Thursday, October 25, 2018

AZMEX I3-2 25-10-18

AZMEX I3-2 25 OCT 2018

Note: interesting photos at link:

Border agents stop attempt to smuggle 18 people in refrigerated trailer

Border Patrol agents found 18 people inside the refrigerated trailer on Monday, Oct. 22.
(Source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

By Tucson News Now |
October 25, 2018 at 6:12 AM MST - Updated October 25 at 6:12 AM

NOGALES, AZ (Tucson News Now) - Border Patrol agents arrested a truck driver who was caught
trying to bring 18 people across the international border illegally on Monday, Oct. 22.
According to information from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection,
the 47-year-old man was arrested after a canine alerted to an odor and a secondary inspection revealed the people in the trailer.
Agents found 16 Mexican nationals and two Guatemalan nationals inside the 36-degree refrigerated trailer.
They were all arrested and processed for immigration violations.
The truck driver, also a Mexican national, faces federal smuggling charges.


Note: interesting as there has been little to no verification nor vetting of the participants .

Migrant walk
There are no gangs or terrorists among the displaced
Renato Sales dismisses any risk to national security
Néstor Jiménez and Roberto Garduño

Newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, October 25, 2018, p. 4

Renato Sales Heredia, head of the National Security Commission (CNS), said that in the caravan of Honduran migrants there are no members of the Mara Salvatrucha or terrorists, and less is national security at risk.

Meanwhile, Luis Raúl González Pérez, president of the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH) -who participated in the forum Women deprived of liberty, organized by the parliamentary group of Morena ( the political party to take control of Mexico on
Dec. 2 ) in the Chamber of Deputies-, said that in the treatment of migrants, containment has prevailed over humanitarian attention.

Interviewed at the end of his participation in the forum, Sales Heredia replied to the version that locates gangs and terrorists among the thousands of Hondurans who travel through Chiapas territory.

"We have not detected any objective related to terrorism until now; neither has any marau salvatrucha or any member of a gang been arrested. However, the objectives sent by Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are being addressed. "

He assured that the federal government complies with the New York agreement by guaranteeing an orderly, safe and regular migration, that is, that it would be possible to apply for refugee status or complementary protection, which is what the law states

- Is there any risk to national security with this migrant caravan?

-I do not see a risk to national security. One must understand that one thing is national security, another is internal security, another is public security and another is public safety.

When asked how many federal agents watch the caravan members, he said that up to Wednesday, 1,300 had been deployed in Chiapas.

For its part, the ombudsman demanded to place above all the humanitarian attention to Central American migrants. "Mexico has not demanded and has not called the United States to have a policy of humanitarian attention with our compatriots? Well let's do the same. That is what we demand.

People do not come for pleasure, come by necessity, to preserve life or to get away or get bread. So, I think that Mexico has been, even, a promoter of migration policies. In December, the Global Compact for Migration will be signed and launched. Mexico was co-facilitator together with Switzerland for this agreement. Let us respond with that political will to sign that agreement by providing humanitarian attention to these people.



Migrant walk
Central Americans spend the night in Mapastepec; dozens return to their country due to fear or fatigue
▲ Men, women and children take advantage of the early hours of the day to continue their way to the northern border. Photo Víctor Camacho
Elio Henríquez
Newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, October 25, 2018, p. two

Mapastepec, Chis., The more than 7 thousand members of the caravan of Central American migrants, mainly Hondurans, stayed overnight in Mapastepec, a municipality located on the coast of Chiapas.

It is the third Mexican city to which they arrive since last Sunday, when they left the border of Ciudad Hidalgo. That day they slept in Tapachula and Monday and Tuesday in Huixtla. They have traveled 150 kilometers in four days.

The Central Americans, who left on October 13 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, began arriving at Mapastepec at 12 noon in small groups that traveled in private vehicles that moved them in solidarity and settled in the central park.

During the afternoon and evening hundreds more were arriving to occupy spaces in temples, a school, a multipurpose room and the house of culture, among other spaces. Many have blisters on their feet, flu or cough.

Between Huixtla and Mapastepec, as well as other towns through which they passed, the settlers provided them with food, clothing, water and other help.

The contingent began to leave Huixtla at 4 am, after a day of rest and mourning for the death of Honduran Melvin José Gómez Escobar, 22, who died Monday after falling from a moving truck.

The mayor of Huixtla, José Luis Laparra Calderón, said that during the early morning he accompanied the caravan to the exit of the city with patrols of the municipal police and Civil Protection units to provide them with shelter.

We are satisfied with the attention we gave them. Many people stayed and today there will be buses to return them. The municipality and the embassy of Honduras will offer transportation to return.

The mayor thanked the population of Huixtla for all the support he gave to the Central Americans, since there is no help from the federal government, and the state was on the sidelines.

But not everyone followed the walk. At least 148 decided to return to Honduras and requested support from Mayor Laparra Calderón for his transfer.

This group departed last night on four buses to Tapachula, where they will perform the immigration procedures and then travel to Honduras, whose ambassador in Mexico, Aldén Rivera Montes, spoke with them and offered them support.

Saraí Guillén, 19 years old, who takes her one year old daughter, said she is going back to her country because we are starting to travel through Mexico and it is getting very dangerous. I'd better return now that I have my daughter and I'm on time, lest later I return without her; It is better to make decisions on time.

Single mother, the young woman pointed out that at least we are both in good health, but for me it is difficult to continue, because I have to wear it (in my arms), since she does not leave with anyone else. I was looking to give my daughter a better future, but no way, I'm back.

Juan Carlos, 26, said he will return to his country because the road looks very difficult. I hope they reach the border, although it is very hard. Now we are whole. I do not continue because I have children and I do not want to leave them bounced.

Verónica Vázquez, 25 years old, has two children, aged five and a year and a half. I'm back because I do not have any money, they stole it along with my phone and my identity card. I'm back for the one-year-old girl who is already sick, even if there is no work, she said.

Also Blanca Serrano, 30, who travels with three children, decided not to resume the walk. "I return to Honduras because there was a chaos in the caravan and I do not like it, because I take my children. I was going to continue to the top but I have to save the lives of my children. Why do I continue? It is very risky and there are many rumors, besides that the roads are dangerous and many fight in the caravan.

I do not come back sad, but happy because on the way they treated us well and I came to know Mexico. It's nice and I'd like to stay here, if I get asylum. I'm sad also for not continuing, but happy because the children are fine, fat and healthy, since they gave us enough food, clothes, shoes, medicines.


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