Sunday, December 2, 2018



Note: El Burro Maduro and Chavez destroyed Venezuela's once strong economy.
Will AMLO do the same to Mexico?

'I have no right to fail' AMLO repeats the promises of his campaign
Photo: Reforma Agency

By: Reforma Agency | 12/02/2018 6:57
(Reform Agency)
With the presidential band on his chest, Andrés Manuel López Obrador continued being López Obrador.

In his first message to the Nation as President of the Republic, from the Chamber of Deputies, López Obrador harangued, denounced, confronted his opponents, attacked the neoliberal economic model and repeated most of the promises he made in the campaign.

Those who expected a moderate López Obrador as President stayed behind. When the PAN party raised cardboard demanding that the gasoline go down, the President answered them straight and clear: "Now it turns out that those who increased the price of gasoline, are asking for it to go down".

The same happened when PAN members, PRD members and three independent legislators from the AHORA group demanded Peña Nieto's trial and that there be no forgiveness or forgetfulness.

With Enrique Peña Nieto at his side, López Obrador assured that there will be no persecution or circus or simulation. When the benches sitting on their right made a roll call by the normalistas of Ayotzinapa, counting from 1 to 43, López Obrador cooled them by announcing the commission that will investigate the case from the first day of his government.

The new President gave no respite to his opponents, the same ones he fought in the last 18 years.

He called them conservatives and hypocrites, and accused the neoliberal model of all of Mexico's ills: poverty, corruption, violence and insecurity.

When the PAN members raised their signs demanding that the VAT be lowered, López Obrador reminded them that in the six years of Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón Mexico received extraordinary resources from the oil production and these went "down the drain of corruption."

Faced with the cries of the right, those of Morena, the majority bench, applauded, drew white handkerchiefs and placed a blanket at the foot of the rostrum: "Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the Fourth Transformation."

In the midst of that exchange of protests and batons, the outgoing President only watched. Enrique Peña Nieto had to listen to the speech of AMLO to two seats of him. Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, President of the Chamber, and three meters away, separated Peña Nieto from López Obrador, who attacked without mercy against his (EPN) Government.

Already without the presidential band, the PRI listened to how AMLO recited figures and arguments about the disaster they gave him: crisis in security and violence, rampant corruption, an energy reform that failed, an educational reform that will be thrown back in the next months, looting and abuse, millions of ninis.

("Ninis"? No job no education - )

"The shameful situation in which we find ourselves," he summarized. Peña only moved his head, put his hand to his forehead, dried his sweat, looked ahead and gave a few applauses, very few, to some phrases he heard, as when López Obrador enunciated in a sentence his mission of the next years: "end corruption and impunity."

While the Opposition shouted to the tabasqueño to "forgive" Peña, the former president became a statue, and Lopez Obrador offered that from the Presidency will not start any process against his predecessors.

But, when Peña seemed to breathe with relief, the President clarified that, ultimately, it will be the people who decide, because also that, the investigation of the former Presidents will be consulted with the people.

The outgoing President also had to listen to López Obrador announce that on Monday will be sold the presidential airplane TP-01, bought by Calderón, but only used by Peña Nieto.

The PRI member applauded when the President made a long defense of the Mexican Army, but remained static when he announced to the deputies and senators that, from that moment, the official residence of Los Pinos was already open to the public.

The first presidential message lasted more than an hour, and he took the opportunity to explain his security plan, and argue that the National Guard, under military command, is a necessary measure. ( The next Red Guards as with Mao in China?)

In his defense of the Armed Forces, López Obrador assured that they are a revolutionary army, emanating from the people, and that they have never been tempted by the military coup.

In the seats, panistas, perredistas, legislators of MC and of NOW were agitated; they raised their voices, got up and sat down again. Andrés Manuel López Obrador turned them over to see them, he let them scream, he listened to them and he answered them.

More than an hour after starting his first speech in "the maximum rostrum of the Nation", he promised that he will not be re-elected, in any way. He also announced that in the third year he will undergo a referendum on revocation of mandate, before which the PAN returned to the protest, this time with signs that read: "Yes democracy, no authoritarianism."

Accustomed to the storm, López Obrador continued reading his long speech, without lowering his tone or losing the thread. The speech he dreamed of reading for at least 12 years, in his first presidential campaign, lasted one hour with 18 minutes.

Almost at the end, he greeted the leaders and representatives of neighboring countries and friends who came to witness the inauguration. Among others, he mentioned Lenin Moreno, Evo Morales, King Felipe of Spain, Michael Pence, Ivanka Trump and Nicolás Maduro.

When he mentioned the Venezuelan, the shouts resumed in the PAN, which since the beginning of the session had already hung a blue blanket with the portrait of Hugo Chávez's successor and the slogan "Maduro is not welcome."

While López Obrador took a breath, as if he were letting the PANistas make their announced protest, the anti Maduro's blanket was placed in front of the enclosure, under the rostrum.

But, again, the episode lasted barely a minute, as the President continued reading and improvising. At the end of the speech, he said that in the morning, on his way home from Congress, a young man on a bicycle reached him, approached his car and said: "you have no right to fail us."

With that phrase, the President marked the end of his speech and the beginning of his six-year term, that of the Fourth Transformation. Twelve years after trying it for the first time, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said, from the top floor of the Nation, what that young man asked him about an avenue in Mexico City: "I have no right to fail".


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