Thursday, October 11, 2012



BP agent reportedly shoots, kills rock-thrower in Nogales, Sonora
Emergency personnel in Nogales, Sonora prepare to remove the body of
a male who was apparently shot and killed by a U.S. Border Patrol
agent shortly before midnight on Wednesday.
Cesar Barron, Radio XENY
Posted: Thursday, October 11, 2012 9:29 am | Updated: 12:32 pm, Thu
Oct 11, 2012.

BP agent reportedly shoots, kills rock-thrower in Nogales, Sonora
Nogales International

A Border Patrol agent reportedly shot and killed a suspect in
Nogales, Sonora last night after being shelled with rocks near the
border fence.

The Hermosillo daily El Imparcial, without citing its source, is
reporting that the victim is a 14-year-old male.

Lt. Carlos Jimenez of the Nogales Police Department said the incident
began when NPD officers responded to a report of suspicious activity
on West International Street. The report involved males carrying
bundles, he said.

"Our guys got there, they encountered some people who started fleeing
south," Jimenez said.

Then Border Patrol agents arrived on the scene.

According to Border Patrol spokesman Shelton McKenzie, the agents
responded to reports of two suspected drug smugglers near West
International Street and Hereford Drive at approximately 11:30 p.m.

"Preliminary reports indicate that the agents observed the smugglers
drop a narcotics load on the U.S. side of the international boundary
and flee back to Mexico," McKenzie said in an emailed statement.
"Subjects at the scene then began assaulting the agents with rocks.
After verbal commands from agents to cease were ignored, one agent
then discharged his service firearm. One of the subjects appeared to
have been hit."

Radio XENY in Nogales, Sonora reported that an unidentified male was
pronounced dead at the scene, on the Sonora side of the border fence.
Photos by reporter Cesar Barron show emergency personnel attending to
a dead body on a sidewalk across the street from the border fence.

El Imparcial reported that there were five bullet holes in the
building behind the body.

McKenzie said the Border Patrol notified Mexican authorities
following the shooting and secured the scene on the U.S. side.
"U.S. Customs and Border Protection is fully cooperating with the FBI-
led investigation," he said.

Note: same story, maybe, from the other side of the fence. Quick
computer translation

Posted October 11, 2012, 1:50 AM
The incident occurred at the stroke of MIDNIGHT
Killed in International
The authorities found in nearby bushes where the body was.
The victim received at least eight bullets in the back
JC Vasquez
Nogales, Sonora. - New Day

One person was shot dead in the vicinity of the International Date
Line, receiving several bullet wounds in the back and head.
In the first data collected at the scene, it was learned that the
body had at least eight bullet wounds with inlet port in the back,
also the walls of a building in front of which the shooting occurred,
was hit with about twelve or more bullets.
Shortly before twelve o'clock yesterday, in the Control Center,
Command and Communications received several calls reporting an
alleged shootout.
When agents of the three levels of government moved to the street
Engineers and International streets Centre of the neighborhood,
after finding that a person was lying face down and apparently
lifeless, were approached by area residents.
Residents have been explained when an unknown group, consisting of
four men, they threw objects to U.S. agents and them fired their guns
When the detonations were recorded through the line could be seen
lighting units, such patrols, and several of these items for clothing
worn by the Border Patrol agents, detailed eyewitness.
Upon repel the aggression, the alleged agents of the Border Patrol,
were about six feet high and 16 feet away from the man shot dead, the
other three people managed to flee.

Mata Border to the Mexican side man
Details Published on Thursday 11 October 2012,
Written by Arturo Gonzalez

Elements of the Border Patrol killed him, a "Burrero", to shoot this
side of the border, in clashes on the street last night at Engineers

Apparently the individual along with three others had introduced
several packages with drug to the United States, but were discovered
and fled to Mexico.
In the first data collected at the scene after it was established
that individuals, they threw rocks at Border Patrol agents to be on
this side of the border, which drove them to these use their weapons.
Until last night the deceased individual had not been identified, who
wore blue jeans, gray shirt, black shoes, short hair, was between 25
and 30 years of age.
This incident occurred at approximately 11:30 pm on the street corner
with street Engineers and International, only a few meters from the
international border that divides Mexico from the United States.
The violent event mobilized the police authorities of the border, to
report to the emergency number a shootout at the site by area
residents. Police Investigating Municipal and State arrived at the
scene and found the dead guy face down, whom the eye saw several
bullet wounds caused by gunshot in the back. The man shot and killed
by Border Patrol agents, lay on the north side of International
Street, just next to the building that houses the medical office of
Dr. Luis Contreras.
Also worth mentioning that the office had at least ten bullet holes
in its structure, indicating that U.S. agents fired repeatedly into
the Mexican side.
In the scene presented the Public Prosecutor of the Common
Jurisdiction to testify, as well as experts from the Attorney General
of the State.

Published: 10/11/2012 14:01
By: Ruben A. Ruiz
Received at least eight shots, dead by Border Patrol
A person under 14 died after was shot by the Border Patrol in clashes
on the border of Nogales.

NOGALES, Sonora (PH) A total of eight impacts are those that received
the individual, who is presumed that he was a minor, gunned down by
the Border Patrol (Border Patrol), confirmed the mayor Ramon Guzman

"I have understood that there were eight impacts to the person who
died, besides a considerable number of impacts on the adjacent wall
where" reported.

He regretted the event, whether it was the result of acts of
irregular or illegal.

"Regardless of who has been the product of acts apparently irregular
or illegal, of course not the conduit, depriving the life of a human
being, not conduit, not appropriate, allowed," he said.

"I hope you will not leave (in the U.S.) that it was for self-
defense," he said.

