Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Note: those traveling there might want to keep the tank a full as possible. Might be a long walk back.


Sonora; no gasoline shortage
Sonora is not short of gasoline as has happened in other states of the country, commented the Governor

Pavlovich Arellano added that she is waiting for the issue of gasoline shortages not to reach the Sonoran entity / Catalina Navarro
Guillermo Saucedo / Sun of Hermosillo

The governor of Sonora, Claudia Pavlovich Arellano, said that in Sonora there is no shortage of gasoline as has happened in other states of the country, after carrying out the federal plan to end the theft of fuel better known as "huachicoleo".

In social networks circulates a video where the head of the state executive says that there are already two gas stations without fuel, but notes that the information is being misrepresented.

The state governor said that at 10:00 hours on Wednesday had reported the shortage of fuel at two gas stations, however, said the problem was resolved as it was a small delay.

He indicated that it is worrying that the shortage of gasoline is spreading more and more in several states, such as Guanajuato, Jalisco, State of Mexico, Hidalgo and Querétaro, as well as in Mexico City.

"The truth is very worrying, very worrying, today I saw the DF and the truth is a cause for concern, so far I have information found, at this time there is no shortage, two hours ago there were two (gas stations), but now no longer, it was a question that the fuel had not arrived, but that's it, " she said.

Pavlovich Arellano added that she is waiting for the issue of gasoline shortages does not reach the Sonoran entity and that it has the support of the Federal Government in that regard.

"We hope that it does not happen in Sonora, but every time I see it going, let's say, spreading throughout the country. What we need is for them to support us and that obviously the issue of gasoline shortage does not reach Sonora, " she concluded.


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