Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Note: as reported days ago, looks like clear path into AZ now.

US reports major marijuana bust at Arizona entry
By Associated Press
Originally published: Jan 21, 2013 - 1:35 pm

NOGALES, Ariz. -- Federal authorities say agents recently made a huge
marijuana seizure at a commercial truck crossing point on the U.S.-
Mexico border in Nogales, Ariz.

The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is withholding details of the
seizure before a news conference scheduled Tuesday.

However, the agency says the seizure was made Jan. 15 and involved
more than seven tons of marijuana with an estimated value of $7 million.

Customs and Border Patrol says it will hold the news conference will
be held at the Mariposa Port and that media will be able to view the
marijuana and where it was seized.

The port is a major crossing point for commercial truck traffic,
particularly for produce being imported into the United States from

Texas Tribune: Gun control debate takes Mexico into account
By Juan Aguilar / Texas Tribune
Posted: 01/20/2013 09:44:46 AM MST

In the recent debate about stricter gun control, some officials on
both sides of the Rio Grande saw a sliver of hope - that such laws
might curb the flow of illegal weapons over the United States'
southern border.
"I hope that whatever we are going to do in trying to protect our gun
rights but at the same time regulate the legal ownership of weapons
is going to have a component on guns that are being smuggled out of
the country so easily now and causing the carnage," said Alonzo Peña,
the former deputy director of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
who also served as a Department of Homeland Security attaché at the
U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.
But the national debate, coupled with the Obama administration's
proposals to tighten gun laws, has only fortified the ranks of Second
Amendment proponents in Texas, who remain adamant that the border
states that are a main source for weapons in Mexico's drug war are
not responsible for the thousands of murders in that country since 2006.
After President Obama last week called for more background checks on
potential gun purchasers and a ban on military-style assault weapons
and high-capacity magazines, Republican lawmakers immediately rebuked
the White House's efforts. Texas state lawmakers have already filed
legislation in Austin that would permit college students to carry
weapons on campus and proposed a measure that would also open the
door for gun-carrying marshals at primary schools.

Attorney General Greg Abbott last
week threatened Travis County and the City of Austin with a "double-
barreled" lawsuit when they considered banning gun shows on public
property, and Gov. Rick Perry has said the country's Democratic
leadership is using the slaughter of innocent children as a political
"The piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media,
to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing
political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts
me personally," Perry said in a statement on Wednesday.

Other Texas Republicans dismissed the notion that it was time to re-
evaluate what role the U.S. plays in the carnage in Mexico, where
more than 70,000 people have been killed in cartel-related violence
since former President Felipe Calderón launched a war on organized
crime in December 2006.
A December 2012 report from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives showed that more than 68,160 of the approximately
99,700 weapons recovered in Mexico and submitted for tracing from
2007 to 2011 had originated in the U.S.
But U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin and the chairman of the House
Committee on Homeland Security, said the data is misleading and that
changing gun laws in the United States would not change gun behavior
in Mexico.
"The fact is, guns are illegal to possess in Mexico," McCaul said,
"and that certainly hasn't had any effects on the drug cartels."
He said he understood that the debate is fueled by emotion, which he
said was inevitable after years of bloodshed in Mexico and the murder
of 20 schoolchildren in Connecticut. But he also said the public is
not aware that many of the weapons favored by cartels like the Zetas
come from other countries and are often not traceable, which
inevitably leads to data that reflects poorly on the U.S.
"We all feel for what happened recently with the shooting in a very
emotional way, but the fact is, a lot of their AK-47s, which is the
Zetas' gun of choice, those are coming from China and Russia," McCaul
said. "We could make guns in the United States illegal altogether and
I don't think it's going to stop the drug cartels from getting weapons."
Gun-control proponents who link the United States' gun laws to
violence in Mexico have drawn attention to what they call the gun-
show loophole, which allows many dealers to sell firearms without
conducting background checks. Critics call it a significant flaw that
allows weapons to fall into the wrong hands, and law enforcement
officers say it has aided the illegal smuggling of weapons into Mexico.
Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, a Republican and gun collector who
authored the state's concealed handgun law in 1995 when he served as
a state senator, drew attention last month when he suggested that he
was open to changing how background checks are conducted at gun shows.
But Patterson is not changing his mind on gun rights. What he is
actually calling for is a privacy measure, he said, which would allow
a customer to get a background check at a gun show that is good for
the duration of the event - but that would not leave evidence of the
Patterson said what gun owners fear is what they believe gun control
proponents want: to record every conveyance of a firearm.
"The fear is that things like that lead to registration," Patterson
said. "Registration may not be unconstitutional, but confiscation
certainly is, and you can't have confiscation without registration."
In one of his first public statements after being appointed Mexico's
ambassador to the U.S., Eduardo Medina Mora, the former attorney
general of Mexico, said the Connecticut shooting presented officials
in the United States with an opportunity to quell the illegal flow of
weapons into his country.
And U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, said ignoring the smuggling
of weapons across the border during the current gun control debate
would be counterproductive to the United States' work under the
Mérida Initiative, a $1.4 billion aid package of equipment and
training designed to help Mexico and Central America fight drug
violence. He said better enforcement of existing American laws,
closing gaping loopholes and instituting waiting periods for the
purchase of high-powered guns should be on the table.
"As part of a community that has seen more than 10,000 people
murdered in the last five or six years, this is certainly a
discussion worth having," O'Rourke said. "El Paso and other
communities that have a unique perspective on this, given the recent
violence in Mexico, should certainly be part of the conversation."
Patterson acknowledged there is a problem with weapons smuggling into
Mexico. But he said the best solution to end the carnage there is
outside his purview as a Texas official.
"It wouldn't be a U.S. law; it would be a Mexican law," he said.
"There is no right to bear arms in Mexico. I would put forth a law
that would establish a Second Amendment to keep and bear arms for
Mexican citizens."

