Monday, October 8, 2018



Crime Trackers: Dangerous fake black tar heroin on Tucson's streets
Lupita Murillo
10:29 pm
October 5, 2018

TUCSON – Fake black tar heroin is appearing on the streets of Tucson.

It's believed to be the first in the state, according to Captain John Leavitt who heads the Counter Narcotics Alliance unit.

He told News 4 Tucson, fake black tar heroin is a combination of fentanyl and caramelized sugar.

Captain Leavitt said the fentanyl is a game changer when it comes to black tar heroin.

It makes a very dangerous drug even more dangerous.

The fake black tar heroin was discovered recently when officers were taking a suspect to the Pima County Jail.

As they emptied his pockets, they came across two packages of drugs.

One tested positive for meth, the other one looked like black tar heroin, but it didn't test positive for heroin.

The officer sent the sample to the lab and the results were fentanyl and caramelized sugar to make it appear as though it was black tar heroin.

The reason it's a dangerous combination, according to Captain Leavitt, is because the process is not controlled properly and it creates hotspots of high doses of fentanyl that could result in death.

Right now, heroin is the cheapest it's ever been in Tucson.

Black tar is what most people use in the southwest.

Captain Leavitt said heroin seizures are up and bulk marijuana seizures are down.

"We discovered there's been a tremendous reduction in the cultivation of marijuana in Mexico that's been replaced by opium poppies which are then turned into heroin which in turns come to the state of Arizona on their way elsewhere."

Leavitt added even though heroin may be cheap, it's even cheaper to produce fake black tar heroin because you don't have to grow the poppies or go through the process that's required to produce heroin.

His warning to people buying black tar heroin, don't do it could end your life, instead, go and get help:


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