria".
Además, remarcó que "esta cooperación" debe hacerse "de manera
ordenada"; es decir, "que la parte mexicana presente un frente
unificado y coordinado; y esperaríamos, de la misma manera, tener una
respuesta unificada y ordenada del lado de Estados Unidos".
No obstante, aceptó que "hay cambios de enfoque en esta lógica, pero
tiene que haber continuidad" en la responsabilidad compartida con
Estados Unidos en materia de seguridad.
Sin embargo, Medina Mora no precisó qué medidas concretas presentará
México para "alienar" la cooperación con Washington y evadió la
pregunta de si entraría a revisión la Oficina Binacional México-
Estados Unidos en la que trabajan en el país miembros de agencias de
inteligencia y de seguridad estadunidense.
Respecto del tema de la legalización de la mariguana en los estados
de Colorado y Washington, el embajador señaló que no es un tema
agotado en Estados Unidos, pues está pendiente la posición del
Departamento de Justicia de ese país, y señaló la existencia de un
eventual conflicto en este tema entre las jurisdicciones locales y la
federal estadunidense.
El también extitular de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR)
advirtió, sin embargo, que "un cambio de paradigma en el tratamiento
regulatorio de las drogas sólo se puede dar multilateralmente,
internacionalmente y simultáneamente".
Durante la rueda de prensa, Medina Mora sostuvo que la agenda
bilateral con Estados Unidos es "muy amplia y compleja", en la que no
se pueden "ignorar temas para privilegiar otros", en sutil referencia
a la política del gobierno anterior de Felipe Calderón, que centró la
relación bilateral en el tema de la seguridad y el combate al
Sostuvo que en los últimos 18 meses la imagen del país en los medios
de comunicación y en los círculos internacionales "ha evolucionado de
una manera positiva".
"Lo que está surgiendo ahora es una visión del país de gran
optimismo, donde se subraya la enorme potencialidad en materia de
desarrollo económico, cómo se consolida el país y la región de
Norteamérica como una plataforma muy competitiva de manufactura, cómo
podemos crear empleos y construir una mejor circunstancia económica
que no podría ser si estuviéramos descarrilados por una circunstancia
de disfuncionalidad en temas como el de la seguridad y otros", afirmó.
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