Arranca en Tláhuac programa de desarme voluntario
Las jornadas de despistolización serán del 21 al 31 de enero en el
atrio del templo de San Pedro, en el Centro de Tláhuac
Notimex / Fotos Cuartoscuro
21/01/2013 16:01:02

El titular de la SSPDF señaló que en las jornadas de desarme en
Iztapalapa y GAM han sido entregadas mil 764 armas cortas, 533 armas
largas, 195 granadas, y 12 mil 732 cartuchos. (Foto Cuartoscuro)
Despistolización finalizó en Iztapalapa e iniciará en Tláhuac
Aseguran 99 armas en sexta jornada de despistolización en la GAM
Iztapalapa entrega mil 281 armas durante 12 días que va de desarme

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 21 de enero.- Autoridades capitalinas pusieron en
marcha el programa "Por tu familia, desarme voluntario" en la
delegación Tláhuac, tercera demarcación en aplicar este proyecto
durante la administración del jefe de Gobierno Miguel Ángel Mancera.

El titular de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Distrito
Federal, Jesús Rodríguez Almeida, detalló que ese programa se
aplicará de manera itinerante en las 16 delegaciones políticas de la
capital, y la siguiente es Miguel Hidalgo.

Detalló que desde el 24 de diciembre pasado iniciaron estas jornadas
en Iztapalapa y luego en Gustavo A Madero, y han sido entregadas mil
764 armas cortas, 533 armas largas, 195 granadas, y 12 mil 732

En el acto, efectuado en el atrio de la Iglesia de San Pedro, en el
Centro Histórico de Tláhuac, informó que se han erogado tres millones
744 mil 650 pesos, con los que se han otorgado mil 796 despensas, 160
bicicletas, 629 computadoras con tecnología táctil denominadas
tabletas, y siete ordenadores portátiles.

A su vez, la titular de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social
capitalina, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, destacó el éxito obtenido en 19
jornadas del programa, pues en sólo un mes se rebasó la cantidad de
armas recabadas durante 2008, que fueron 858.

En tanto, el presidente del Consejo Ciudadano de Seguridad Pública y
Procuración de Justicia del Distrito Federal, Luis Wertman Zaslav,
indicó que en la capital del país 67 por ciento de los homicidios
ocurridos son por riñas, peleas y venganzas.

Al respecto, exhortó a los habitantes de la demarcación a contribuir
con este programa a que se eviten situaciones qué lamentar.

En este acto también estuvieron presentes la jefa delegacional,
Angelina Méndez; representantes de la Iglesia Católica y del Ejército

Las jornadas de despistolización serán del 21 al 31 de enero en el
atrio del templo de San Pedro, en el Centro de Tláhuac.


Aseguran droga y armas en rancho
Detalles Publicado el Lunes 21 de Enero de 2013, Escrito por Roberto
Quintero / El Diario

Un fuerte contingente policiaco hizo presencia en este municipio con
el fin de catear un rancho ubicado en el área del río al este de la
carretera Agua Prieta- Nacozari, a la altura del kilómetro 149 con el
fin de catear una vivienda construida en el lugar.

De acuerdo con información extraoficial, fue una llamada anónima la
que alertó a las autoridades sobre la presencia de hombres armados en
los alrededores de dicha vivienda. Agentes federales a bordo de
alrededor de 10 unidades, con el apoyo de policías municipales de
Agua Prieta y elementos del Ejército Mexicano revisaron los
alrededores solo para observar que los habitantes de la vivienda
habían huido.
Al revisar el interior fueron localizados 37 paquetes conteniendo
hierba verde con las características de la marihuana, así como tres
armas largas, al parecer AK47 de las conocidas como cuerno de chivo.
Hasta el momento la información obtenida es de manera extraoficial
por lo que el peso total de la droga no fue dado a conocer, así como
el número de elementos participantes en el operativo.

Confisca Ejército armamento en Culiacán, Sinaloa
Organización Editorial Mexicana
21 de enero de 2013
El Sol de Sinaloa

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Personal militar aseguró armamento durante un
operativo terrestre realizado en la comunidad conocida como La Laguna
Seca, perteneciente a este municipio.

Durante el movimiento castrense se confiscaron 45 armas de fuego y
más de tres mil cartuchos.

La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), a través de las
comandancias de la III Región Militar y Novena Zona Militar, dio a
conocer que el pasado día 18 del actual, personal militar
jurisdiccionado a este mando territorial, al efectuar reconocimientos
terrestres a inmediaciones del poblado La Laguna Seca, localizó
oculto entre la maleza 31 armas de fuego largas.

También detectaron 14 armas cortas, un aditamento lanzagranadas,
cinco granadas, así como tres mil 98 cartuchos de diferentes calibres
y 134 cargadores para diversas armas.

Lo asegurado fue puesto a disposición de las autoridades

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