Publicado octubre 11, 2012, 1:50 AM
Asesinado en la Internacional
Las autoridades no encontraron casquillos en las inmediaciones donde
quedó el cuerpo.
La víctima recibió cuando menos ocho balazos en la espalda
JC Vásquez
Nogales, Sonora. - Nuevo Día

Una persona fue abatida a tiros en las inmediaciones de la Línea
Internacional, recibiendo varios impactos de bala en la espalda y
En los primeros datos recabados en el lugar de los hechos, trascendió
que el cuerpo presentaba al menos ocho impactos de bala con orificio
de entrada por la espalda, además, las paredes de un edificio frente
al cual se registró la balacera, fue impactada con alrededor de doce
o más balazos.
Poco antes de las doce de la noche de ayer, en el Centro de Control,
Comando y Comunicaciones se recibieron varias llamadas reportando un
supuesto enfrentamiento a balazos.
Cuando los agentes de los tres niveles de gobierno se trasladaron a
la calle Ingenieros e Internacional, de la colonia Centro, luego de
constatar que estaba tirada una persona boca abajo y, al parecer, sin
vida, fueron abordados por los residentes del área.
Los moradores explicaron haber visto cuando un grupo de desconocidos,
formado por cuatro sujetos, les tiraron objetos a los agentes
estadounidenses y dichas autoridades dispararon sus armas en
repetidas ocasiones.
Cuando se registraron las detonaciones, a través de la línea
divisoria se pudieron apreciar luces de unidades, tipo patrullas, así
como a varios de esos elementos con vestimenta que usan los agentes
de la Border Patrol, detallaron los testigos presenciales.
Al momento de repeler la agresión, los supuestos agentes de la Border
Patrol, se encontraban como a seis metros de altura y a 16 metros de
distancia del hombre abatido a tiros; las otras tres personas
lograron darse a la fuga.

Mata Border a hombre Del lado mexicano
Detalles Publicado el Jueves 11 de Octubre de 2012,
Escrito por Arturo González

Elementos de la Patrulla Fronteriza le dieron muerte a un "burrero"
al dispararle hacia este lado de la frontera, en hechos ocurridos
anoche sobre la calle Internacional e Ingenieros.

Aparentemente el individuo junto con otros tres habían introducido
varios paquetes con droga hacia los Estados Unidos, pero al verse
descubiertos huyeron hacia territorio mexicano.
En los primeros datos recabados en el lugar de los hechos se logró
establecer que despues los individuos, les lanzaron piedras a los
agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza al encontrarse de este lado de la
frontera, lo que orilló a que estos utilizaran sus armas.
Hasta ayer en la noche el individuo muerto no había sido
identificado, el cual vestía pantalón de mezclilla azul, camisa gris,
zapatos negros, cabello corto, era de entre 25 y 30 años de edad
Este incidente se registró aproximadamente a las 11:30 de la noche
por la calle Internacional esquina con calle Ingenieros, solo a unos
metros de la línea internacional que divide México de los Estados
El hecho violento movilizó a las autoridades policiacas de esta
frontera, al reportarse en el número de emergencias una balacera en
el lugar por parte de los residentes del área. Agentes de la Policía
Municipal y Estatal Investigadora llegaron al lugar, encontrando al
individuo muerto boca abajo, a quien a simple vista se le apreciaban
varias heridas producidas por proyectil de arma de fuego en la
espalda. El individuo muerto a balazos por parte de los agentes de la
Patrulla Fronteriza, quedó tendido en la acera norte de la calle
Internacional, justo a un costado del edificio que alberga el
consultorio médico del doctor Luis Contreras.
Cabe mencionar que además el consultorio presentaba al menos diez
impactos de bala en su estructura, lo que indica que los agentes
estadounidenses dispararon en varias ocasiones hacia el lado mexicano.
En el lugar de los hechos se presentó el Agente del Ministerio
Público del Fuero Común para dar fe, así como peritos de la
Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado.

Publicada: 11/10/2012 14:01
Por: Rubén A. Ruiz
Recibió menor 8 balazos por la Patrulla Fronteriza
Un supuesto menor de 14 años perdió la vida al se baleado por
oficiales de la Patrulla Fronteriza en hechos ocurridos en la
frontera de Nogales.

NOGALES, Sonora(PH)Un total de ocho impactos son los que recibió el
individuo, quien se presume que era menor de edad, abatido a balazos
por la Patrulla Fronteriza (Border Patrol), confirmó el presidente
municipal Ramón Guzmán Muñoz.

"Tengo entendido que fueron ocho impactos a la persona que falleció,
a parte de una cantidad considerable de impactos en la pared donde
colinda", informó.

El funcionario lamentó el evento, independientemente de que haya sido
producto de actos de carácter irregular o ilícito.

"Independientemente de que haya sido producto al parecer de actos de
carácter irregular o ilícitos; lógicamente no es el conducto, privar
la vida de un ser humano, no es conducto, no es apropiado,
permitido", destacó.

"Espero que no vayan a salir (en Estados Unidos) que fue por legítima
defensa", comentó.

Arizona border agent fires at rock-throwers in Mexico
By Associated Press
Originally published: Oct 11, 2012 - 10:53 am

NOGALES, Ariz. -- The U.S. Border Patrol said an agent has opened
fire on a group of people throwing rocks across the fence with Mexico
in Nogales, Ariz., and may have struck one person.

The agency said in a news release that agents had reports of two
suspected narcotics smugglers near the border at about 11:30 p.m.
Wednesday. The agents watched the two abandon a load of narcotics and
run back to Mexico.

People on the other side of the border fence then began throwing
rocks at the agents and ignored orders to stop.

One agent opened fire and it appeared he struck someone.
The agency reported the shooting to authorities in Mexico but had no
confirmation of injuries.

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