Monday, February 12, 2018



Note: should he get elected, we can look forward to a Venezuela type disaster on our border.
BTW, word is that both Brazil and Columbia are possibly closing their borders to those fleeing Venezuela.

AMLO: intolerance to criticism
February 07, 2018

I do not believe in the AMLove versions because Morena's. ( new socialist political party )
candidate has been demonstrating for too many years that he is an irascible and intolerant man.
His inability to accept criticism is known by all those who have worked with him:
Andrés Manuel orders, he does not ask,
he never accepts an interview with a critic because the mere fact of being so turns him into an enemy;
if he comes to an agreement with a medium, for example, and a columnist or communicator criticizes him,
he claims to the owners that they violated the agreements they had reached
(and more than once, he has asked, I do not know if achieved, that his critics will leave that means).

He can admit among his own all those he accused in the past of being corrupt (and many were and are) simply because they approached him,
but he can not accept a fluid dialogue with someone who contradicts him.

He does not usually accept, either, conversations with someone who has not been previously "filtered" by one of his children, especially Andrés.
Even one of the main dissidents of the PRD that went for a candidacy to Morena privately recognizes that for many months he could not see Andrés Manuel
because he did not receive it and that the only contact with the leader was via Andrés.

For nobody is a secret that I have important differences with López Obrador for years, but it was not always like this:
when Andrés Manuel was president of the PRD I had, like many others, an intense and public professional relationship with him.
When he won the Head of Government of Mexico City, he granted me (I worked, then, in MVS and Milenio) one of the first, perhaps the first, interviews since he had taken office.
It was very cordial, of more than an hour, it was transmitted by MVS without any cut. All, apparently, we were very satisfied.
But Andrés Manuel did not like it. I never knew why, I do not remember if it was César Yáñez who communicated it to me, more as a comment than as a warning.
But since that day, which must have been on December 8 or 9, 2000, López Obrador has never given me an interview again, which I have asked countless times.

I was very critical during his tenure, especially when he betrayed Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas
(a man with whom you can have disagreements, but who is a paradigm of verticality and respect)
and Rosario Robles, and when they finished exhibiting the corrupt acts of their closest collaborators,
such as René Bejarano and Gustavo Ponce Meléndez.
All of us who asked then what the head of government knew about the activities of two of his closest collaborators became part of the mafia of power.

A few years later I published a text that I continue to consider, absolutely legitimate, that was entitled De qué vive López Obrador.
He ended up circulating for years in the network and half the world has added things of his harvest,
but in the original, we simply wondered how he lived, a legitimate question for who for five years had not had any paid productive activity
(and that since the end of the 1980s until now, except for his period at the head of the capital government, he had not had one either).
The wrath of Andrés Manuel and his friends was unleashed for having dared to ask that question that anyone could have answered calmly.
We said, then, that you could not have an active and active political life, keep your children in private universities and abroad,
have formed another family, have a small child, without income.

We asked where they came from, because Andrés Manuel insisted that he never earned more than 60,000 pesos a month from his party.
No one has ever seen his tax return, his declaration of assets says nothing.
He assured, many years later, that he lived on the royalties of his books, something that we have published and we know that it can not be true in Mexico.
Knowing what a candidate lives for, a politician, is a question as legitimate as asking now what Marcelo Ebrard lived for the past five years in Paris, New York and Houston,
since he did not work during that entire period.

So we arrive today where Lopez Obrador willingly accepts Alfonso Durazo, Gaby Cuevas, the family of Elba Esther, Greg Sánchez and his family, Cuauhtémoc Blanco
and many others who until a few days ago were part of the mafia of power.
But it was enough that Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez, who no one can qualify as a defender of the current government,
criticized in a text, absolutely respectful those incorporations saying that they had led Morena to "opportunism", to get the sentence from the heights
and Lopez Obrador placed Jesus and Enrique Krauze in the car of the corrupt and mafiosi of power.
Impossible to have a debate with him, impossible to have a difference.
There, when he loses control, it is when he shows his true face.
The one that scares and worries.
And that will not change until Andrés Manuel agrees to talk with his critics, not only his unconditional ones.

And let's not talk about the supreme idiocy of one of his ideologues, John Ackerman, insulting everyone who saw the Super Bowl on Sunday, a "capitalist sport" (sic).


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